
Vol 2 Chapter 1510: bet!

"Master, just now is just a joke with everyone, don't take it seriously."

Xu Mu Lingyao stood up and played the round field for the ancient Qingfeng.

"Just a joke? Don't you think so?" Xuan Yun refused to give up, and said, "The old man said just now that winning the 27th floor of the gold tower is just like playing for him, and I believe that the old man is very confident about it. . "

"Yes, that's what happened."

I heard Gu Qingfeng say this, Mu Lingyao was about to explode.

好 "Okay! Now that Grandpa is so confident, can you dare to make a bet with him?"

"Okay, idle is also idle, just for fun." Gu Qingfeng laughed: "I don't know what Xuan Yun's son wants to gamble? How much is it?"

"Gamble money? Sorry, there is no shortage of money."

"Oh? What do you want to bet on?"

"I want to bet a little bit big, I'm afraid Grandpa can't afford it."

"No one in this world can afford to play a gamble, talk about what to gamble."

好 "Okay! Grandpa deserves to be a grandpa."

Xuan originally seemed to be gentle and graceful and suddenly became aggressive and yelled, "If you can't get to the 27th floor of the gold pagoda, kneel down for the boy!"

"Brother Xuanyun! What are you doing! Can you not do this!"

Xun Liuli stepped out and tried to stop, but was pushed to the side by Xuan Yun as soon as she spoke, saying, "My business has nothing to do with you, go!"

"Xuan Yun, you are too shameful, right? You directly bet on the 27th floor, who can board it? Aren't you playing mean means?" Mu Lingyao said unconvinced: "Since betting, it's fair. If you can't reach the twenty-seventh floor, give the grandfather a kneeling hoe, how about it? "

"My son admits that he cannot board the 27th floor of the Golden Tower."

"Since you can't board, what are you betting on?"

"Huh! I can't get to the 27th floor of the Gold Tower, but my son didn't say anything! Everyone who was present was clearly heard. The grandfather said that he could easily get to the 27th Tower of the Gold Tower. Layer, why not dare to gamble? "

Wu Xuanyun's words made Mu Lingyao unable to refute. She turned around and stared at Gu Qingfeng fiercely. She seemed to blame Gu Qingfeng for bragging and talking about the occasion. Now it's all right, Xuan Yun grabbed the handle.

"I didn't say that I dare not gamble." Gu Qingfeng sat on the chair, leaning on Erlang's legs, took a sip of wine, and said slowly: "My son Xuan Yun, have you invited me to a dinner, my grandpa? I have always remembered your feelings, but even if you look at me, you don't need to be so stiff? "

Xu Xuanyun screamed, "The boy asked if you dare or dare not!"

Compared with Xuan Yun's arrogance, Gu Qingfeng still looks so light and bland. He took a bitter bodhi from the plate and kept his mouth full, chewed, and spit out the seeds. He said indifferently: "Man, I thought about it just now, and I didn't seem to offend you, right? As for why you look at me unpleasantly, I really don't know, and I'm too lazy to think about it again. Now that you want to play, then I ’ll play with you once, and it ’s kind of you. ”


Xuan Yun snorted disdainfully, standing with his hand down, and proudly asked, "You only need to answer, dare or dare, if you dare, just admit to my son, my son will never embarrass you! And one thing! , You are mistaken, you do n’t owe this boyfriend any favor, because the previous meal was asked by this boy Ling, it has nothing to do with you, you do n’t have to put gold on your face, this boy and you from No friendship! "

"Come on, after hearing what you said, it seems that the grandfather is self-assertive. Even so, let's make nonsense, so bet on it."

"Okay! The man's husband needs to talk!" Xuan Yun yelled, "Everyone present today can testify. If you can't get to the 27th floor of the gold tower, give your son a kneel and a hoe!"

"Count me in!"

Bai Yufei laughed and said, "How can there be less of such an interesting thing?"

"Also count me!"

Tamariu Feng also stood up and said, "Someone wants to scratch their heads. Is there any reason why this man will not accept it?"

"Okay, no problem. If you can't get to the 27th floor of the Golden Tower and kneel in front of you, one person will make a sound for you, but then talk back." Gu Qingfeng ate another Daluojing Xi Sui Dan, poured a glass of wine with his head up, and said, "If by any chance, I would be lucky enough to board the 27th floor of the Golden Tower? What should I say?"

"If you go up on the twenty-seventh floor of the gold pagoda, my son will kneel down and give you a hoe!"

"A rattle is too boring." Bai Yufei laughed. "Since you want to play, it's better to play a little bigger."

Gugu Qingfeng asked, "Oh? What a Dafa?"

"The prize on the 27th floor of the Golden Tower is 10 million cents. If the grand master can climb to the 27th floor of the Golden Tower, one of us will give you 10 million sounds!"

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar.

Ten million sounds, when does it have to be? Even if you chop your head, you can't stop it!

Aside, Mu Lingyao was anxious when she heard this.

She is increasingly feeling that Gu Qingfeng's brain is not normal. Anyone who is normal in spirit will not bet against Xuanyun three for such a bet. It is the twenty-seventh floor of the Golden Tower. Who can guarantee it? Go up? Even if someone has boarded it once before, there is no guarantee that they will be able to re-mount it next time. After all, the luck of winning the gold tower is too big.

But the ancient breeze just bet on the three with Xuan Yun.

She originally thought that gambling would be a bet, and it would be no big deal. Even if she lost, it would be nothing more than a slap. Although it was a bit of a loss of face, a manly husband could flex and stretch, and a slap was nothing.

But she never thought that Bai Yufei would make another ten million sounds ~ ~ Angrily said: "I said Bai Yufei, you bet you bet, just be fun. It ’s not necessary to play this big, right? There are still 10 million hits, even if I die, I ca n’t stop it! "

Bai Yufei smirked at the corner of his mouth and said, "If you ca n’t finish today, you can do it tomorrow. Tomorrow you can do it tomorrow. You can do it the day after tomorrow. It will last for a lifetime. of."

Gu Guqingfeng looked at the three Bai Yufei and said, "I didn't see it, you guys are very cruel!"

怎么 "What? Grandpa dare not play?"

"I don't care, I'm afraid you can't afford to lose then."

"It's nothing more than 10 million loud noises. The three of us have nothing to lose."

"Okay, since you can afford to lose, the grandfather is even more indifferent, but I'm curious, if the grandfather is on the thirty-sixth floor? The thirty-sixth floor bonus is 100 million, do you want to give the grandfather? 100 million sounds? "

"Hehe! Don't say that you ascended to the 36th floor, even if you ascended to the highest level of the 81st floor, the three of my sons did not miss it."

Gugu Qingfeng smiled and said, "I heard that the bonus of the 81st floor is ten trillion yuan. You have to make a ten trillion yuan sound. Are you sure you want to play?"

"Ten trillion is ten trillion! Why not dare to play?"

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