
Vol 2 Chapter 2029: Space Avenue

As for why this is the case, Gu Qingfeng is not clear, the only certainty is that it should not be caused by rebirth.

Because he has been reborn more than once. After rebirth in the past, although he is very weak, it is only weak. The physical body has never changed, and it will not chaos and decay.

I want to come in the ancient Qingfeng, the reason why my body will become like this should be caused by the fire of the original sin karma.

Today, his body is still so chaotic. Dantian is not Dantian, the meridians are not meridians, and the acupoints are not acupuncture points. They are all twisted together. The roots are staggered, and the body is full of impurities like rust, everywhere. Yes, countless and countless.

什么 What are these impurities? Ancient Qingfeng is also unclear.

He has not failed to try to recover as before. However, the effect is not ideal. The decayed body is like a stubborn stone and it is difficult to shake. Mo said to restore those chaotic meridian points, it is the meridian points in the body. There is no way to clean up the ancient cloak that is blocked by the holes.

Gu Qingfeng also thought about using external forces to impact the impurities in his body. Unfortunately, he never found a suitable opportunity.

I never thought that in this turbulent vortex of this ancient black hole, I would encounter a rare opportunity.

This can ruin Gu Qingfeng's happiness.

At the same time, I also scolded myself for being too stupid, tossing in the turbulent vortex for so long, just thinking about how to follow the flow, but did not even think about using the power of turbulence to impact the impurities in the body.

I'm fine.

It is not too late to know now, after all, Gu Qingfeng does not know how long he has to drift in the turbulent vortex.

that's it.

The ancient breeze completely let go of the flesh, allowing all kinds of turbulence to sweep over, madly hitting the whole body.

The power of chaos is very strong, and it is endless, endless. The most important thing is that it can cover the ancient breeze, and at the same time impact all the trick points in his body.

I have to say that the impurities blocked in the Guqingfeng Qiao points are really hard enough, and the chaos flowed across them. The Gu Qingfeng's film felt the pain of tearing, and the impurities in the Qiao points were impacted by various turbulence. It turned out to be just slightly loose.

Shocked for such a long time, Mo said to open the plugged hole, even if the impurities plugged in the hole have not been washed away, not even a single particle.

I really do.

I am not exaggerated at all.

Can't stand it.

This has made Gu Qingfeng very happy. Now that the impurities in the pits have begun to loosen, they will be washed away sooner or later. It is only a matter of time.

Gu Qingfeng was not in a hurry. If he was in a hurry, he would not have carried such a flesh and wander freely in the wild, not to mention that this thing was anxious and anxious, and he could not insert himself, at least, in the absence of impurities Until he loosened, he couldn't get in. Currently, he can only pin his hopes on the turbulence.

I don't know what year and month will be able to poke open the acupuncture point, Gu Qingfeng feels that such a job is not a way to wait, it is very boring, and when nothing is happening, he starts to feel the chaos.

The so-called turbulence.

Strictly speaking, it is actually a kind of space.

不同 Unlike the Great Wild Space, the Great Wild Space is located in the heavens and the earth. It is always nourished by the natural and spiritual temperature of the heavens and the earth, and gradually has its origin. Under the blessing of the law of heaven and earth, it gradually forms a state or a realm.

The endless sea has no aura at all, and there is no nature, so it is called Tian Wai Tian.

In this environment, the space of the endless sea will neither derive its origin, nor form a realm or a realm. Since the endless sea has no law and order, the space of the endless sea is some irregular space. Like the wind and water, it changes with the environment.

If space is a person, the origin of space is its soul, and the form of space is physical.

The great wasteland has both soul and body, but also life.

The endless space of the sea, not only has no soul, no body, and no life at the same time, just like a lone soul and wild ghost.

This is why the endless sea space is called turbulence.

Because space is irregular, it is chaotic space and it is also a flowing space.

The chaos flow is like this, which is why the name of the endless sea comes.

The ancient ancient breeze just felt the turbulent flow inside the black ancient cave while letting the physical body bear the impact of various turbulent flows.

I do not know how long I felt.

Gradually, Gu Qingfeng seemed to realize something, but it was very vague. This feeling was like being lost in the endless darkness and suddenly finding a touch of light. However, this light was too weak and too dim to be seen But can't feel it.

The ancient breeze continued to realize that the entire person was completely invaded by the changes of all kinds of chaos, forgetting time and forgetting everything.

The more he realized, the more he felt that the turbulence was really mysterious and mysterious.

The ancient breeze has always thought of the so-called turbulence, no rules and no order, and no road at all.

However, gradually, he found that this was not the case. There were not only rules and order, but also avenues.

Just the law of chaos, Gu Qingfeng didn't realize it for a while and a half, but the chaos of the avenue of chaos, how much has been spied out.

Chaos flow is space, even if it is an irregular space.

Since it is space, it is an avenue, and space is also one of the avenues.

The ancient breeze continued to realize the mystery of the turbulence of space. As the awakening of the turbulence became deeper and deeper, he also became more and more aware of the mystery of the space avenue.

This feeling is just like discovering Xintiandi, telling Gu Qingfeng to have a new understanding of the space avenue.

悟 This realization, really is a omnipotent ~ ~ ever-changing.

Previously, although the ancient Qingfeng could follow the current in the turbulent vortex, it would be swallowed by the turbulence from time to time.


After this realization, Gu Qingfeng will no longer be swallowed up by turbulence, even if the turbulence is strong, he will not be able to devour it.

Is that just the case?

Do not.

Is far more than that.

After the ancient breeze was swallowed by the turbulent stream, it must use its full strength to rush out.

After this realization, even if it was swallowed by the turbulent stream, the ancient Qingfeng could easily come out.

Is that just the case?

Not only that.

The ancient breeze had previously tried to get out of the turbulent vortex, but it was useless to make any effort, but now the ancient breeze can completely ride the wind and break the waves and go uphill.

Is it finished?


After this realization, the follow-up of the ancient breeze will no longer follow the current, and the wind and waves will no longer be broken by the wind, but will be like a fish and water, and they can freely shuttle in turbulent currents. For him, it is like a bubble. If he wants, he can ignore it.

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