
Vol 2 Chapter 2254: Think about the fearless Wudao Mountain

Although I had not been able to get rid of the original sin, I didn't seek any cause and effect, but also inexplicably lit the fire of the original sin, and I slept for a long time for this reason.

想 Now I want to come, Gu Qingfeng feels lucky.

Fortunately, no cause and effect was sought.

Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

Luckily fortunately, he ignited the fire of the original sin karma that made him sleep for 10,000 years. After waking up, his desire to seek cause and effect became weaker and weaker.

If there is no fire of the original sin, Gu Qingfeng feels that he is likely to fall into it.

Although he feels more and more boring now and more and less energetic, at least, his self-awareness is sober and not lost.

Hearing what Mo Wentian meant.

He can't even distinguish between past and present life. He doesn't even know if he has lost himself. He doesn't even know himself.

in other words.

His situation is not only lost himself, but even I am afraid.

I thought of it here.

The ancient breeze felt only a chill in the back spine, and it could not help but throb.

For some reason, losing two words was like a curse to him, more like a nightmare. As long as I heard these two words, I felt uncomfortable. This thing was like a shadow, which made him feel intimidated. .

害怕 This fear is as if born deep into the bone marrow.


The ancient breeze seemed to be thinking of something, and asked, "Brother Mo, you said just now ... when you sought causality, you didn't even know when you were lost, right?"

Qi Mo nodded, and Gu Qingfeng went on to ask, "You do n’t know how long you have been lost, or even how to recover yourself from the loss. You only know that you have been reincarnated when your consciousness is awake?"

"It does."

I did n’t ask Tian why I did n’t know why Gu Qingfeng asked so. Looking at Gu Qingfeng ’s look a bit wrong, he asked, “Brother, what's wrong with you?”

Gugu Qingfeng did not speak, but lowered his head, frowned deeply, and stared at the glass of wine in his hand.

Just now, he remembered something, and it was still a terrible thing.

The reason why he went to Wudao Mountain was to seek cause and effect.

As for why the fire of the original sin karma was ignited, Gu Qingfeng couldn't remember it until now. This thing has always felt inexplicable, and only a very vague impression in his mind. This impression is like a dream, knowing what dreams you have dreamed However, what happened in the dream could not be said at all, just as he knew that he had ignited the original sin karma fire, but why he ignited the original sin karma fire, and how to ignite the original sin karma fire did not know.

He only remembered that after he climbed Wudao Mountain, he was afraid that he would become the incarnation of the original sin. Therefore, he killed him at all costs, and even invited the Heavenly Father and Mother, and the ancient Qingfeng would not wait for death. , Go out and fight to the death.

Later, Tiandi Avenue did not wipe out Gu Qingfeng, but Gu Qingfeng himself felt that the original sin in his body seemed to be awakened. As for whether the original sin was awakening, Gu Qingfeng couldn't remember it now, just remembering that his consciousness was becoming more and more blurred. .

He didn't want to be the embodiment of the original sin. He struggled to resist at all costs. To this end, he planned to be sanctified with the four major states of mind of the Buddha. He hoped to suppress the original sin, but later did not know why the original sin karma was inexplicably lit ...

Then ... there is no more ...

The consciousness of the ancient breeze disappeared.

When his consciousness awakened again, more than 10,000 years have passed.

古 Gu Qingfeng didn't know what happened in the past 10,000 years, he didn't have any impression.

Qi Mo asked Tian when he was seeking cause and effect, but he did not know when he was lost, but only when his consciousness was awakened, he was reincarnated.

This can not help but make Gu Qingfeng think of the ten thousand years that fell asleep after the fire of the original sin industry was ignited in Wudao Mountain.

He wondered if he lost his self after lighting the original sin karma fire that year?

Maybe when the original sin awakened in his body, he was already lost when his consciousness was blurred?

Then lost for 10,000 years?

I am not without this possibility.

It is very possible.

It wasn't his imagination. If only that, Gu Qingfeng would never suspect that he had lost himself.

毕竟 After all, he transcended life and death, and has the ability to regenerate from silence.

He has experienced life and death several times in his life, and every time he is reborn as if through a cycle.

Every silence and rebirth is completely conscious.

It is not impossible to sleep for ten thousand years.

The issue is.

After falling asleep for ten years in the quicksand little mystery world, he once investigated it specifically, because he did n’t know why he would just rebirth in the quicksand little mystery world. Although he did n’t investigate the detailed results, he knew some What happened after he lit the original sin karma fire that year.

These things were still told to him by the monk, saying that after he ignited the original sin karma fire, some ancient and unknown powers, including some ancient ancestors, Jun Xuanyuan, left Wudao Mountain, including some road ancestors, and then broke the void. Enter the quicksand little secret world.

Later, Daxing Monk also followed, but when Daxing Monk passed, it was too late and everything was over.

Why did the ancient unnamed people all enter the Quicksand Little Secret Realm? The Daxing epic said that he did not know. He only heard that while the ancient Qingfeng ignited the fire of the original sin karma, another original sin variable was born in the Quicksand Little Secret Realm. All killed them, and they said that they were still fighting in the quicksand little secret world ~ ~ These words were said by Daxing Qiang himself, and Daxing Qiang this old bald donkey has always liked hiding However, what was said was also half-truth and falsehood.

Based on the understanding of Daxing episcopal by the ancient breeze, this old bald donkey is likely to know all the truth of the matter, but he would not tell himself.

After I ignited the original sin karma fire that year, a new original sin variable may have emerged in the quicksand little secret world.

But this original sin variable is not someone else, I am afraid it is the ancient breeze of rebirth.

When he wanted to come, after lighting the original sin karma fire in Wudao Mountain that year, he would most likely be reborn in the Quicksand Little Secret Realm, but the ancient breeze after rebirth has lost his self, so the ancient namelessness, Jun Xuanyu and some others Avenue ancestors followed.

The more I thought about it, the more I thought it was possible.

After awakening from the consciousness of sleeping for thousands of years, Gu Qingfeng returned to the Quicksand Little Secret Realm, and found the Daxing Elder Monk in the forbidden area of ​​the Little Secret Realm.

At that time, Daxing's performance made him remember freshly, because when he found Daxing's forbidden in the front line of the Quicksand Little Secret Realm, Daxing's gavel suspected that he was the old ancient breeze, and said He may have become the original incarnation, or he may not know it.

清 Gu Qingfeng couldn't understand it, and he couldn't understand it. He thought that Daxing epilepsy was playing tricks and jokes with him.

想 Now I want to come, I am afraid that the monk was not kidding or playing tricks, but he doubted whether he had recovered himself from the loss.

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