
Vol 2 Chapter 1647: Lost in self

"Ah! Mi! Tuo! Buddha!"

The four-character Buddhism of the old monk came, with profound sounds and wonderful sounds.

"Dare to ask the reason why the ancient dwellers did not want to be detached from themselves. Do they really want to be a secular mortal who is full of emotions?"

The ancient breeze shrugged and responded without hesitation: "Of course."

"Dare to ask the reason why the ancient dwellers did not want to be detached from themselves. Do they really want to be a secular mortal who is full of emotions?"

The old monk asked the same sentence again, but the tone of the ancient Qingfeng was not so sure this time, and he asked: "Sorry?"

"Dare to ask the reason why the ancient dwellers did not want to be detached from themselves. Do they really want to be a secular mortal who is full of emotions?"

The old monk asked the same thing for the third time. This time, Gu Qingfeng was not only not so sure, but hesitated for a long time before he responded, "Maybe."

"Dare to ask the reason why the ancient dwellers did not want to be detached from themselves. Do they really want to be a secular mortal who is full of emotions?"

The old monk asked the same thing for the fourth time. This time, Gu Qingfeng was silent for a long time, then shook his head and said, "I don't know."


He sighed the old monk from the vanishing mountain of silence, saying: "Of course the ancient dwellers did not know. If they knew, the ancient dwellers would not be confused by themselves as they are now."


I was confused.

And still confused in self.

To be exact, today's Gu Qingfeng is lost in self.

In fact, Gu Qingfeng no longer knows which one is the real me.

I don't know when it started.

He may be after integrating into the original sin, or when he seeks the cause and effect. As he got deeper and deeper in the path of the cause and effect of the original sin in the apocalyptic era, he still does not know which one is the true self.

What is the true self? Or a wicked person? Or a secular person?

He can't tell the difference.

At first, when I started to search for cause and effect, although I had doubts in my heart, I was only doubtful, and there was nothing else I could recognize myself.

Since he was fused with that drop of original sin, he became more and more confused.

Until Wudao Mountain ignited the original sin karma fire, slept for ten thousand years, and after waking up, he was completely confused by himself.

He often wonders whether he is not himself now, but has become the body of original sin, but he does not know it.

原 This original sin body may not yet be an incarnation, but a legal body.

He did have this feeling, especially Mandavan said that after he ignited the original sin, he awakened the original sin in deep sleep, and this feeling was even stronger.

Not only that.

The ancient breeze even suspected that after integrating into the blood of the original sin, he may not be himself, but belong to the original sin body of the unreliable.

If not, how could one possibly have some inexplicable cause and effect with so many people in the era of injustice.

的 All the things experienced over the years have made Gu Qingfeng have such doubts.

"Old monk, do you mean me now, or am I real?"

"I cannot answer this question."


"I don't know, I don't know anyone. If anyone in this world can answer this question, then this person is only Guju himself."

"If I knew, I wouldn't ask you."

After a while, Gu Qingfeng said quietly, "Old monk, you know? After the ancient catastrophe, I woke up in the secular world. I once encountered a avenue slurry, and one of the avenue seeds somehow integrated into my body.

"I clearly remember that avenue seed once said something to me, that they found it, they knew it, and were still looking for me."

"Also said let me be careful of the Po Wa, the Kaye, and the Capri ..."

"The avenue seed also told me, be careful about cause and effect, and don't believe in cause and effect, it is their trap."

"Also let me be careful about my past life, and don't believe it."

"Not only that, the avenue seed also made me take care of myself and don't believe in myself ..."

"The avenue seed said, as many cause and effect as I have, there are as many past lives as there are as many past lives as I have."

"It makes me not to believe, and no one to believe."

"It also made me find it, and it said it had me on its back ..."

Gu Qingfeng closed his eyes as if remembering, and then said: "Although this thing has passed a long time, I still remember it clearly, and I also asked you for advice, I asked you, what is the mother-in-law "What are the Gaya people and the Capricorn people? You don't know."

"I also ask you, how many previous lives can there be in the so-called previous life cause and effect? ​​How many previous lives and how many self do you mean?"

"You still don't know."

"I don't know the old monk, do you remember this?"

The old monk replied, "Old me remember."

"You didn't answer me back then, not because you didn't know it, but because you didn't want to say it, right?"

"It does."


"The ancient dwellers of the year knew nothing about the Tao and did not embark on the road of seeking cause and effect. The old man did not want to let the ancient dwellers embark on this road, so he did not want to say too much about the time of the innocent."

"I did not know anything about Taoism at that time, but now it is different. Not only has I embarked on this road, but I have already fallen into it, and I cannot get out."

"Old man once persuaded the ancient dwellers not to ask for cause and effect ..."

"Come on, does it still make sense to say these things now? Then again, did the reason that made me embark on this path was because I was seeking cause and effect? ​​Isn't that the case at all? I was born with the original sin People ~ ~ Immediately after all kinds of cause and effect, one can't stop the other. In other words, Lao Tzu was born a chess piece in a cause and effect chess game. Well, even if I do n’t ask for it, causality will come to you. ”


The old monk read a word of Buddhism and did not speak again.

"Don't worry about Amitabha first. What about the Pupa, Kaye and Capricorn?"

"Some things are not because the old man doesn't want to say it, but he can't say it. I also hope that the old dwellers will forgive me, and there is no need to force the old man."

"Why can't you say?"

The old monk said an Amitabha again, apparently, he didn't want to answer the question of Gu Qingfeng.

"Is this Rush son-in-law, Ka-ye, Capricorn a clan of the Wayless Age? What taboos are stumbling? Or is it the Holy Spirit of the Wayless Age? What God?"

No matter what Gu Qingfeng said, the old monk remained silent.

I look.

The old monk was ironed and would not answer this question.

In the end, Gu Qingfeng also gave up and said, "Okay, you do n’t say, I do n’t force you, but ... the so-called past and present, how many causes and effects, how many ego, how many books, and how many true ones, yes What's going on, how much do you solve for us? "

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