
Vol 2 Chapter 2070: Congenital Sin and Acquired Sin

After thinking about it, the black pig demon king is no longer afraid, and carefully responds: "The last power that was sacrificed outside is indeed the power of original sin."

I saw Gu Qingfeng responding, and the Black Pig Demon King boldly tentatively asked, "I don't know what Uncle Gu wants to ask?"

"Nothing," Gu Qingfeng laughed. "Your power of original sin looks very powerful."

"Uncle Gu, your old man should stop joking."

"I didn't laugh at you, Grandpa, your original sin is much worse than Grandpa's."

"Uncle Gu." The black pig demon king wanted to cry without tears, crying face: "How can the small original sin be compared with you? It is simply the difference between the light of rice grains and the light of the sun and the moon. There's no countertop, so don't make a joke about your old man. "

"Oh! It's been a little humble before I started being humble."

The black pig demon king felt that Gu Qingfeng was deliberately ridiculing himself, and did not dare to say anything, but only secretly depressed.

"Say, how did your original sin come about?"

这个 "This ..." The Black Pig Demon King hesitated for a moment, then said reluctantly, "It happened by chance."

"It's not just that simple, right?"

"Some of the original sins have been robbed."

"How many have you grabbed?"

"Two or three?" Perhaps it was realized that Gu Qingfeng could not be concealed. The Black Pig Demon King crossed his heart and said stubbornly, "A total of five or six original sins have been stolen."

"Refining after grabbing?"

"Yes, it is."

"Okay, this kidnapping and killing more people, your kid is becoming more and more proficient. Before, it was just grabbing magic weapon to make a fortune, now his mother is beginning to **** the original sin!"

"Small ... small ..."

The Black Pig Demon King really doesn't know what to say. Deep down, he despises Gu Qingfeng deeply. Others may not know it. As an old partner who ran away with Gu Qingfeng at that time, the Black Pig Demon King knew that. I know that this guy is not a good bird, and there is only a lot more to do that kind of killing and overstocking than myself.

"I'm a little curious, how did your kid grab so many original sins, and those who are mixed with original sins in the wilderness should not be vegetarian?"

There are not many people who know the original sin of the ancient Qingfeng. There are only a few of them. Bai Chou counts one, Ren Tianxing counts one, and not long ago, he never asked the question.

Wu Baichou's strength is unfathomable, and even Gu Qingfeng has no absolute confidence to defeat her.

As for Ren Tianxing and Mo Wentian, let alone.

One is Demon Lord Weiyang, and the other is Emperor Xiaoyao.

The existence of these two people is not only the original sin person, but also the original sin variable like Gu Qingfeng.

古 Gu Qingfeng doesn't know how strong the real strength is.

Mo Mo said that a black pig demon king, that is, 10 million black pig demon kings, may not be Ren Tianxing and Mo Wentian's opponent.

"O Lord, those who are mixed with the original sin in the wilderness are too terrible than one to hide, and how dare they rob them of their original sin."

"Where did you grab your five or six original sins?"

"Small original sins were seized in the secular world."

"Secular world?" Gu Qingfeng didn't understand.

"Some people in the secular world often don't know they are the original sinners."

I heard that the black pig demon king said that Gu Qingfeng just learned it. Think about it carefully, this is indeed a good way.

It ’s not that people knew they were the original sinner when they were born. Gu Qingfeng himself is a good example. He did n’t know he was the original sinner for so long in the mundane world. He did n’t know it until he entered the wilderness. .

"Although the great barbarians have been searching for the original sin secretly in the heavens and the world, they will be brought back to them to cultivate them after they are found. Few orders are placed, even when they go out, they are definitely protected by experts.

Turning the words forward, the Black Pig Demon King again said, "However, there are too many worldly worlds, and the barren giants cannot control them all. Tian Wanjie is wandering, and it is also a small luck that meets a few weak original sinners. "

"Your boy is really patient. For Laozi's original sin, his mother tossed in the world for ten thousand years. It seems your boy is very interested in the original sin of God."

"No! Absolutely not! Little dare knows the truth of the original sin." For fear of the misunderstanding of the ancient Qingfeng, the black pig demon king quickly explained: "Small is just to make fun, don't want to ... miss the future era of injustice ... "

"is it?"

With a funny smile on the corner of the mouth of the ancient Qingfeng, he swept around the black pig demon king, and the black pig demon king looked tingling.

After a while, Gu Qingfeng said again, "Speaking of it, your boy has robbed so many original sins.

"Uncle Gu, you are too old to look down on the little ones. Even those congenital original sins cannot conceive the original sin body. The small acquired **** of the original sin does not dare to expect the original sin body."

According to legend, only the body of the original sin can be considered to open the door of the original sin.

At the same time, the incarnation of the original sin was officially embarked on the road of original sin.

I just.

It is not easy to conceive the body of the original sin.

一 This thing depends on destiny, second chance, and third understanding.

All three are indispensable.

This is just a congenital one.

If it is a person who acquired the original sin like the Black Pig Demon King ~ ~ It is even more difficult to open the door of the original sin and conceive the original sin.

After the crime of the day after tomorrow is the day after tomorrow.

He is neither as orthodox as congenital sin, nor as pure as congenital sin. It is hard to say that the birth of the original sin is to be able to incorporate the original sin into itself.

The ancient breeze is a person of congenital sin. He has never incorporated any celestial sin and has no experience in this area.

But the Black Pig Demon King has a deep understanding. In the ten thousand years he spent in various realms, he is not just looking for the original sinner, but more about integrating the captured original sin into himself.

This is just the beginning.

After being integrated into myself, I also want to ensure that I will not be bitten back, and at the same time I can control the power of original sin.

Although the Black Pig Demon King successfully integrated the stolen original sin into himself, in the past 10,000 years, he has suffered a total of more than a dozen backstabs of the original sin. He died, and so far he cannot fully control the power of original sin.

Every time the power of the original sin is sacrificed, his energy and spirit will be exhausted. Most importantly, every time the power of the sacrifices may be counterattacked.

Therefore, if it is not a last resort, under normal circumstances, the Black Pig Demon King will not use the power of original sin.

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