
Vol 2 Chapter 2379: 9th house chaos

Just before Ren Tianxing was attacked in Zhengong, another original sin variable was also attacked. It was Naiyao Emperor Motian.

But not in Zhen Palace, but in Gen Palace.

Ren Tianxing was attacked because he found a flower of original sin, at least, it is said to be so.

Mo Wentian was attacked, and there was no such rumor, and he was not surrounded by a large number of original sin bodies, but was attacked by a group of mysterious incarnations.


A raid of mysterious incarnations.

Who the incarnation of these mysterious incarnations is is unknown to Daxing, who was not present when Mo Wentian was attacked, but only heard about it later.

He did not know the purpose of the mysterious masters attacking Mo Wentian.

If it was only to test the depth of Mo Wentian, then their temptation was successful.

Tentatively explored Mo Wentian's two gods.

A king chart.

One Sen Luo.

They are the same as those of Ren Tianxing, they are the overlords of the heavens and the earth in the ancient times!

And Luo Tianji of Ren Tianxing had attempted the original sin in the ancient times, and Mo Tutian had the same plan as Sen Luo in the ancient times. For the four hegemons, did they later integrate into the true blood of the original sins and become The son of the original sin, this is unknown.

It seems that they have not tried it out.

In the eyes of the Daxing episcopal, if you want to test the Weiyang Demon Ren Tianxing, he can understand it more or less. After all, Ren Tianxing is the original sin variable, and he is also plotting the original sin God. Everything in the world is not to start an era of injustice, but to dominate their own destiny.

Whatever the purpose, it is true that he conspired against God.

Both facts are a threat.

For the existence of the guardian avenue of heaven and earth, so is the existence of God who seeks the original sin.

But the Emperor Xiaomo is different.

Mo Wentian is also true of the original sin variable, but he did not want to plot on God the original sin, and it does not seem to care about whether the era of injustice is open or not. The only concern is his own cause and effect.

Do not ask Tian the purpose of entering the ancient black hole, just to seek cause and effect, to find the true self.

This is not a secret, at least, it is not a secret to those roadlords in the sky and underground. They also know that Mo Wentian will not attempt to seek God, the original sin.

That being the case, I don't know who wants to test Mo Wutian, and what is the meaning of temptation.

Sorry because Mo Wentian is the original sin variable?

It's hard to say, it's not good.

Maybe it is because Mo Wentian is the original sin variable.

As variables, cause and effect are chaos, and fate is unknown.

Even if Mo Wentian didn't want to ask God, he could not guarantee that he would not ask God.

After all, there were two gods in the ancient times who knew the demon, and they had all planned the original sin God in the ancient times.

It would not be impossible for these two arrogant hegemons to devour Mo Wentian's self-consciousness, to take away his flesh, and then to ask God about the original sin.

Then again.

Do not ask God for cause and effect, looking for the true self.

If he is just a variable, it may not be a threat, but he has also developed the original sin law body, which has become a genuine original sin variable.

As we all know, to cultivate the body of the original sin, we must experience the loss of self, then integrate into the original sin, and then give birth to the self.

In this way, if Mo Wentian seeks cause and effect and finds the true self, he will only go further and further down the road of original sin, the deeper he sinks, and the deeper he sinks, the deeper his original sin will be. The greater the threat of the existence of God, the original sin.

What's more, who dare to guarantee that I will not seek the true sin of God?

Perhaps the existence of Mo Wentian was a period of causality planted by a mighty overlord in ancient times from ancient times. The purpose was to plot the original sin, God, but Mo Wutian did n’t know it. When he asked for truth, When I am, it may be time to ask God, the original sin.

If the group of mysterious incarnations really did not ask the sky for this temptation, it can only be said that they are too terrible, they have considered too far, and they have planned too carefully.

Daxing epilepsy is sure, if the group of mysterious masters even tempted the existence of God, who did not want to seek the original sin, then they would definitely test other variables of original sin, and even the old demon of Heishan and the old ghost of green lantern. It is not the original sin variable, but it has been laid out to plot the existence of the original sin God will not let go.

It turns out.

Daxing Monk guessed right.

He heard that an external incarnation of the old monster in Montenegro was attacked at Kun Gong, and was also attacked by a group of mysterious incarnations.

Soon after, an incarnation of the old Lantern ghost was attacked in the palace, and was also attacked by a group of mysterious incarnations.


This time the mysterious incarnation temptation failed.

Whether it was the trial of the old monster in Montenegro or the mysterious incarnation, it failed, and nothing was tested.

It is impossible to say that the real bodies of the old demon of Heishan and the old ghost of the blue lantern were tentatively tested, that is, they did not try to find out what consciousness and magic were in their avatars.

Is it just that?

Do not!

