
Vol 2 Chapter 2318: Wonderful voice

After listening to the Seventh Elder, Elder Lin gradually fell into silence.

一直 She always feels that the possibility of Emperor Musashi and Emperor Tianlong is very low.

After all, using this ancient taboo to conceive an independent incarnation, an external avatar needs to undergo countless reincarnations.

Every reincarnation is full of unknowns. Whether reincarnation is successful or reincarnation is unclear.

He is even less likely to conceive a contingent number that inherits the true destiny and has a bright bloodline, or an original sin variable that changes his life and has a dark bloodline.

of course.

I do not mean that a true deity with bright blood must not be able to conceive an incarnation with a dark blood.

靠 If this thing relies on luck, it may never be conceived.

But if it depends on cause and effect, it may not be impossible.

It's just hard and difficult, the conditions are extremely harsh.

Elder Lin Zai wanted to come, even if he meets the harsh conditions, I am afraid no real deity will do so.

Because the risks are too great.

Light and dark blood are like water and fire, and they are incompatible with each other. Not to mention a true number that should be held true, and an original sin variable that changes the sky. Wanting to merge these two existences with each other is simply better than heaven and earth. Fusion is even more difficult.

If they are not avatars of each other, but avatars of the same avenue overlord ... the so-called impossible may become possible.

He is also as the seven old men said, there is nothing impossible in ancient and modern times.

Perhaps a road lord has begun to lay out long before the end of the ancient times. With the true self, two causes of self are planted, one is pure yang, and the other is pure yin. The well-known anti- heavenly means plant causality each time the two innate bodies reincarnate.

For example, the cause and effect of light and dark blood, such as the cause and effect of dragon and phoenix, the cause and effect of inheriting true life, and the original cause and effect of rebelling against the sky.

In this way, after the reincarnation of the two ids, since the causes and effects of the previous life have already been laid out, they can have dark and bright blood, the body of the dragon and the phoenix, and even the true destiny when they are born. The number of due diligence and the variable of the original sin that changed the life against the sky.

This is not a fate arrangement, but a cause and effect.

Emperor Musashi and Emperor Tianlong are avatars of each other, and it may be difficult to integrate with each other. If they are both avatars of a certain road lord, then this road lord is absolutely sure to integrate them into the deity. True body, thus achieving the legendary bipolar yin and yang, dragons and phoenixes are auspicious, black and white with each other, Taiji immeasurable, and fateful!

Thinking of this, Elder Lin couldn't help closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. She thought that if the seven olds were correct, the Emperor Musang and the true Emperor Tianlong would really be the incarnations of a certain roadlord.

大道 The avenue overlord can plant all kinds of causes and effects, giving birth to the pair of bipolar yin and yang of Emperor Musashi and Emperor Tianlong, which shows that their existence is beyond imagination.

If it is true that he finally achieved the legendary dragon and phoenix yin and yang Taiji innumerable, that is simply ...


A golden ray of sun is shining, the Buddha is worshipping, the chanting of the Buddhist scriptures is overdone, and Miao Rulai is still sitting cross-legged on the palm of the sacred Buddha who blocks the sky, eyes closed slightly, one hand in front of the other, one hand Turning the rosary.


The Emperor Musang stands in the void, the man is like a sun, and the sacred and bright glory purifies the void.

Next to the urn, the Emperor Tianlong was full of urn, burning with the flames of darkness and scorching smoke.

妙 Because Miao Rulai's attitude was particularly abnormal, the Emperor Musang had to be careful and not dare to act lightly.

He did not leave, but chose to stay, he would like to see what trick Miao Rulai is playing!

at this time.

Mya, who had been silent, suddenly spoke.

"It is rumored that the two of you are siblings born in ancient times. They are connected by blood and live and die, one with a light blood, one with a dark blood, one with a dragon dragon body, one with a dragon dragon body, and one with a noble body. The number of true destiny should be fixed. One is the original sin variable that changed the life against the sky. "

The sound of the magical sound came as if it came from all directions in the heavens and the earth. It was nothingness and embarrassment. Like the chanting of the Buddhas, it made the human heart be reverent, like the devil roared, it made the human heart be afraid, like the gods warned, it made the human heart awe.

No one knows why Miao Rulai, who has been silent, suddenly spoke, and no one knows that he would say such a paragraph somehow.

It is no secret that the backgrounds of the Musashi emperor and the true emperor Tianlong are already known, but almost everyone who knows the situation in ancient times knows it.

"I do not know what the Buddha came to teach?"

The Emperor Musashi asked.


Wu Miaoru laughed. Although he sat on his knees on the palm of the Buddha's palm, he still closed his eyes and chanted the scriptures, but his laughter came from the void.

"Wonderful Rulai, what are you laughing at!" Tianlong Zhendi did not change his deadness, as he had always been arrogant and arrogant, pointed at Miao Rulai and yelled, "If you don't agree, today our two brothers will send you home!"

"Only these two incarnations of you are far from being our opponents."

The Emperor Tian Long was so dissatisfied that he was about to speak ~ ~ The Emperor Musashi stepped forward and said, "The meaning of Rulai Buddha is to see the true body of the two of us, right?"

"No longer needed."

The words of Miao Miao Rulai always give people an inexplicable feeling. When Emperor Musashi had not come before, he also asked the Emperor Tianlong to sacrifice his true body. Why does Musashi Emperor ask now, he said it was unnecessary.

"If you have not appeared today, this seat may still be interested in seeing his true body. Since you have already appeared, his true body includes the true body of the two of you, and this seat has no interest."


The Emperor Musang wanted to understand it, and the true emperor Tianlong even did not understand it. Those masters who were hiding in the ancient ruins in the distance watching the war in secret were also puzzled.

"My doubts about you two have been resolved, and naturally I have no interest in seeing your true body."

Suddenly in the heart of the Emperor Musashi, he asked cautiously, "I don't know what the so-called doubt of the Buddha Emperor Rulai?"


Wu Miaorulai did not respond.

Time passed little by little, and I didn't know how long it had passed, Miao Rulai's voice like Buddha's sound, magic maggot, and godlike imagination came again.

"Bipolar yin and yang, dragons and phoenixes are auspicious, black and white are mutual, Taiji is immeasurable, and fate is fickle ..."

With such a word, the look of the Emperor Musashi changed slightly, and his mind set off a stormy sea. Even the true Emperor Tianlong, who was arrogant and embarrassed next to him, was one of them.

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