
Vol 2 Chapter 1807: Purple Green You Fox

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In the 10,000 years of the wild wasteland, not only did Huo De become more and more confident, but his self-esteem has been unprecedentedly satisfied, and the more he lived, the more interesting his life became.

and so.

Huo De floated.

People also swell.

He pondered that there was still a certain gap between him and Gu Qingfeng, but this gap would definitely not be too big. If he was lucky, he might still be able to retrieve the self-respect that was lost in Gu Qingfeng. may.

Of course.

Since encountering the ancient breeze in the Xuantian ship by chance, Huo Deyue has discovered that the existence of the ancient breeze is unfathomable, and the gap is even more unimaginable.

Huo De finally realized that the self-esteem lost in Gu Qingfeng that year, I have no hope to find it back in this life. He acknowledged, admonished, and destined, and did not expect to find it back from Gu Qingfeng. That Laoszi's self-esteem.

Thinking about it, and tossing it down, he said that it is unknown whether the self-esteem lost in the past can be maintained in the face of the ancient Qingfeng.

At that time, the will blown by Gu Qingfeng was depressed, and his spirit almost collapsed. He experienced it once, and Huode didn't want to experience it again.


Huo De is not a strong and victorious person, nor does he have to regain his self-esteem, nor does he have to play a powerful role in front of Gu Qingfeng.

In the past, Huo De might not be able to swallow this breath, and he was not reconciled or convinced.

I think everyone is a human being. Both are pure men with two heads on their shoulders. Why can his ancient breeze run wild in a wild and brazen way, and it ’s delicious and hot all day long. The reputation is not only the Three Thousand Avenues of Megatrons, but also all the worlds know that no one knows, dead or alive, dead or alive, without any cultivation and no evil, so his horror is so.

And yourself.

After working hard for most of my life, I did n’t catch anything in the end. I did n’t want to be famous, I did n’t want to be strong. The key is to be a bachelor. If you do n’t know Gu Qingfeng, it wo n’t matter. It became a thorn in Huo Dexin's heart, but he watched Gu Qingfeng grow up. Anyone knows Gu Qingfeng. Because of this, this hurdle, Huo De can not get through anyway, and he always has the same tone. I can't swallow it, I feel that God is unfair.

of course.

This is just before.

After knowing that Gu Qingfeng was the original sinner, Huode felt that God was fair and that all sentient beings were equal. Although Cang gave Gu Qingfeng a powerful power, he also pushed him towards a mysterious, unknown and terrible The abyss of the original sin, which is not only the target of public criticism, but also the world.

Huo De once thought, what would happen if I let myself follow the ancient breeze?

Beautiful women are like clouds, powerful, and dominate the world, it sounds very powerful, but behind this powerful, it is struggling between life and death again and again, wandering between good and evil again and again, again and again Guilt between Dao and De, lost again and again between madness and epilepsy.

Huo De knew that he couldn't bear it at all, and could not bear so much pain and torture again and again. In case of his own words, he was afraid that he would collapse early.

Huo De also knows that Gu Qingfeng's body is too heavy, heavier than even imagined.

Even so, Gu Qingfeng is still like nothing else, not drinking or sleeping, and being idle and leisurely. This has to be admired by Huo De. At the same time, he is also worried about Gu Qingfeng. He wanted to prove himself in front of Gu Qingfeng. He didn't feel that Gu Qingfeng looked down on him, but he just wanted to know how big the gap was between him and Gu Qingfeng. Can he help in that time?


The gap is really too big.

Huode didn't know how to make up for such a big gap.

With a lament, Huode secretly vowed that he would definitely work hard to improve his strength in the future. In case the boy is in danger, he can help him a lot, and he can do it for him.


The distant mid-air blooms with dazzling brilliance. When the brilliance flashes, it forms a pattern that looks like a flag, followed by another pattern that condenses, and one pattern after another appears in the air.

Both the ancient Qingfeng and Huode know that these patterns formed in the air are a kind of beacon.

In the wild.

The caves, the heavens, the mysteries of Xuantian, both the family and the wonderland, almost all have their own unique image of a beacon.

This thing is similar to a banner. It belongs to a kind of symbol. In addition, it has a more important role. It is used to congregate your own people. As long as the image of the letter is sacrificed, they will definitely be in the first place when they see it. Hurry up.

Looking at one of the distant moments, Kung Fu appeared with seven or eight different beacon signs. Huo Dehao asked: "It looks like this is what a treasure has been found. This broken place is just an abandoned barren land. Jing, He said aura, not even a sip of breath, what treasure can they find? "

In the barren realm, there is a dark place everywhere. There is no sun, no moon, no stars, including no nature. It can be described as how desolate and desolate, and the inside is full of lifelessness. Without a little vitality, it is impossible What kind of treasure is born.

Gu Qingfeng rubbed his chin, and said, "Walk over and see."

After the dark sky appeared with the appearance of different beacons, people from all directions rushed over there for the first time ~ ~ Look closely, good guys, there are thousands of people to talk less.

When Gu Qingfeng and Huode rushed past, a group of people were chasing in the forest, as if chasing something. They were all enchanted by the magic, holding the immortal soldiers, and performing the magic sword of Tao.


A purple cyan shadow is running fast in the mountains and forests. The purple cyan shadow looks more than two meters long. It looks like a fox, but it is not an ordinary fox, but it has three eyes. , Six-tailed fox.

"Good guy! It turned out to be a three-eyed, six-tailed fox, and it was a purple and blue fox! No wonder so many people grab it!"

Huo Dehao is also in the wilderness for almost 10,000 years. Although he has not made any famous name, he knows a lot about rare animals and rare beasts. He knows that the double-tailed thing of Linghu is Treasure, with three tails as treasures, and four tails are enough to be called the rare beast. As for the six-tailed spirit fox, this is already a wild treasure.

What's more, this spirit fox is not only as simple as six-tailed, but it also has three blonds. This is the legendary purple green fox. It is not only a distinguished bloodline, but also an ancestor.

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