
Vol 2 Chapter 2267: Prologue officially opened

? The three toasted and promised that after the ancient black hole, they would drink him happily, drink him dimly, and stay drunk!


All three knew that this agreement was difficult to achieve.

Because they have no confidence to be able to leave the arid black hole alive.

Mo Wentian didn't, Ren Tianxing didn't, and Gu Qingfeng didn't.

But they still agreed.

Said to be an agreement.

More like a blessing, a farewell.

Mo Wentian left.

Ren Tianxing also left.

When they left, no one knew their lives.

But the ancient breeze didn't leave, so he stood in a black hole in the desert, holding a jar of wine and drinking wine, looking at Mo Wentian and Ren Tianxing, who were drifting away, just like that.

Three thousand rumo's hair fluttered along with the turbulent flow.

The white clothes that won the snow swayed automatically like a reflection.

On Gu Qingfeng's bland face, there was a little loneliness, a little loneliness, and countless loneliness.

He drank and kept drinking, one cup after another, one after another.

It was like seeing off for Mo Wentian and Ren Tianxing.

Until Mo Wentian and Ren Tianxing completely disappeared into the vast and vast black ancient hole, he still did not leave, but sighed and looked at the endless chaos.

If you can.

He also wanted to leave.

The question is, where to go?

I don't know.

Ren Tianxing has his own way to go, Mo Wentian also has his own way to go, but Gu Qingfeng did not.

This is why he envied Ren Tianxing and Mo Wentian.

Although the path they both took was a life of nine deaths, full of unknowns, at least they knew what they wanted and what they should do.

And the ancient breeze.

He didn't even know what he wanted.

It's wandering like a lonely wild ghost without consciousness or thought.

Do you really like to live like this?

Gu Qingfeng couldn't help but question his heart once.

What do you want.

Seeking cause and effect?

change destiny?

Questioning God?

Do not!

These are all unwanted.

It can't be said that he doesn't want it, but he doesn't have such a strong desire. Although he feels that what he's been through now is not free and carefree, he can at least make it alive.

After thinking about it, Gu Qingfeng really didn't know what he wanted.

Or is it true that Mo Wentian said that his own state of mind may be empty and the road is complete?

is it possible

do not know.

Anyway, Gu Qingfeng didn't feel much about himself.

Think about it, thinking about how you might really like to live like a lonely ghost.


After rumbling, Gu Qingfeng sighed again after consuming all the fine wine.

After Xu Shimo asked Tian and Ren Tianxing left, he was really a bit lonely, drinking and sighing.


He remembered what Mo Wentian said before.

Mo Wentian said that he suspected that he might be the self-incarnation of others.

to be frank.

Gu Qingfeng was also skeptical.


He does not doubt that he may be the self-incarnation of others, but he doubts the original sin as a whole, and doubts that all the original sin may be the self-incarnation of God the original sin.

Think about it.

In order to be able to answer the question of God, the original sin, from the incarnation of the original sin, to the retribution of the original sin, then to the original sin, and finally the legal body of the original sin.

When the original incarnation is like a madman, self-consciousness starts to blur, which is a manifestation of self-loss.

When the original sin is reported, self-consciousness is basically lost. This is a manifestation of loss of self.

When the original sin was applied, the self-consciousness was almost completely lost ... It became a puppet of the original sin, which is a manifestation of selflessness.

If a new self-consciousness can be conceived, then it is the original sin body. If a new self-consciousness cannot be conceived, it will always be the puppet of original sin.

The terrible thing is that the newly conceived self-consciousness is conceived by the original sin. In other words, you have lost your self and your identity. Even if the newly conceived consciousness still belongs to you, but your new The identity is already the original sin, and it is no longer you.

From this point of view, the deeper you fall into the original sin, the more I lose. If you fall into the body of the original sin, you will lose your identity completely.

Gu Qingfeng didn't know if his guess was correct, he hoped it was wrong.

If this is the case, then there is no point in seeking the truth of the existence of an original incarnation like Mo Wentian. Imagine that even after I became the body of the original sin, I have lost my identity. How can I find the true self? Even if you find the true self, it is the true self of the original sin, not his true self.

And what is the true self of the original sin?

Gu Qingfeng immediately came up with four words in his mind, God, the original sin.

God, the original sin!

It seems that whether it is to seek cause and effect or to change destiny, it is really impossible to avoid the original sin God.

Ren Tianxing wanted to get rid of the original sin and had to ask for it.

And if Mo Wentian wanted to find the true self, he would have to ask God, the original sin.

Gu Qingfeng always thought that the two of them had taken different paths. Until now, he understood that Ren Tianxing and Mo Wentian were probably on the same path, or it should be said that the path they took had the same end.

"All lives ..."

Gu Qingfeng never believed in the word fate.

To this day, he increasingly feels that the fate of this thing may be doomed.

He stood up, stretched his waist, shook his clothes, twisted his neck, moved his limbs, lifted his foot, and flew to the ancient palace.

Although he has no interest in seeking cause and effect and changing his destiny, he doesn't want to ask God about the original sin, but he ca n’t sit here and drink. He would have lived enough to be boring now. A lonely ghost with no consciousness.

Gu Qingfeng wondered whether he was idle or not, so he had to find some fun. Anyway, he could n’t get out, and he could n’t run anymore ~ ​​ ~ Even if he was alive, it was an unknown number. That being the case, it is better to have some fun.

It's always his aim to live a happy day.

Huanggu Jiugong slowly rotates like nine huge vortexes, devouring all kinds of chaos.

It looks like nine heavenly pillars that run through the heavens and the earth, and it is like nine lonely peaks of the sky, more like nine gods as if guarding the ancient black hole.

Mo Wentian said that the emergence of Huanggu Jiugong meant that everything had begun.

All this, including cause and effect, destiny, original sin, but also this world, this avenue, but also the truth of the end of the barbaric era, the secret opened by the innocent era, the birth of God the original sin ...

Mo Wentian also said that as soon as the ancient Jiu Palace appeared, heaven and underground, Jiuyou Jiuyou, the ruins returned to the ruins, the Holy Land forbidden area, Dongtianfudi and other avenue masters that should appear should not appear, even those that have been dormant in the dark. Will all surface.

The Frozen Nine Palace is both a prologue and a grave.

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