
Vol 2 Chapter 2251: The original sin

Gu Qingfeng was envious and jealous of Ren Tianxing.

He admires Mo Wentian.

Qi Mo Wentian is a hero, a heroic hero.

He is daring and affectionate, he can go down the mountain for the sake of his friends. As long as his friends are in trouble, no matter where he is, he will rush over to help.

He is said to have been a friend of Jiu Tian, ​​who had run through Jiu You alone, and a friend of Jiu You, who had been angrily for nine days.

He used to resolve a period of grudges, at his own expense, and at the cost of saving one's life, at his own expense.

In Mo Wentian's eyes, there is no distinction between immortal monsters and demon Buddhas. There is only difference between good and evil. The most important thing is that he also has a heart of great benevolence and righteousness. He has been in the wild for many years. Natural storms, once irrelevant people in the void, have fought against the beasts of the desert.

He was involved in the chaos of space and was also involved in the forgotten space. He even violated the law of heaven in order to help others and was tried by heaven.

Because of this, Mo Wentian has a lot of friends, all over the vast wilderness and the Three Thousand Avenues, whether it is in heaven or underground, nor is the honorable Avenue ancestors or ordinary mundane practitioners. His three friends are all friends.

Some people say that Mo Wentian's friends are not only spread across the heavens and the world, but also through the heavens and the earth, across ancient and modern times.

This is no exaggeration.

In the early days of the ancient times, the Holy Land wanted to remove Mo Wentian, and set up the Tianluodi net to encircle it. This news immediately caused a sensation after the spread of the heavens and the world, from up to nine heavens to nine quiets. , Magic Road, Demon Road, thirty-six hole days, seventy-two blessed land, and many giants in the wilderness, many road emperors, road thrones, including road ancestors, personally went out to rescue Mowentian.

Is that just the case?

of course not.

Do not ask the sky to walk in the wilderness, martial arts and fight for justice, I do n’t know how many Wonderland sect families have been saved, and how many spiritual practitioners have been saved, so at that time, all the heavens, the heavens, and the many wonderland practitioners formed in groups. Went to rescue Mo Wentian.

This is the well-known heroes in ancient times who saved the emperor from the saints.

I want to come in the ancient Qingfeng, Mo Wentian is the hero hero who is worthy of all the heavens and earth. Being a man, especially a man, should be like hero hero who stands in the sky like Mo Wentian.

Where do men want to be?

The ancient breeze is no exception.

If you can.

He also wants to be a hero hero who stands out like Mo Wentian.

Nowadays, he still vaguely remembers the legends of those heroes who had been heard when he was young. He was so passionate and **** that when he grew up he was determined to become a hero who is admired by everyone.

I'm a pity.

It is a pity that the dream of a teenager is a dream of a teenager after all.

As I grew up day by day, as more and more things went through, then I lived alive and did n’t know what happened. Instead of living as a dream hero, I ended up living as I hated most.

Although Gu Qingfeng already does not want to be a hero hero who everyone admires, it does not prevent him from admiring the hero.

Gu Qingfeng was honored to be friends with such heroic heroes as Mo Wentian.

The three of them chatted while drinking, from the mood of Gu Qingfeng, to Ren Tianxing's woman, and from Ren Tianxing's woman, to Mo Wentian's heroism.

Speaking of heroism.

The ancient breeze worshipped even more.

Because he can clearly feel that Mo Wentian has a strong heroic spirit.



英雄 This heroism is not prestige, but it makes people involuntarily pay respect.

Especially when Mo Wentian just appeared, the overwhelming heroes rushed to the face, which was even more shocking than the advent of Tianwei.

Can't stand it.

What Gu Qingfeng couldn't understand is that a cruel and ruthless murderous devil like Ren Tianxing is a man of original sin. Although he is not a demon himself, he is not a good bird. He knows good and evil, and understands morality. A lot of people are missing.

The ancient breeze pondered that he was the one who deserved the original sin and deserved it. What he couldn't understand was why he could not ask the hero heroes who have the righteous heart like this.

Alas, and he could see it.

Regardless of Ren Tianxing or Mo Wentian, the original sin of the two of them is deeper than the other, even if it is not the original sin law body, I am afraid they are almost the same.

Thinking of this, Gu Qingfeng couldn't help asking: "I have a question. I want to ask two of you. Do you mind?"

He Mo asked Tian: "Brothers, our family doesn't speak two words. If you have any questions, just ask them."

Xi Ren Tianxing did not speak, and chose to be silent.

In his temperament, since he didn't speak, it represented acquiescence.

Gu Gufeng asked: "You two are now the original sin body?"

Xi Rentian nodded and said, "Almost."

Wu Motian responded, "Me too."

"Old man, how did you cultivate the original sin law body? Haven't you always wanted to get rid of the original sin law? Why did his mother get deeper and deeper, the last time I saw you, it seems that you are not the original sin law body, right? How long has your kid become the original sin body? "

Xi Ren Tianxing did not answer this question in time, but drank the wine in the glass, and then drank several glasses.


This problem made him helpless and seemed very, very upset.

After a while, he said, "I have been troubled by other original sinners for many years, but I have been killed."

"The trouble you mean is that other original sinners want to refine you?"

Gu Qingfeng knew that there were many original sinners between this heaven and earth ~ ~ how much he did n’t know, only he knew that not all original sinners wanted to get rid of original sin. On the contrary, there were many, many original sinners who wanted Become the original sin in the book of destiny.

For this reason, they did not hesitate to refine other original sinners, swallow their spirits, and bite their blood, so as to strengthen their sins and let them sink deeper in the path of original sin.

He still remembered that when he met Ren Tianxing last time, this guy was seriously injured and was injured by a person with original sin.

Seeing Ren Tianxing nodding, Gu Qingfeng asked again, "Well, if you kill them, you won't get deeper and deeper, right?"

"I not only killed them, but also swallowed them."

Good guy!

When hearing this, Gu Qingfeng was very surprised and asked, "You don't know if you swallow them, will you sink yourself deeper and deeper?"

"I know."

知道 "Know what you still do?"

Li Rentianxing drank again and drank a few glasses, saying, "I said, I want to get rid of the original sin."

"I know you want to get rid of the original sin, but now you are getting deeper and deeper, all his mother has cultivated the original sin body, and you have got rid of a hair!"

At this time.

Mo Mo asked Tian and said, "Brothers, have you ever heard a word?"


"If you want to get rid of the original sin, you can only get rid of it!"

:. :

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