
Vol 2 Chapter 2367: Hope broken

Whether it is the sky, the time, the life or the fortune, all signs indicate that the ancient Qingfeng is in all likelihood the original sin God recorded in the book of destiny.

In the eyes of the old beggar, even if he looked away, Gu Qingfeng is not the original sin God recorded in the book of destiny, and it is not impossible for him to change his life against the sky with the powerful self of Gu Qingfeng.

Especially after the ancient breeze merged into Abi Wujian evil Shura, Shangqianbi fell to Huangquan, and swallowed the blood of these original sinful children, the old beggar became more and more convinced that the ancient breeze is the original sin recorded in the book of destiny.

Just ...

He never dreamed that Gu Qingfeng had a hidden existence in the body of the avenue, moreover, he did not think that the ancient Qingfeng would capsize in the gutter, and was swallowed up by the existence of the body that was not in the avenue.

In fact, for the old beggar, he doesn't care who asks God, the original sin. As long as he can slaughter the Three Thousand Avenues and start the era of infidelity, even if a dog finally asks God, he doesn't care.

The issue is.

When the ancient breeze is no longer the ancient breeze, the so-called celestial situation and the so-called vitality are gone.

These reasons exist not because of the physical body and soul of the ancient Qingfeng, but because of the cause and effect of the ancient Qingfeng.

When the ancient breeze is no longer the ancient breeze, his causality will necessarily disappear with it, both the cause and effect will disappear, the vitality will also disappear, the vitality will disappear, and where the heavenly situation is.

Count on the ancient breeze that is not the ancient breeze to fight for the original sin God?

I hope is too slim.

Even if this ancient breeze that is not the ancient breeze is outside the law of the avenue, there is little hope of asking God about the original sin.

Because the old beggar knew that God, the original sin, could not be reached with great strength, nor was the Three Thousand Avenues capable of being slaughtered, nor could the era of injustice be opened with great strength ...

It takes the situation and the fortune ...

"It's over ... it's over."

The old beggar was sitting on the Black Water Mountain, shaking his head in dismay, and sighing and whispering to himself: "The era of infidelity will not open again ... Lao Tzu has waited for nothing from the end of the ancient times until now, it is considered a wait ... no hope ... "

Taking out a pot of fine wine, the old beggar groaned a few sips with his head up and said, "Sister Blackwater, don't look at it, it won't help anymore. It's over, everything is over. Let's take it, except for it. , Can only give up fate ... "

Beside him, the black water maiden did not pay attention to the old beggar, and still looked at the void full of gray smoke.

Although she looks calm.

But it just looks.

She is no less desperate than the old beggar, maybe even more desperate than the old beggar.

The old beggar waited from the end of the ancient times to the present, and she also waited from the end of the ancient times to the present.

The old beggar hoped that Gu Qingfeng would ask God, the original sin, to kill three thousand avenues and start the era of injustice. She hoped more than the old beggar.

But now, hope is dashed.

He is different from the old beggar.

The hope of the old beggar was completely dashed, his heart was dead, despair was extreme, and all thoughts vanished.

The hope of the black water maiden was also shattered, but it was not completely shattered. At least, there was a hint of hope in her heart.

Because she didn't dare to be 100% sure whether Gu Qingfeng's self-consciousness was really swallowed up by beings outside that avenue.

The old beggar seemed to see her inner thoughts, sitting on the ground while drinking, and said, "Sister Blackwater, the old man advises you to accept the reality, no longer have any illusions and hopes, then The kid ’s self-consciousness is probably swallowed up, no! Not 100%, but 100% swallowed up. "

"Sister Blackwater, you should see it, the kid is crazy, and you should also know that losing self may not be crazy, but you will lose yourself under the crazy."

"If it is only the three sinful sons of Bad Shura, Blue Falls, and Blood, the kid may still be able to suppress it. Even if self-consciousness is swallowed, there is room for recovery. Although the room for recovery is very slim, there is always hope. of."

"The problem now is that it is not the three sons of the original sin that are devouring the boy's self-consciousness, but his existence beyond one of his avenues!"

"Existence outside the avenue ... hahaha! How could there be an existence outside the avenue, when does the kid emerge from a avenue outside the avenue? Why doesn't the old man know at all? This shouldn't be!"

Since he came out of the Guixu market and found the ancient breeze, the old beggar has been dormant in the dark staring at the ancient breeze.


I want to take a closer look at whether Gu Qingfeng is the original sin God recorded in the book of destiny.

Twenty-two come.

He also wanted to protect the ancient Qingfeng in secret. He knew that if the ancient Qingfeng was indeed the original sin God recorded in the book of destiny, then whether it is the guardian of the heaven and earth avenue or the plot of the original sin God will try to destroy it at all costs.

三 来。

He is also worried that Gu Qingfeng is being stared at by some mysterious, unknown, and terrible existence, such as Abi Wusao evil Shura, Shang poor blue falls Huanghuang, and the original sinful children who belong to this kind of existence.

Others may not know.

