
Vol 2 Chapter 1865: Avenue lords gather in Miluo

After listening to Qing Qing's explanation, all the elders in Changshengge lamented her being too kind and persuaded them.

"Qing Qing, you think too much, this matter has nothing to do with you. When you picked up the Cloud Sword, you didn't know it was the Five Elements Cloud Sword made by the Emperor, didn't you?"

"Furthermore, as far as we know, you did not reveal the identity of Youdi at that time, but you admitted it on your own initiative. What does this have to do with you?"

Mr. Kaishan also persuaded: "Qing Qing, you must not have any psychological burden, no matter whether you really adore Youdi or feel guilty for Youdi, now saying that these have no meaning and are useless. This matter is not something that our Changsheng Pavilion can participate in, let alone, it is not for you to go out to testify the Emperor, but for you to tell the truth of the matter. As long as you have a clear conscience, you should not think about other things. "


Qing Qing still seemed very hesitant, but just spoke, and Mr. Kaishan said, "No, but the old man said that this matter has caused a sensation in all heavens and earth, and you are the key person in this matter. Therefore, you can't hide at all, you don't need to blame yourself, and you don't have to worry about the safety of the Emperor. This should not be something you should worry about. "

"Who said no?"

The centrifugal fairy refilled the knife and said, "The Emperor has so many good things, how can his safety not be your turn to worry about your little girl. If the others don't say it, say the maiden lady, who doesn't know The maiden is fascinated by the emperor. If there is any danger to the emperor, there are some maiden maidens. One word from the others, who would dare not give face to the Three Thousand Avenue? What do you care about blindly! "

"You and I!"

Qing Qing was completely lost of temper by the centrifugal fairy, which was both angry and sad, and her self-esteem was also severely hit.

"Let's go, Qing Qing, now go out and explain things. You can rest assured that there is something that the ancestor will bear for you." Father Kaishan said, "Your master will be born, and Changsheng Pavilion will also be for you. Don't be afraid. "

"Okay ... okay."


Great waste.

Miluo Tianyu.

The crowd in front of the Plum Wonderland is crowded with crowds.

No one knows exactly how many people there are. They just look around, and there are people everywhere in the sky and in all directions, densely packed, countless, and countless.

There is only one purpose for these people to gather here, and that is to wait for Qing Qing to come out and make things clear. Is the fairy sword in her hand a five-element cloud and water sword of the Emperor? Is it true that the Emperor You really returned from the dead? Already.

Everyone originally ran for this purpose, but then it gradually changed its taste and became a group of arrogants fighting.

And the situation is getting worse.

At the beginning, it was just that the other Taoist Celestial Masters were competing with the Miluo Tianyu Masters. Later, as the other Taoist Fairy Taoists appeared more and more, the situation became chaotic and became a group. The immortals of Xiandao who formed the team took their own heaven as their camp, and did not give up.

As more and more Xiandao arrogants have appeared one after another, the situation has become more and more chaotic. The appearance of Xiandao arrogants has become stronger and stronger, regardless of their identity background, cultivation, strength, fame or influence.

Not the first immortal of this heavenly world.

This is the rookie of the first avenue of the ancient times.

Not only did the immortal pride lords of all major heavenly areas appear one after another, the immortal pride lords who made extraordinary prestige in the wilderness in the ancient times also emerged one after another.

There are four more than the top ten Yaxian in ancient times.

Three of the top ten immortals of ancient times also came.

Several of the top ten demon immortals in ancient times also came.

These so-called top ten immortals, top ten immortals, top ten demon immortals, and so on are all young people who have made a name for themselves in the wilderness for thousands of years in ancient times. Their identity background is stronger than one.

It is either a disciple of Dongtianfudi, or the young master of the major fairyland families, as well as the children of the fairy dynasty, the children of the fairy house, the children of the major worlds, and so on.

These existences, without exception, are all fortunes, and the strength of cultivation is more inscrutable than one.

One of the most notable is the top ten famous immortals, and three came this time.

The names of the top ten immortals in ancient times are much larger than those of the top ten yaxian, fanxian and demon immortals.

the reason is simple.

Those top ten Yaxian were all brought up by everyone.

The top ten immortals are not only held by everyone, but also the top ten unparalleled gods by Jiutian Qin.

In other words, the top ten immortals of ancient times were recognized for nine days.

It ’s not to mention his status and background. For example, Qing Qing is one of the top ten immortals. He has the background of Changsheng Pavilion and is also a disciple of the famous Emperor. After hundreds of thousands of years of old immortals, even the mysterious old immortals are beyond reach.

The front door of Meihua Wonderland was already chaotic and lively enough ~ ~ Almost all of Xianjiao, who has a powerful influence in the wilderness in the ancient times, came to the forefront.


This lively event is far more than that.

This is a sensation caused by the return of the Emperor You. The sensation was not only Miluo Tianyu, but also the heavens and the world, and it affected not only Xiandao, but Sanqian Avenue.


This time, not only are the pride of Xiandao, but also the pride of Three Thousand Avenues, but Xiandao dominates the great wastes of ancient times. The reputation of Xiandao Pride is relatively large, and only a large number of others come. The rays of light are far less than those of Xiandao Pride. The most important thing is that the number is too small. Among the tens of thousands of people of Xiandao Pride, it can't set off a big wave at all.

Of course.

Demon Tao is an exception.

Although the number of demon puppets appearing this time is not as good as that of immortal puppets, there are indeed a lot of them, and these prestige puppets even come to overwhelm their prestige.

There are ten unparalleled Shangxian on Xiandao.

Yaodao also has ten unparalleled Shangyou.

Each of the top ten unparalleled gods of immortal Tao is a creature, the same is true of the top ten unparalleled gods of demon Tao, the most important thing is that the top ten unparalleled gods of demon Tao are descendants of demon ancestors.

Either descendants of Xunpeng, descendants of Firebird, or descendants of Kirin, or descendants of puppets, the bloodlines are stronger than one.

The top ten unparalleled deities of immortal Tao are bestowed on the nine heavenly gifts of the bright, while the top ten demon gods of the demon Tao are bestowed on the dark nine youchen.

The Ten Immortals of the Immortal Immortal all have a strong background of the heavenly heaven, and the Ten Immortals of the Immortal Immortal also have a powerful background of the heavenly heaven.

We must know that the thirty-six hole days and the seventy-two blessings that have been passed down since ancient times belong neither to the nine days, nor to the nine you, nor do they belong to the Three Thousand Avenues. They are all-inclusive and belong to the neutral camp.

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