
Vol 2 Chapter 1563: Think carefully

然后 "What then? What's his name, what is his Tao number, and where did he come from?"

He heard that Qian Ling knew that the mysterious grandfather was named Gu, and Mu Lingyao immediately asked all the doubts in his heart.

"He only told me that his surname was Gu, and nothing else was said."

"Linger, why don't you ask him!"

Qian Qianling wanted to cry without tears, and said, "Do you think I don't want to ask, but he can't help me without saying."

"It's the same." Mu Lingyao scratched his head and whispered, "The surname is ancient, and it is still ancient. It is useless to know only one surname. There are many surnames in the world, but Ling Er, Since he is willing to tell you what his last name is, if you keep asking, you should be able to ask his identity? "

"I will not dare to inquire into his private affairs anymore."

Before, I did n’t know the terribleness of Gu Qingfeng, Qian Ling did n’t matter, but now that I know it, Qian Ling really does n’t dare to inquire about it anymore. Now I think of myself questioning Gu Qingfeng ’s identity on the floating island. Some are afraid, but also fortunate that Gu Qingfeng did not care about himself, otherwise, even if he has ten lives, it is not enough to kill others.

"Linger is right."

Bai Susu said: "You have to remember that you should never inquire into his identity in the future. Otherwise, if you anger him, the consequences will be disastrous. You have also seen his strength. If he wants to kill you, he is better than a pinch. The ants are simpler. "

Nianhuadie Fairy, Qianling, and Mu Lingyao nodded. After seeing the horrors of the ancient breeze, they also knew clearly that it was easier to kill themselves than pinch an ant with the power of the ancient breeze.

"Not only do you not want to investigate his identity at will, but try to stay away from him in the future, it is better not to have any intersection with him."

Bai Susu's voice came, Mu Lingyao said: "Sister Su Su, we don't want to check his identity at will, there is no need to stay away from him, he is not a bad person."

"How long have you known him, how do you know he is not a bad guy?"

"Although I have known him for a long time, but ... I don't think he looks like a bad guy, what's more, Grandpa has lived in Xiao Luo's mystery for decades. If people are really bad guys, I am afraid that Linger and Chidori will not. Live till now. "

Chidori also nodded and said: "Sister Susu, Yaoer said very well, little drunk, oh no, Master, he is really not a bad guy, he is not only a bad guy, but also very easy-going. He has lived in our little Luo secret place for many years. This is the case. If it weren't for Fengyue Small World, we wouldn't even know he would be so powerful. "

Bai Susu sighed: "You are really too young. There is no absolute good and bad person in the world. Good people will become bad people when they think about them. When bad people have soft hearts and soft hearts, I do n’t know what he is, but I don't know if he is a good person or a bad person, but he threatened three people with a threat on Floating Island, and flew the flesh and blood of Dan Lei's limbs while winning the gold pagoda, especially the sound of the might that shook thousands of people. Broken, the fairy's collapse, which is enough to illustrate a terrible problem. "

"What awful question?"

Bian Susu looked at Huadie Fairy and others, saying calmly: "He used to kill people like hemp."

"Ah! Murder?"

Qi Mu Lingyao was shocked and asked, "But he didn't kill a man in the gold tower, but just shattered those meridians, and the fairy spirit collapsed."

"Why don't you say you're too young! Do you think it's difficult to kill? No! It's not difficult at all. It's easy to kill. It's enough to start with a knife. It's like you fight with someone who is not as good as you. You It may be possible to kill him with one stroke, but can you make the opponent's meridian break with one stroke? Can the other fairy break up with one stroke? "

Speaking, Bai Susu reached out with one finger and turned a spirit fruit on the table into four little snakes. He asked, "With your strength, it is easy to kill these four little snakes. Can you try to kill them again? On the premise of the snake, the meridian of the snake is injured, and the snake's gall is shattered at the same time. "

The four butterflies fairy knew that the four small snakes were changed from white pigment, and there was nothing to worry about, so they began to cast tricks. Trying not to kill the small snake, the small snake's meridian was injured, and the small snake was broken. Snake courage.


之后 After the shot.

Chidori directly missed and killed the snake.

Qi Mu Ling Yao shook the meridian of the snake, and the snake gall shattered, but the flesh and blood of the snake became obscure.

Qian Qianling did a good job of measuring the points, but it was too light to hurt the snake's membrane.

Among the four people, the countdown of the flower butterfly fairy was the best. Without killing the snake, it disrupted the snake's meridian and shattered the snake's courage. Unfortunately, the snake's meridian only The earthquake broke a small part, and the snake gall just cracked, but the snake was dying.

The four butterflies and the fairy did not try a few times before and after. It was either too much power or too little power, which is really difficult to grasp.

Bai Susu gently touched the little snake, and the little snake did not move at once. Everyone made a scrutiny of it. Good guy, the snake's meridian section and the snake's gall were shattered.

"Sister Susu, how did you do that?"

Bai Susu Shen Sheng continued: "This requires not only the control of the consciousness, the changes deduced by the mind, the reaction of the mind such as electricity, the precise grasp of power, but also the knowledge of the little snake. Only in this way can I, because I can The deity is a snake, so I know the snake very well. "

"But people are different, because each person's practice is different, their creations are different, and their physical immortals are also different. His mighty power broke the meridians of thousands of people, and the immortals collapsed. Do you know what this is? Does this only show that he is powerful? No! It is far more than that. The meaning behind it is far more terrible than his prestige ~ ~ what ... what does it mean? "Mu Lingyao Waiting for people to be completely frightened by Bai Susu's words.

"I said just now that if you want to dispel the other party ’s fairy shock, the power must be the same, not too strong or too weak. Too strong may kill the other, too weak and may not hurt. The other side, this needs to be judged according to the strength of the other person's cultivation. You must forget that thousands of people have different strengths, but he can break the meridians of thousands of people with a single might, and the fairy spirit breaks down. . "

"What does this mean? It shows that he knows the strength of these thousands of people. In other words, his consciousness is so powerful that he can see through the other person's thoughts."

The creeps who heard the fairy butterfly and other people were horrified and said, "How is that possible!"

"I thought it was impossible, but it is the case, if not, he would not have the power to shake thousands of people into ruin."

By the way, when Bai Susu threw backhand, when the bloom was blooming, thousands of snakes, large and small, appeared in the water, and he saw a finger in the air, some of the snakes flew flesh, some were torn apart, some Only the membrane was injured, and some were safe and sound.

"Like these little snakes, they are different in size and can withstand different strengths. I may be able to obliterate them with one stroke, but I can never break the meridians and the snake gall shatter."

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