
Vol 2 Chapter 2234: Arago Black Hole Yan 9 Palace


There was a loud noise, nothingness, truth, falseness, falsehood, as if from the past, as from the future, and more like the ancient **** who has been sleeping for countless years, and started to wake up, shocking everything in the world, shocking three thousand The avenue also deterred this wild ancient black hole.

Do not know why.

The loud noises became more and more empty, more and more misty, and weaker and weaker.

And as the loud noises became weaker and weaker, the turbulent currents that roared and roared in the ancient black holes like a stormy sea also calmed down.

The nine huge turbulent swirls originally swallowed all the turbulences, but as the loud noise became weaker and weaker, the speed of rotation became slower and slower.

九 I do n’t know how many turbulences have been swallowed by these nine huge turbulences, and they have become so huge that they look like flood monsters. If they want to swallow the turbulence of this ancient black hole, they will be cleaned.

He is like the endless abyss, as if buried in the time and space of the ancient times.

Like the eye of reincarnation, it seems that it can lead to the past and present life of the ancient black hole in the desert.

Like the gate of time and space, Ji is full of mystery and unknown, as if carrying the past and future of the ancient times.


The ancient nameless and Cangyan looked at the nine huge turbulent swirling circles in the black ancient black hole. Both of them knew that this was the nine palace that was born from the black ancient black hole.

Buried not only the time and space of the ancient times, but also the past and present life of the ancient times, and also the past and future of the ancient times.

Whether it is ancient nameless or Cangyan knows that once the ancient black hole becomes pregnant, it means that the ancient time that disappeared at that time will be restored.

一旦 Once the resurgence of the ancient and ancient times reappears, it means that the prelude to determine the fate of the avenue, heaven and earth will begin.

"Are you finally ... started?"

Wu Cangyan asked, maybe it was a question, it was more like muttering to himself.

"Yes, it's finally about to begin ..."

An ancient name replied, as if responding, as if muttering to himself.

Cangyan walked into the gazebo, sat down, raised the glass and poured two glasses of wine, saying: "Nine are variables, meaning is infinite, the palace is a fixed number, meaning one, the ancient ancient black hole Yanjiu Palace, whether the variable is large or the fixed number is large . "

"Various variables and large fixed numbers, everything is unknown."

Wu Gu Anonymous also sat down. She picked up a glass of wine and did not groan, but looked at the glass of fine wine.

也就是说 "That is to say, if the variable in the Ninth Palace is greater than a fixed number, the future destiny will change."

Wu Gu glanced at Cangyan, nodded, and said, "You can understand that."

Wu Cangyan asked, "Can you just understand it this way?"

Nostalgic nodded his head, and affirmed: "It can only be understood."

"You can't be sure, right?"

The ancient nameless nodded again.

也就是说 "In other words, Yangu Black Hole Yanjiu Palace is a battle between variables and fixed numbers. If the variables win, the fate is reversible. If the fixed numbers win, the fate is doomed."

"Causality is causality after all, and causality after chaos is still causality, and the ancient cause of Yanjiu from the ancient black hole is the former cause."

"Who do you think is the winner? Is it variable or constant?"

Wu Gu unknownly shook her head slightly, I don't know if she didn't know, or she didn't want to answer this question.

Wu Cangyan smiled, but did not continue to ask.

There are many constants between heaven and earth, even herself is one of them. Not only is she so, but all those who are on the avenue of destiny are fixed, but these fixed numbers are determined by heaven, not by fate. Those who take the destiny's way do not necessarily obey it.

Cangyan for example.

She is not only the Emperor of the Avenue, but also the Emperor of the Avenue, both inheriting the imperial power of the Avenue Destiny and the Emperor of the Avenue Destiny.

It stands to reason that guarding the avenue is not only her accusation but also her fate.

Can't stand it.

If she doesn't want to guard the avenue, she doesn't need to guard.

As for breaking the destiny, Cang Yan doesn't care.

But there are some that are true fixed numbers.

For example, her little sister, Su Shi, is not the destiny, but the true destiny. It is the person who should be robbed of the destiny.

In addition, there is the Emperor of Life, who is also a true robber, and it is also a catastrophe on this road.

There is also the Emperor of the Sun, and the Emperor Changfeng is almost always a robbed person who inherits his life.

The fixed number is so.

There are many variables between heaven and earth.

If all those who are on the avenue of destiny can be called fixed numbers, then all those who have sin originally can also be called variables.

Some people who are on the avenue of destiny may not obey it.

Similarly, the variables of most original sinners can be said to be negligible, and the impact of their changes can be ignored.

But some variables affect fate, and even change fate.

For example, the ancient Qingfeng of Jiuyou Emperor.

For example, the Emperor Xiaoyao asked nothing.

For example, Weiyang Devil Ren Tianxing!

All are big variables of original sin.

There is also a Xitian Buddha Emperor Miao Rulai. According to Cang Yan, he is also a big variable of original sin.

How many constants and variables are there between heaven and earth?

Wu Cangyan didn't know.

I do n’t know if Cangyan is known, even if it is unknown.

因 Because cause and effect have long been confusing, no one knows how many variables and variables were born.

There are definitely many destiny variables, but there are also a lot of original sin variables, especially holy places, especially Guixu. The destiny numbers of holy places, and the original sin variables of Guixu are probably no less. Besides, there is no heavenly appearance. I am afraid it is the largest fixed number in this world.

The biggest headache for Cangyan is that due to the confusion of cause and effect, some constants that should not have been born, some variables that should not be born, and even some variables that are both constants and births have been born ~ ~ 荒 古Black hole Yan Jiugong, variable battle fixed number.

This battle, who wins or loses, is really full of too many, too many unknowns.

"If, in this battle, outside the variables and beyond the constant ...

In the face of Cangyan's inquiries, Wu Gu repeated the words he said just now: "Causality is causality after all, and causality after chaos is also causal, variable or fixed, or irrelevant existence. As long as you participate, it will become unknown Cause and effect ... "

其实 "Actually, I always wanted to ask you a question."

"You want to ask if I will interfere, right?"

Wu Cangyan looked at Wu Guming, and smiled.

"I don't know."

"With my understanding of you, if you answer ignorantly, then probably you will intervene, at least, not indifferently, not letting things go, let alone letting things happen, right?"

Wu Guming and Cang Yan looked at each other, and then he responded, "Maybe."

"If you intervene in the antecedent cause of Jiugong, what will happen?"

"Everything has a cause and a result. In a wild ancient black hole where the cause and effect are so chaotic, planting good causes may not result in good results, and may also result in evil results."

The meaning of the ancient namelessness, Cangyan understand. If this battle is won by a fixed number, even if the ancient nameless helper wins the variable, the consequences may not be the consequence of the variable ...

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