
Vol 2 Chapter 1979: Half-moon bow in the night, star-shaped arrows

"is it……"

With the strength of the five fingers of the ancient Qingfeng, a crackling sound, a sharp arrow trembled, and the blooming brilliance gradually weakened.

"Huh! You shouldn't be proud, this is just an empty arrow shot by the half-moon bow of the night, if I shoot a real arrow of the stars with the half-moon bow of the night, you are long gone now!"

"Then shoot out an arrow of the stars with your half-moon bow and tell him to see!"

As the voice fell, Gu Qingfeng slammed hard, clicked, and the crystal-clear arrows of the awns collapsed and disappeared on the spot, and a divine attachment attached to the arrows turned into a slick of light and emptied, saying: "You Emperor, wait for me, Until the day we really meet, it will be when I Tianxiong kills you! "

"There are endless numbers of people who want to kill Lao Tzu in these heavens and worlds. Tian Lao Tzu has to be in the back row. You are the oldest!"

Gu Qingfeng stood with his hands in his hands, staring at the consciousness rising up into the air. When the killer opened, he shouted loudly and said, "Destroy me!"

With such a loud drink, the world was shocked, and the ancients were extinct, and instantly wiped out the ashes of the gods who wanted to escape.

Gu Qingfeng looked at the night sky as if thinking about something.

"The half-moon bow in the night, the star-shaped arrow, has the legendary power of the avenue, the power of the night and the moon, the power of the stars, can penetrate the barriers of space, the defense is unstoppable, the defense is unstoppable, and the arrowhead And then, wherever I go. "

A bland voice came, and in response, a man was wrapped in white cloth.

It is Bai worry.

She quietly appeared out of thin air, looking at the direction where the arrow just came, saying, "I can't think of the half-moon bow in the middle of the night just shooting a virtual arrow to have such a terrible power. I can't imagine a real star. What a horrible arrow should be. "

The half-moon bow in the dark night, the stars are inch arrows.

Ancient Qingfeng has also heard of it, it is a legendary avenue treasure.

The so-called avenue treasure, also known as the avenue instrument, is said that when nature conceived the three thousand avenues in those years, those great ancestors could be refined with the innate avenue of the avenue, not only containing the power of the avenue, but also All contain the power of the avenue, the power of which is extremely terrifying.


Most of these road treasures disappeared with the mysterious end of the Wudao era, and a small part of them disappeared with the end of the ancient times. Although some of the road treasures have been passed down, they are mostly incomplete or depleted, even if Without incomplete exhaustion, complete inheritance, these road treasures are not anyone who can sacrifice.

If you do n’t have strong strength, you ca n’t surrender the treasures of the road and force the sacrifice, you will be bitten back by it, you will be seriously injured, and you will be destroyed in the spot.

Like some great wild giants, there are thirty-six holes and heavens and seventy-two blessed places. Among them, there is a treasure that is passed down intact, but no one has ever been able to worship it.

As for the half-moon bow of the night, the star-shaped arrows, although the ancient Qingfeng has heard of it, it is just that, and I have no impression of this thing, and I do n’t remember who owns it, even if it is attached to it On the arrow of Mang's arrow, Gu Qingfeng, who claimed to be Ye Tianxiong, had never heard of it.

"A half-moon bow in the dark night, the star-shaped arrows can be found in the ancient ruins by these great wild giants, but only outsiders don't know about it."

Bai Chou whispered softly: "As for Ye Tianxiong, it might be someone who has been secretly cultivated by a great barbaric giant, or someone who should be robbed, or someone who is reincarnated. Who knows, too much too too much……"

Bai Chou looked at Gu Qingfeng and said: "Since the ancient namelessness declared that the original sin was not a sin in the heavens and the world, the prologue of the Wudao era has already begun. Gradually surfaced, something like this just now holding you to challenge you, I think it is just the beginning, there will only be more in the future, and your troubles have just begun ... "

Gu Qingfeng had no interest in these things, and he was too lazy to ask, glanced at Baichao, and said, "You have something to do with me?"

"No." Bai Chou was wrapped in white cloth, showing only a pair of eyes that looked like an abyss, staring at Gu Qingfeng, saying, "Just ... to send you."

"give me?"

Gu Qingfeng smiled.

"What? No?"

Gu Qingfeng didn't speak. He knew that the appearance of Bai Qing was definitely more than just giving himself away.

as expected.

After a while, Bai Chou asked, "Are you ... determined to get rid of the original sin?"

Gu Qingfeng did not hide it, nodded bluntly, "Yes."

"If you want to get rid of the original sin, you must first become the original sin."

"I know."

"But after becoming the original sin, you are the original sin. How do you get rid of yourself?"

"do not know."

"Have you thought about the consequences?"


"If you haven't thought about the consequences, you might as well look at me." Bai Chou said, "I was like you at that time, I only wanted to get rid of the original sin, but after becoming the original sin, I finally realized that I couldn't get rid of myself at all. , Not to mention being the puppet of original sin, so I am now like this. "

"It's not bad to be like you." Gu Qingfeng looked up and down at Bai Qing, and said seriously: "If Gaiminger can't get rid of the original sin in the end, he will also find me a nameless one. White cloth, no! I want black cloth. When we get black and white, we can make a combination.

Bai Chou said, "I haven't joked with you. You don't have to be obsessed. You can't get rid of the original sin at all."

"You're you, I'm me." Gu Qingfeng replied, "We're different."

"We are all original sinners, and there is the same blood of original sin flowing in you. You are the original sin variable, and I am also the original sin variable. What's different."

"Because you are a woman, I am a man, your name is Bai Chou, and my name is Gu Qingfeng, so we are different."


Bai Chou glared at Gu Qingfeng and felt very speechless. She shook her head and said, "I'm not here to persuade you."

"I know."

"how do you know?"

"The two of us are not close to each other ~ ~ You are not my good friend, I am not your loved one, and you kindly advise me to do it."


Bai Chou laughed dumbly and said, "This is true."

"Hurry up and say something, Grandpa and I have to hurry."

"Someone asked me to bring you something." Talking, Bai Chou waved and waved, and when Guanghua flickered, Gu Qingfeng raised his hand and grasped it, his fingers spread out, and a palm was added to the palm. The stone is ordinary, like a piece Like the uncarved natural jadeite, there is nothing strange to see, at least, the ancient Qingfeng can't see it.

"What is this thing?"

"I don't know."

"Who told you to bring me?"

"You'll know later, take care, I'm gone."

As the voice fell, Bai Chou's figure gradually disappeared, and the voice came along: "I hope you will remain the same when you see you again."

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