"Ding! Kill the yellow fox and get rewards: 400 points, ancient Taishan map (incomplete). "

[Map of Ancient Taishan Mountain] (incomplete)

Introduction: Ancient Taishan once had a complete map, but under the competition of several bosses, the map turned into four pieces and was scattered all over Ancient Taishan Mountain.


"In other words, this map in my hand is only a quarter of the complete map of Mount Tai."

Su Mu did not take out the map.

So what is the situation on the map, Su Mu is not clear.

"Well, the fox is dead too. Next, they wait for the fruit to ripen. At this time, the old white wolf walked to the Golden Tiger King's side and said in a flat tone.

The beasts did not express any more opinions.


After waiting for almost an hour, another voice sounded.

Su Mu raised his head with all the exotic beasts.

I saw that the fruit had changed slightly.

This change is very insignificant.

If you don't look closely, you won't even find it.

"It should be ripe." The Golden Tiger King said to himself.

At this time, all the alien beasts stared at the fruit with hot eyes.

They, like Su Mu, are waiting for the fruit to ripen.

Time goes by minute by minute.

Su Mu's heart was very anxious.

In addition, his mind was more about how to get this fruit under the eyes of all the exotic beasts.

The fruit is expanding and growing.

When it became the size of a watermelon, the Golden Tiger King actually rushed towards the tree first.

The old white wolf also rushed forward after him.

Not to be outdone, the other beasts were not to be outdone.

"Swift Step!"

At this time, Su Mu also started the rapid step.

As fast as he could, he rushed towards the canopy of the trees.

At this time, the scene looks very spectacular.

The first to approach the fruit was the Golden Tiger King.

"Thorns are entangled!"

The old white wolf who followed closely behind roared.

I saw thorns flying out of the tree, and then flew towards the Golden Tiger King.

The Golden Tiger King was also obviously on guard.

"Tiger Armor!"

The Golden Tiger King let out a low roar.

I saw a layer of golden light that began to linger on its body.

In an instant, a pair of golden armor appeared on the Golden Tiger King's body.

The armor is tightly seamed without leaving a single gap.

Thorns flying out of the tree hit the golden armor and made a clanging sound.

"Thorn spear!"

The old white wolf saw that one move could not be made, and made another move.

Once again, thorns flew out of the tree.

And the thorns that flew out this time actually twisted into a ball in the air and turned into a long gun.

The spear is as sharp as metal.


The old white wolf let out a low roar.

I saw the old man on its back, and its mouth was slightly open.

A mouthful of green sticky phlegm flew straight towards the tip of the spear.

The green sticky phlegm fell on the tip of the spear, and immediately dyed the entire spear dark green.

"Tiger King Claw!"

Seeing that the spear was about to hit the Golden Tiger King, the Golden Tiger King stretched out his tiger claws at this time.

After the tiger claw stretched out, it was instantly wrapped in a layer of golden yellow, just like a golden tiger claw.

The Tiger King Claw and the Thorn Spear collided together, emitting a dazzling light.

Even a strange person like Su Mu had to squint his eyes slightly in the face of such a light.

When his eyes could see again, he found that the thorn gun had disappeared.

The golden tiger king's claws have also faded gold.

This time the confrontation ended in a draw between the two sides.

At this time, the Golden Tiger King was already very close to the fruit.

The old white wolf saw this, and his heart was very anxious.

"Find a way!"

It said to the sluggish on the back.

"Hey!" After sighing slightly, he said to the old white wolf. "Now that he's close, there's nothing I can do now."

"I'm not willing!" The old white wolf said unwillingly.

This is an opportunity once a year.

Get fruit, although it will not undergo too powerful metamorphosis.

But you can also get a lot of benefits from it.

This time, the old white wolf didn't want to miss it.

Now the Golden Tiger King is in the lead, followed by the old white wolf and the bastard, and behind them is Su Mu. Behind Su Mu were those strange beasts.

As the old white wolf said, the Golden Tiger King was already close to that fruit.

Whether it was Su Mu or the old white wolf, there was no hope.

But many times, things are not so absolute.

The Golden Tiger King's hand had already reached for the fruit.

But at this moment, Su Mu suddenly heard the sound of wings flapping.

Su Mu hurriedly looked for the source of the sound.

The source of the sound is above the canopy.

At this time, a silver-haired, silver-like goshawk was looking down on them condescendingly.

Seeing this goshawk, Su Mu's heart couldn't help but sink.

"That's it."

The origin of the scourge of Mount Tarzan is this goshawk in front of him.

Its silver-like feathers could not be forgotten by Su Mu in his life.

"Gentlemen, I will receive this fruit."

The goshawk's voice was full of mockery.


The Golden Tiger King roared.

"Tiger King, I admit that you are very powerful, and I also admit that I am not your opponent."

"But so what? Now, I am the final winner of this battle.

After that, the goshawk wanted to reach out and grab the fruit.

"Old white wolf, strike together!" The Golden Tiger King roared.

"Tiger King Thorn!"

"White wolf thorn!"

The bodies of the Tiger King and the old white wolf both shone brightly.

The light on the Golden Tiger King's body is golden yellow.

The light on the old white wolf's body was snow-white.

After the light lit up, Su Mu was surprised to find it.

Behind the two alien beasts, a long thorn like the thick breath of an adult's arm was condensed with the flame.



The Tiger King and the old white wolf spoke in unison.

The long thorn trembled slightly, and flew straight towards the goshawk.

This goshawk seemed to feel a threat on its long thorns.

Its body trembled slightly, and it actually flew up with its wings.

Obviously, it also knew that it could not take the blow of these two.

Seeing the goshawk spread its wings and fly, the Golden Tiger King was obviously relieved.

The old white wolf took advantage of this time and took a sharp step forward.

His position also surpassed the Golden Tiger King at this time and jumped to the first place.

Not long after the old white wolf surpassed the Golden Tiger King, Su Mu also surpassed the Golden Tiger King.

Now the old white wolf is the first, Su Mu is the second, and the golden tiger king is the third.

"It's getting better, it's getting better!"

The old white wolf shouted excitedly.

"It's not quite good yet! That goshawk is here again! "

The silver goshawk, after making a circle in the air, fell again above the canopy.

"This time, I see what else you can do!"

The silver goshawk laughed proudly.

"Fallen Heavenly Sword Rain!"

At this time, Su Mu made a move.

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