
Vol 2 Chapter 2325: Slapping Dragon

"Is it your hand?"

The demon emperor blood river still did not look at the Musashi emperor, and continued to heal the disciples of Taixudong.

I was really afraid of what was coming, and sure enough, the Demon Blood River came for this matter.

The Emperor Musashi had just opened his mouth to explain, and the emperor Tianlong Zhen Emperor, who was extremely embarrassed, stood up and shouted, "It is the Emperor's hand, what can you do?"

既然 "Since it's your hand, come and die."

When the demon emperor blood river said this sentence, there was still no emotion on his face, his expression was the same, and his words were the same, just like the ordinary conversation between two strangers. Even after saying this, he did not have Timely shot, still healing the disciples of Taixudong.

The Emperor Musang emperor was anxious. He was in touch with the true emperor Tianlong. Naturally he knew that the true emperor Tianlong was not afraid of fear, not only did he not put Miao Rulai in his eyes, but he also did not put the blood of Demon Emperor in his eyes.


Emperor Tianlong Zhen laughed loudly, and he yelled, "You just want to die this emperor, you don't have this qualification!"

The voice fell.

The two avatars of the Emperor Tianlong Zhendi rushed out at the same time and rushed directly to the past.


Two avatars.

Although the true emperor Tianlong is arrogant and arrogant, he is not afraid of the earth, but he is not a reckless impulsive person. If not, he will not shoot at the same time.

What I do is that one external avatar takes the lead to test the blood of the Demon Emperor, and the other external avatar is dormant and waits for opportunity.

The Demon Emperor's Blood River trembled all realms, and the Dragon Emperor naturally knew that he did not dare to neglect, and did not dare to have any reservations. He directly turned into a **** attacker on all sides.

at the same time.

The Demon Emperor Blood River slowly stood up, and all his disciples, including his elders, were hidden by him as soon as he waved too much. When the **** attacker on all sides attacked, he suddenly turned around and raised his hand to punch.

拳 There is no glint of this punch.

I don't have any mystery at all, it looks like a pure punch.

Xun Ke was such a pure punch that made a bang that made everyone stunned.

Hells with skulls on all sides turned out to be… annihilated by the ashes of his fist!

This incarnation of the Emperor Tianlong appeared, and I wonder whether it was because of the death of the infernal heller on all sides that he was affected, or whether his incarnation was also injured by the fist of the Demon Blood River. When it appeared, the flesh and blood were vaguely impersonal, distorted and dying.

嗷 ——

This incarnation of the Emperor Tianlong turned into a dark dragon for the first time, and went straight to the sky to escape. At the same time, another incarnation swept up, trying to support the blood emperor's blood river and keep another incarnation. .


On that day, when the incarnation of Dragon Emperor's evil and ghostly spirit struck, the figure of the Demon Emperor's Blood River disappeared instantly, without warning and silently.


When the Demon Emperor Blood River appeared again, it was already above the void, and beside him was another incarnation transformed into a dark dragon.

The Demon Emperor's Blood River raised his palm and fell on the dragon's head with one palm.

I heard a loud noise.

Bang bang bang!

The dark dragon smashed the powder and ashes on the spot and died.

Looking at this scene, hidden among the ancient ruins, the masters of the road can't believe their eyes.

They all know that the Demon Blood River is very powerful. It is one of the best hegemons in the Demon Road. The wild blood that had been killed as early as the ancient times has become a river. No one knows how terrible the true power of Demon Blood River is.

I want everyone to come, the Demon Blood River that appears now is also an incarnation. Even if it is strong, it will not be so powerful.

Hit a punch!

I was just a punch.

And there is still no mystery, no fist of any fortune, so the ashes of the four sides of the skull **** guest shattered.

You must know that the hells on all sides are not good fortune, but they are conscious of magic!

Almost every sense of consciousness and magic is transformed by the spiritual will of the overlord of the avenues in the ancient times. It contains the power of terror, but it is now destroyed by the ashes of the blood of the Demon Emperor.

There is also the dark evil dragon incarnation of Emperor Tianlong. Although Emperor Tianlong has said that this incarnation was only born by him casually, but everyone can see that this incarnation is definitely not inborn. When Tianlong Zhendi fought with Miao Rulai just now, they all saw the power of Tianlong Zhendi.

Although it was finally suppressed by Miao Rulai with the five Great Kings' puppetized Buddha statues, the Emperor Tianlong used this dark dragon incarnation to obliterate the red-faced King Kong, which is known as King Kong, and was even beaten by the Buddha and the nine commandments Suffering from serious injuries, if Miao Rulai appears, even the Pure Clothes Bodhisattva and the Nine Commandments will inevitably die in the hands of the Emperor Tianlong Zhendi.

He is such a powerful incarnation of the original sin, not only possessing such great creatures as the Dark Dragon, but also possessing the magical thoughts such as the four-sided skull hell.

He is now annihilated by the ashes of the Demon Emperor Blood River.

This can't help but make people wonder whether this incarnation of Tianlong Zhendi is too weak or the incarnation of Demon Blood River is too powerful.

The answer is yes.

He is not that the incarnation of Tianlong Zhendi is too weak, but that the incarnation of the Demon Emperor Blood River is too powerful, so powerful and horrible that it is impossible to imagine.

Not only are the masters hiding in the dark scared by the strength of the Demon Blood River, the Emperor Musashi and the Emperor Tianlong are also frightened by this scene, especially the Emperor Tianlong. He originally wanted to use this With the dark dragon incarnation to test the depth of Demon Emperor's Blood River ~ ~ but in no case did not expect that an incarnation born out of hard work and faced with no hard work was so wiped out!

He is so, and Emperor Musashi is no exception.

to be frank.

If possible, the Emperor Musashi did not want to have an impulse with the Demon Emperor Blood River, at least he did not want to do something with the Demon Emperor Blood River in front of Miao Rulai.

He originally wanted to take the initiative to lower his posture, and he also clenched his fists for this purpose, sincerely pleaded for the true emperor Tianlong. When he wanted to come, he was enough to give the face of the Demon Emperor Blood River, and he hoped that the Demon Emperor Blood River would give Make your own face.

Can't stand it.

The demon emperor blood river did not give him this face, but instead bluntly asked the true emperor Tianlong to come and die.

How to say that Emperor Musang is also the heir of Xuanmiao Cave. He is known as the existence of Xuantian Shaozhu. It is impossible to say that the Emperor Tianlong is intolerable, even if he cannot tolerate others' refusal of such a face, even if this person is the blood of the demon emperor The river doesn't work either.

and so.

When Emperor Long Zhen launched his temptation that day, he did not stop, not only did he not stop, but also waited for opportunity like Tian Dark Emperor's another incarnation of dark evil phoenix.

It's just happening too fast.

The quick Emperor Tianlong did not respond, nor did the Emperor Musang.

He was almost at the fingertips, and the Demon Emperor Blood River slammed the four **** skull hells in one punch, killing the dark dragon incarnation of Emperor Tianlong with one hand.

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