The old beggar knew very well that whether it was Abi Inferno Evil Shura, blue sky Huangquan, or blood sacrifice, the three existences were stronger than one, terrible and horrible. They were all unimaginable, and they were the absolute overlords of darkness and evil in the ancient times.

Although the old beggar was also the ancestor of the demon in the ancient times, it could not be compared with the three existences of Abi Inferno.

The most important thing is that he knew that these three beings had been trying to find the true sin of God as far back as the ancient times. In the end, he failed to find out, but he was integrated into the blood of the original sin and became the son of the original sin.

He thought he was driven into the market by the blood of original sin only in the ancient times.

The three existences of Abi Infernal Evil Shura have been incorporated into the true blood of the original sin and become the children of the original sin. I am afraid that the result is not much better.

He didn't expect that these three absolute overlords representing darkness and evil in the ancient times died, and all that was left was the immortality of immortality.

When I heard the news, the old beggar couldn't even believe it.

He has experienced the trial of catastrophe at the end of the ancient times of the wilderness. That catastrophe trial couldn't even kill him, and he had to be brought into the market. How can he destroy the three ancient kings of the ancient times?

This is still a mystery to the old beggar.

也不 He didn't know why the three ancient overlords would be wiped out in the ancient and ancient catastrophe. What kind of power can wipe out the existence of the three of them is only a touch of God.

The old beggar did not know and could not imagine it.

But one thing he was very sure about was that even if the three original sinners had only a touch of consciousness, they would still not give up.

At least, if the old beggar had merged the true blood of the original sin and became the son of the original sin, he would not give up, and would rely on this magical consciousness to make a comeback to seek the original sin God born in ancient times.

and so.

After discovering that Gu Qingfeng has incorporated the demon consciousness of the three sons of the original sin, he has always been very worried, worried that the three sons of the original sin swallowed the self-consciousness of the ancient Qingfeng, and seized the physical soul and even the destiny of the ancient Qingfeng, thereby plotting the original sin .

of course.

Worry is back to worry.

Besides worrying, the old beggar can do nothing.

He could not stop Gu Qingfeng from being incorporated into the gods of the three original sins. At the same time, if the gods of the three original sins wanted to devour the self-awareness of the ancient Qingfeng, he could not do anything about it. He could only cheer for the ancient Qingfeng in secret.

Fortunately, the old beggar was thankful that the consciousness of the three sons of the original sin has always been honest in Gu Qingfeng's body, and there is no sign of trying to devour Gu Qingfeng's self-consciousness.

I just.

The old beggar never thought that Gu Qingfeng not only lived with the three gods of the original sin, but also the gods and the gods outside the avenue.

Because of all the hopes of starting the infidelity era on Gu Qingfeng, these years, the old beggar has been staring in secret, dare not relax in the slightest.

I would like to say that you know the ancient Qingfeng well, which may be a bit exaggerated.

Can't stand it.

The old beggar knew everything about the consciousness and magic of Gu Qingfeng, what goodness he had, and what avenue he learned.

Even when and under what circumstances did Qing Qingfeng integrate the magical consciousness, he knew it.

Even the existence of secrets has been staring at the ancient breeze, which existence is to protect the heaven and earth Avenue and want to obliterate the ancient breeze, and which existence is to plot the original sin. God wants to obliterate the ancient breeze. God, the old beggar, have also investigated clearly.

The ancient breeze and which woman has a leg, and which woman has a cause and effect, old beggars are also inseparable from investigation.

Xun Ke knew nothing about the existence outside that avenue in Gu Qingfeng's body.

Neither did he detect it, nor did he know when Gu Qingfeng was involved.

If you know, the old beggar will do everything possible to prevent the demon consciousness outside the ancient Qingfeng fusion avenue, even if you fight hard for it.

The reason is very simple ~ ~ The consciousness and demon of the three sons of the original sin, Ah Bi Wu Jian Evil Shura, is terrible enough to imagine.

However, the consciousness of magic outside the avenue is more terrible than the three sons of the original sin. It is also horrible and unimaginable.

The consciousness and demon of the three sons of the original sin are even more powerful, at least within the principles of the avenue. The old beggar believes that even if they cannot suppress them, if the three sons of the original sin want to devour the consciousness of the ancient Qingfeng, It's definitely not that easy.

Divine consciousness outside of the law of the avenue is different.

How different.

The old beggar cannot say, because with his existence, he cannot reach the existence beyond the avenue, and even the avenue cannot understand and understand, how can he touch the avenue?

Can't stand it.

On the outside of the avenue, he once heard a legend saying that as long as he jumped out of the avenue law, it was as if he was sanctified. Existence inside the avenue is like ants to existence outside the avenue.

The magical thoughts outside the avenue of Ruo Ruo want to devour Gu Qingfeng's self-consciousness. It is impossible to say that Gu Qingfeng cannot be suppressed. I am afraid that he does not even have the ability to resist and struggle.

He even had the three original sinful sons of Abi inferior evil Shura on his body in front of the avenue, only to be swallowed.

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