
Vol 2 Chapter 2312: Who is the bureau?

After listening to the speculations of the seven old men, Bei Changqing and the old man thought about it carefully, and they both felt that this was possible. After all, Miao Rulai had great magical power, and it was impossible not to know that the Emperor Tianlong relied on the old ancestors of Emperor Musang and Xuantian Xiandao.

If this is the case, what is the purpose of Miaorulai?

Could it be that he wanted to wipe out Emperor Tianlong and Emperor Musashi all at once?

Emperor Tianlong is not his opponent, does not mean that Emperor Musashi is not his opponent?

What's more, there are many old predecessors behind the Emperor Musashi.

These old predecessors are all elders of Xuantian Xiandao. They are in charge of the laws of Xiandao, and each of them is unfathomable. Even the majestic Emperor of the Megatron World did not dare to make trouble in front of these old immortals. This ability?

Mo said that the current Miao Rulai is just an incarnation. Even if his deity is in person, I am afraid that he may not be able to obliterate the Musash Emperor under the eyes of these old predecessors of Xuantianxiandao.

That's it.

So what is he paying attention to, and what medicine is sold in the gourd?

I don't know.

No one knows.


The true Emperor Tianlong, who turned into a **** skull dragon, was still suppressed by the five Great Kings' Buddha statues. Not only was he unable to move, even the **** skulls on all sides were increasingly distorted and blurred, especially the **** skull dragon. .

But even so, the true emperor Tianlong is still clamoring.


"Miao Rulai! Aren't you very capable? Aren't you known as the Emperor Xitian Buddha? Didn't you turn into a super-nine one day?"

"Why dare not kill the Emperor now?"

"Hahaha! You dare not! You don't have the courage! Hahaha!"


The sun shines brightly throughout the day, the Buddha worships, and the chanting of the Buddhist scriptures is excessive.

On the palm of the sacred Buddha, Miao Rulai turned the rosary in one hand and the tree in her chest with her hands slightly closed, and she was chanting.

Never opened eyes, never spoke.


On the day when the sky was bright, a sacred Buddha light shone over.

Is Miao Rulai finally shooting?

Experts who watch the game secretly can see that the current situation of Emperor Tianlong can't resist such a sacred Buddha light. As long as it is shrouded, his incarnation will extinguish in an instant.

Seeing the sacred Buddha's light will envelop the true emperor Tianlong. When the time passed, a dazzling white light fell from the sky without warning.

White light, like a rainbow, came down, blocking the sacred Buddha's light from the light.

who is it?

Everyone looked intently, like a man.

The man is wearing a silver crown, his face is like a crown jade, and he is dressed in a white coat. He is really a handsome man with a beautiful wind and handsome dust, just like the **** in the painting.

The man was holding one hand behind him, blocking the sacred light of the Dharma with one hand, and Junlang's face did not have any expression.

Da da da!

The man stepped back nine steps by the sacred Buddha.

After nine steps, the man's whole body flickered in a flash, hey! A Changhong shot straight into the sky, oh! The second, third ... ten, one hundred ... thousand, thousand ...

In an instant of effort, countless Guanghua on the man went straight to the sky.

At this moment, the man is really like a god, wearing dazzling brilliance and dazzling.

Against the backdrop of thousands of golden lights, the man stood in the air, looking like a day.


Big day.

The big day above Miao Rulai's head is a golden big day.

The man's big day is a round of crystal clear white big day.

Miao Rulai's divine light above his head.

The great day of manhood is equally sacred and bright.

The big sun above Miao Rulai's head contains boundless dharma.

The man-made day contains endless pure sun.

The big sun above Miao Rulai's head shines on the earth, as if he surpasses all the dark and evil demons and monsters.

The big day transformed by the man is also the same, but the difference is that it is not excess, but purification of all dark and evil demons and monsters.



A violent explosion came.

The sacred Buddha light that previously enveloped the Emperor Tianlong disappeared.

The round of golden sun above Miao Rulai still hung high, sacred and bright, shining on the palace.

A man stands in the air, and he is as big as a sun, even more like a heavenly **** who is dressed in magnificent light.

far away.

Inside a wild ruin.

Bei Changqing looked at this scene in astonishment, unable to return to God for a long time, looked at the man like a **** in the sky, and asked in amazement: "Where did this guy come from? Who is he? ? "

As soon as the words fell, Bei Changqing remembered what Qi Lao and Lao Xi said just now, and his heart moved, as if he realized something, and he blurted out, "He is the brother of the true emperor of Tianlong, the Emperor Musang, known as the master of immortal Tao? "

The seventh and the oldest nodded at the same time.

"Good guy! It really is him!"

Bei Changqing had heard Laoyu mention the Emperor Musashi before, saying that this guy was as famous as the floating emperor in this ancient age. They all have a bright bloodline, and they are all numbers that should be inherited. But Bei Changqing did not. In mind, especially after seeing the strength of the Emperor Tianlong, I think that the Emperor Musashi may be the same. After all, he is a fellow brother. The Emperor Tianlong is not an opponent of Miao Rulai. Where can his fellow brothers be strong?

But she didn't expect that this Musashi emperor was so extraordinary that she shattered the sacred Buddha light from Miao Rulai without any effort.


Looking at the Emperor Musashi, who is like a **** of the day, Bei Changqing even thinks that the emperor's day is more dazzling than the one above Miao Rulai's head, and the day's power looks much stronger.

On the court ~ ~ The Emperor Tianlong, who was suppressed by the five Great Kings' King Buddha statues, was not surprised at all by the appearance of Emperor Musashi, if he knew he would come, he laughed: "Oh! Brother! You It's too suffocating. Why did you come out so soon, Bendi still wants to play with Miao Rulai for a while. "

The Emperor Musashi did not turn around, but looked at Miao Rulai sitting cross-legged on the palm of the sacred Buddha, and responded with a calm tone: "You are playing too much."

"Is it overkill? Well, brother, I don't feel overdone at all, but it's a bit unpleasant! Haven't you always wanted to try the depth of Miao Rulai? Brother I have led him out, and you can find it everywhere He's up! "

This pair of brothers, just like you, I said one sentence at a time, as if I hadn't put Miao Rulai in my eyes at all, and it was not even useful to pass on the secrets.

Their words passed into the ears of the experts who watched the game in secret, and they all felt incredible, especially Bei Changqing and others. They had previously suspected that it was Miao Rulai who wanted to bring out the Emperor Musang through the true emperor Tianlong. Now listen to the voice of the two. Why? It's a bit counter-productive, isn't it that Miao Rulai wants to use the true Emperor Tianlong to bring out the Emperor Musang, but that Emperor Musang wants to use the true emperor Tianlong to bring out Miaoru?

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