
Vol 2 Chapter 2239: The Buddha said

This gazebo.

At the top is the top of the octagonal tower strewn with stars, sun and moon, which looks like gossip.

The middle is supported by the pillars of the four elephants, as if the dragons, blue tigers, basalts, and finches of the four elephants are guarding the Quartet.

At the bottom is a Tai Chi circular mirror, as if the five elements of yin and yang are changing.

The ancient namelessly sitting quietly on the stone bench of the gazebo, giving people a sense of nothingness, like the top of a gossip tower, like a long column of four elephants, and a round mirror like tai chi. Day, like this Buddha worshipped in the sky.

She seems to be integrated into this pavilion, as well as into the world of the Buddha of the Fang Miaofa, and more like this ancient black hole.

"I once said to you that you don't need to look for me on purpose. If you and I have the fate, we would like to see you."

"is it?"

Wearing the crown of the five bright kings, wearing the Amitabha shrine, leaning on the sun, sitting on the palm of the golden Buddha statue, Miao Rulai does not have a kind-faced Buddha face like many people imagine, and there is no emperor It ’s even harder to talk about evil and ugliness. Instead, he has a beautiful-looking face, and he even has a bit of evil.

For example, if he took off the crown of the five Ming kings and took off the Amitabha Buddha from his body, it would not be an exaggeration to say that he is the first-class beautiful man in the vast world.

There was a slight smile on the corner of Miao Rulai's mouth, and she turned to look at Cang Yan who was sitting opposite the ancient name, and said softly, "The original Langya mother is also here."

If the ancient nameless existence has nothingness, it will give a very unreal feeling.

Then the existence of Cangyan is also illusory, but it doesn't feel unreal, but it is vague and confusing.

She was dressed in a dark red dress, with long hair curled up, and looked beautiful and dignified.

Her beauty, glorious beauty, charming and touching, beauty and beauty, but also the beauty of beauty.

Her temperament is unparalleled. It is like a big sun and a sacred light, as well as a dark and quiet moon in the night sky, dark and quiet.

Like the nine heavenly gods, they are like the nine ghosts and demons. Although they seem to be casual, they are like the empress who fell from the sky on the sky. They are extremely honorable and awe-inspiring.

She was sitting on a stone bench, leaning on a long post, looking a bit lazy, holding a white jade cup, half a glass of wine in it, and a playful smile on the corner of her mouth.

When Miao Rulai's voice came, she raised her glass and smiled: "It's been a long time, Xiao Rulai."

Cangyan has seen Miao Rulai, and more than once. Not only have they met, but the two have also fought, of course, they just fought. Although they are not friends, they are not enemies. At least, Cang Yan has never brought Miao Rulai. As an enemy, Miao Rulai never regarded her as an enemy.

"For a long time, I really haven't heard from you for a long time." Cang Yan drank the wine in a glass and asked with a smile, "Tell me what I've done over the years."

Cang Yan called Miao Rulai as Xiao Rulai, which was obviously a kind of ridicule, but Miao Rulai was not angry, and responded: "I haven't done anything, I've been retreating."

"It turned out to be a retreat. This palace thought you had gone to the wild again." Cang Yan looked at the Buddha who worshipped throughout the sky and said, "It seems that you have learned a lot from the retreat this time. Did you realize any magic? Good fortune, let's listen to it so that the palace can have a long experience and open its eyes.

"Ha ha."

Miao Rulai folded her hands and whispered Amitabha, responding: "Buddha, don't say."

This time Miao Rulai came for the ancient namelessness, and didn't want to talk too much with Cangyan. He looked at the ancient namelessness again, and said, "Heavenly Goddess, I heard that you never ask about the world, and you are not impartial. You only have someone in your life. ,whether?"

Nostalgic nodded should be.

"You just said, if you and I meet by fate, now this seat is in front of you, dare to ask, this seat is your destiny?"


"I heard that the heavenly mother-in-law has four degrees, one degree in the past and the next, two degrees in the past and future, three degrees in causality, and four degrees in life and death. Is it true?"


"Just solve the doubts, and give pointers, don't you?"



Miao Rulai nodded with satisfaction, saying: "This time I came here, I didn't ask the past life or the fate of causality. I just wanted to answer the confusion in my heart.

The voice fell.

On Miao Rulai's demon face, his expression gradually became serious, and he asked, "Does the so-called innocent era belong to the past or the future?"

The ancient name replied: "It belongs to both the past and the future!"

"What solution?"

The ancient nameless did not answer.

"What solution?"

Miao Rulai asked again.

The ancient nameless remains silent.

At this time.

Cang Yan next to him said: "Xiao Rulai, the question you asked, the ancient nameless name has been answered. As for whether you can understand, it is your own business."

After a pause, she smiled again: "Should you not even understand this problem? Do n’t you understand it? Thanks to you claiming to be a small Rulai, you do n’t even understand the past and the future, and you call yourself a small Rulai, just change the name Xiaosha got it. "


Miaoru looks at Cangyan, her eyes are quite bad, and the overwhelming fire in his eyes is burning, the golden light that hangs in the empty sky is blooming with pure world brilliance, and the Buddhas worshiping all over the sky are sitting cross-legged, With your eyes closed and your hands folded, chant the transcendental scriptures.

"So, has Langlang mother-in-law realized the mystery of the past and future?"

The voice of Miao Rulai came, the huge golden Buddha behind him was like the ancient Buddha awoke, at the same time, a mighty power swept over.


The gazebo is in bloom.

This brilliance is like the light of Tai Chi ~ ~ After the light of Tai Chi blooms, like the intersection of yin and yang, as the light and darkness intersect, the four elephants carved on the four cylinders supporting the pavilion are also alive, and burst out The sound of the dragon chanting and howling, followed by the sun, moon and stars flashing inside the top of the octagonal tower, and the wind, thunder, and volcano moved.

Taiji gives birth to Liangyi, Liangyi gives birth to four elephants, and Sixiang gives birth to gossip, which is really mysterious and mysterious, wonderful and wonderful!

The gazebo is still the gazebo and has not been affected in the slightest.

The gazebo is so.

The ancient namelessness and Cangyan sitting inside were not affected in any way. The ancient namelessness was still sitting quietly and quietly, Cangyan still sat lazily against the long column, and the beautiful face hung on it. She smiled, held a glass of wine and drank, and glanced at the wonderful look. She shrugged and said, "Of course."

Miao Rulai spit out four words, "May! Smell! Its! Detailed!"

Cang Yan drank the wine in the glass, tilted his head slightly, and put an inscrutable smile on the corner of his mouth, saying, "Buddha, don't say ..."

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