I heard that the group of mysterious incarnations still suffered a lot in the hands of the old demon of Heishan and the old ghost of the green lantern, and several mysterious incarnations fell into their hands.

have to say.

Older gingers are more spicy.

Perhaps the old demon of Heishan and the old ghost of the green lantern had long expected that someone would test them. They deliberately used an out-of-body incarnation to lead the group of mysterious incarnations into the in-game.


Very messy.

Huanggu Jiu Palace is getting more and more chaotic. The original sin body is everywhere, everywhere outside the body, everywhere.

Who is the original sin body, who is the incarnation of who is outside the body, who is tempting who, it is a mess of congee.

When he heard that the incarnation of Xitian Buddha Emperor Miaorulai had also been attacked, the Daxing epic did not know whether to cry or laugh.

Because when he was at the Khan Palace, he felt that the bureau was not only for testing the blood of Demon Emperor Blood and Xuanmiao Cave, but also to try out Miaoru.

After the Khan Palace, Miao Rulai's external avatar was tempted by a group of mysterious avatars in Gan Palace.

If only that was not enough, it would not make Daxing a monk cry or laugh. In fact, he heard that the seven or eight avatars of Miao Rulai had been tempted by the mysterious avatars in the Arabic Jiugong.

It is not incomprehensible to think about it carefully.

After all, Miao Rulai is the most hopeful of the existence of God, the original sin.

Everyone knows that Gu Qingfeng is most likely to ask God, who is the original sin. Because everyone knows, no matter whether he is guarding the Tiandi Avenue or plotting the original sin, God is watching him secretly, guarding him, waiting for the opportunity to obliterate him.

in other words.

Gu Qingfeng's winning face is so great that no one can compare with it.

At the same time, his losing face is also very large, which may not be as good as those original sinful bodies that were secretly cultivated in secret.

Taking a comprehensive look at it, in a sense, Miao Rulai's hope for the original sin God may be greater than that of the ancient Qingfeng.

Because of this, there is more secret support for the existence of Miao Rulai than for the existence of Gu Qingfeng.

There is another important reason.

That is, Miao Rulai is not only the original sin variable, but it should also be fixed.

From ancient to modern times, there are not many changes in the original sin, and there should not be many.

Both can be said to be few.

And it is both the original sin variable and the existence of a fixed number. Looking back at the ancient times, there is only one person who is wonderful.

If the meaning of the existence of the original sin variable is to kill the Three Thousand Avenues and regenerate the heavens and the earth, then the significance of the existence of the number should be to protect the heavens and the earth.

Should be robbed, should be robbed, the catastrophe of the Three Thousand Avenues, a fixed number, a variable.

No one would think that Miao Rulai would be both a variable of original sin and a number of robberies. This is like rebelling against heaven and earth, and it is impossible to change your destiny.

But this most unlikely thing happened.

In this case, it is not surprising that the mysterious incarnations tried to test Miaorulai.

Although the existence of heaven and earth knows that Miao Rulai is trying to conceive Allaah, he also knows that he may have been secretly planning for this.

Available so far.

No one knows how far Miao Rulai walked on the road of original sin, how deep she was trapped, and how powerful the original sin was.

Nobody knows.

Miao Rulai has always used the incarnation to show people, but also the incarnation of the Great Buddha. No one has ever seen his true sin.

Perhaps this time the group of mysterious incarnations encircled the seven or eight external incarnations of Miao Rulai, one after another in the deserted ancient palace. The purpose is to force out the true incarnation of Miao Rulai's original sin. Real Secret's Secret will do.


They ultimately failed the temptation.

Neither forced the expulsion of Miao Rulai's original sin, nor learned the secret of the original sin from the incarnation of Miao Rulai.

Each of the incarnations of Miao Rulai is especially powerful ~ ~ A big day above your head, like a Lord of Buddha, boundless mana, and enjoy the worship of 10,000 Buddhas. Big Sun is coming.

It is too difficult and difficult to shake his avatars. Each of the avatars of Miao Rulai is as big as a day-to-day avatar.

In this case, who can shake it?

What's more, there are many supporters behind Miao Rulai. Even if Miao Rulai's avatars are really invincible, those supporters behind them will never stand by. The deeper Miao Rulai's true body is hidden, the more hopeful is to ask God. They all count on Miao Rulai to slaughter the Three Thousand Avenues, ask God, the original sin, and start the era of injustice.

The Weiyang Demon Emperor Ren Tianxing, the Emperor Xiaoyao asked the sky, and the Xitian Buddha Emperor Miaorulai have been tested by a group of mysterious incarnations in the ancient Gu Jiu Palace. The variables have never infected the original sin, and even the Demon Blood River, who did not want to seek the original sin, has been tempted.

Daxing episcopals pondered the mysterious incarnations, and shouldn't let go of Gu Qingfeng's biggest original sin variable?

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