
Vol 2 Chapter 1919: The original sin

"Uncle Gu, the great ancestor, my brother admits that I used to be sorry for your elderly when I was in Jiuyou. It was because my brother didn't know Taishan, and my brother also knew something wrong. The great ancestor, for his poor part Go up, your old man is fine, let the younger brother go and give him a way to live, younger ... my younger kneel for you. "

With a quick bang, the shark was kneeling in front of Gu Qingfeng so cleanly under the large crowd, crying and begging for mercy.

And Gu Qingfeng did n’t eat this set at all, and said with a joke: "Old pig, let me tell you something. If a grandfather didn't meet you here today, he wouldn't remember you. Since you are here today, no matter what you do, no matter who asks you to come, this lively, you have to participate if you are involved, you have to be involved if you do n’t, and the other is not talking about it. Jiuyou, you have a knife in your back, and you have to play with you today. "

"Old ancestor, younger ... younger brother is wrong!"

The shark looks out for a **** for mercy, crying for a piercing heart. Those people who do n’t know the truth under the Black Water Mountain are beginning to embarrass the shark. Begging for mercy, this You Emperor refused to let go.

The shark-like elephant is still begging for mercy, but Gu Qingfeng is too lazy to listen anymore. He leans forward and leans forward, whispering, "Tell me where is your flesh?"

I heard that Gu Qingfeng suddenly asked about his own body, and the shark suddenly felt his heart suddenly, raised his head, and seemed to be a little surprised. After a while, he responded: "Little brother ... little brother."

"You made it?"

"Yeah! Ancient ancestors, don't you believe in the younger brother? The physical body is really made by younger brother."

"Why can't the grandfather not believe you?" Gu Qingfeng hooked his fingers and motioned for the shark to come over, but the shark didn't know what the guilty conscience was, and hesitated for a while before peeping his head.

"Fuck your mother to pretend to be Lao Tzu, believe it or not, Lao Tzu shake your secret out?"

"What secret? My brother has no secret ..." When the shark elephant touched the eyes of Gu Qingfeng who could see everything in the world, the shark elephant was afraid to continue, especially looking at the smile on Gu Qingfeng's mouth. The shark felt a cyanosis in his heart, and quickly said in a whisper: "This ... Uncle Gu, do you always see it?"

The ancient breeze did see the secret of the shark elephant.

His secret is the body, the body of original sin.

The shark is not a person of original sin, but has a body of original sin.

Gu Qingfeng thought that this man should have taken away the flesh of a person who had given up the original sin and then refined it. Moreover, it is likely that more than one person who took away the original sin would not have taken three or four or seven or eight. The boy did not know what method was used for refining, and he hid the flesh's original sin deeply. If it wasn't for Gu Qingfeng who knew that the shark looks like an unprofitable early master, it would really not be so Knowing that this boy now has the original sin.

It's true.

The shark elephant now has the original sin body, which was refined by those who took away the original sin, and took away four original sin people. In order to hide the breath of the original sin on his body, he deliberately made the body smoke, all kinds of crooked and evil ways. Lingxi was stuffed into the flesh, thinking that the messy flesh could hide the sky and the sea. I never wanted to hide it from other people, but after all, did not hide the ancient Qingfeng.

"Old pig, tell me, do you want to take this opportunity to kill me and take away my flesh?"

The shark's scared face was all white, and he quickly rumored to explain: "The conscience of the world! The old ancestor, the younger brother has never thought of it like that! Even if the younger brother gave 10,000 guts, the younger brother would not dare to take away your body ! "

Gu Gu Qingfeng smiled. He didn't believe the shark at all, because when he was in Jiuyou, he wanted to take away his physical body.

"Ancient ancestor, my brother really didn't mean this and didn't lie to you. My brother didn't know you were in Miluo Tianyu, really!"

"No, Grandpa means, if you really want to take away my body, I will give it directly to you."

"Ancient ancestor, this kind of joke can't be laughed at, the younger brother never thought about taking away your physical body! The younger brother is afraid!"

"I'm not kidding, if you want, I will give it to you, really, do not lie to you."

"Dare! Dare! Dare!"

The Shark Elephant shook his head again and again, very resolutely and seriously.

That year.

He really wanted to take the flesh of She Gu Qingfeng for his own use, but it was only then.

Although he took away the flesh of a few original sinners, he also yearned for the original sin, and wanted to become the original sin God who opened the era of iniquity recorded in the book of destiny.

清 But Gu Qingfeng's original sin, he did not dare to take his house anyway.

at least.

I dare not now.

Because he knew that Gu Qingfeng ignited the fire of the original sin in Wudao Mountain that year, and awakened the original sin. It can be said that the road of original sin was very deep.

Xun is because of the deep sin of Gu Qingfeng's body, so today, three thousand avenues, and heaven and earth, all kinds of terrible existences will be focused on him.

If you compare the original sin to a treasure mountain.

The ancient breeze is about to reach the top of this mountain.

He Sanqian Avenue, cave heaven and earth, various terrible existence will not allow him to climb to the top of the mountain.

No matter who ascends to the top of the mountain, it will become the target of criticism.

This principle, shark elephants still understand.

Therefore, he would rather pick up human teeth at the foot of Baoshan, the original sin, and do some stealthy work, rather than climb to the top of the mountain and become a target of public criticism. It is not an exaggeration to say that even if the ancient Qingfeng gave the flesh to the shark elephant, the shark elephant would not dare.

"You said that you came to Luo Tianyu ~ ~ in order to return the favor of a person, this person ... Isn't that little girl who is ancient and unknown?"

I heard the words.

The tadpole shark stared at Gu Qingfeng in disbelief, wondering: "You ... how do you know?"

"How do I know, you don't need to worry, you tell me, what did the old and unknown little girl ask you to do here?"

"Ancient ancestor, why did the goddess of heaven let the younger brother come to Luo Tianyu to be the domain master, the younger brother also doesn't know."

"really do not know?"

真的 "Really! I can swear! The younger brother really doesn't know, the young lady just let the younger brother come to Luo Tianyu to be the domain master, and said nothing else."

"Then you promised her?"

"If you don't agree, it won't work. If you don't agree, Xiandao will kill the younger brother. It was Tianji Niangang who saved the younger brother's life. The younger brother agreed to helplessly. The younger brother really did not know that you would be here. appear."

"I believe you."

The ancient ancient breeze raised a glass of wine and murmured, "It seems that the ancient unnamed girl wants to play a big one."

At this moment, a sudden change occurred in the sky, and a silvery white bloom bloomed, shining brightly on the heavenly field of Miluo.

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