
Vol 2 Chapter 1483: Eloquent

"It depends on the Jinwu Li family that there is no movement now, let alone think that the Jinwu Li family will be scared, but it will scare the four Taibai Jinxian to death. It is not worth mentioning the Jinwu Li family. Because the grand event held by Fengyue Small World is about to start, and the Jinwu Li family doesn't want to make this matter too much, they didn't do it, that's all. "

"If after the event is over, the Jinwu Li family will inevitably smash the rioters into tens of thousands of corpses. If you do not sever the relationship with them, you will surely suffer a lot. Not only you, but even your little Luo secret realm. It cannot be spared, and suffered the devastation. "

Wu Xuanyun kept talking, and speaking eloquently, he continued.

"I let you leave that upstart, Jinwu Li's family is a reason, but it is not the most important reason."

"I don't know if you heard other people talking about the upstart when you came here. If not, I can tell you that many people now suspect that the upstart is possessed by the demon."

Qi Qianling shook his head and explained: "He has interest and vitality, and it is impossible to be possessed by a demon."

"I admit that there is a real interest in him. At the beginning, I did n’t quite believe that he was possessed by a demon spirit, but the more I thought about it later, the more wrong I got. You also explored his physical body, and he should know him better than me. What is the physical condition of his body, like his physical body, all the internal organs of the five internal organs are rusty, and even the blood vessels are dried up. According to common sense, such a person should have no vitality, but he Still alive, do n’t you feel weird? ”

但这 "But this does not mean that he is possessed by the demon."

"Linger, don't rush to a conclusion first. I remember hearing you said that you originally found him in the Quicksand Little Secret Realm? I have also been to the Quicksand Little Secret Realm, where the natural environment is very harsh, this kind of place It's often easiest to conceive a demon. "

I heard the words.

Qian Ling couldn't help but chuckled.

"You try to think of it before and after, find him from a place where the demonic spirit is easy to conceive a demon in the quicksand little secret world, and how chaotic his body is, that he is still alive, and the crooked ways he played on the floating island Means ... don't you think everything foreshadows him being possessed by the demon? "

I discovered that Qian Ling's face was slightly different. Xuan Yun knew that his efforts had not been wasted, and Qian Ling's heart began to doubt.

The fact is true.

Jian Qianling did indeed start to doubt.

As Xuan Yun said, the natural environment of the Quicksand Little Secret Realm is very harsh, the kind of place where the demons are most likely to conceive, and the chaotic flesh of the little drunkard. Under normal circumstances, this flesh is simply not alive, He is alive, not only alive, but also alive and well, and the means used in the floating island.

I think the more suspicious I think, the more I can think of it, but Qian Ling doesn't feel like it.

If the little alcoholic is really a demon, but he has cultivated in Ronaldinho's mystery for decades. Every day, besides eating, he sleeps. Besides sleeping, he basks in the sun. He has never hurt a person. Secretly pointed himself to practice Tian Xuan Wan Jian Jue.

有 Is there such a kind spirit in the world?

Qian Qianling shook his head and said, "I don't believe that the little drunk is a demon. He has never hurt anyone in Ronaldo's mystery."

呵 "Hehe, Linger, you are so naive. He hasn't hurt him now, it doesn't mean he won't. If I guess well, you wouldn't have known that he would still use these crooked methods?"

Qian Qianling nodded. Before that, he really didn't know that Gu Qingfeng knew such strange ways.

"I'll just say it, you must not know." Xuan Yun laughed: "Also, think about it yourself, when floating on the island, he just said an understatement, Li Zhengshi's fairy spirit collapsed, and then Even more powerful was the frightening death of the four white gold immortals. After killing someone, this upstart had no redness or pant, and he was like a okay person afterwards, but he was also giggling. I am afraid that only the demon will be so despondent and scornful. Life? "

Qian Ling thought for a while, and wanted to justify Gu Qingfeng, but she just swallowed her mouth and swallowed back. Even if she didn't want it, she had to admit that Xuan Yun was telling the truth. Gu Qingfeng scared the four too-white gold immortals. After death, it really looks like nothing is wrong. It really feels like killing an ant and has no respect for life.

"Linger, you have to think clearly. If he is really a demon, you must leave him as soon as possible to avoid being hit by his poison."

He Qianling said: "If he wants to hurt us, he would have already started, and he would not wait until now."

"Even if he does not harm you, it will also affect you. You must know that the great waste is a great waste of immortality, and the small world of Fengyue is also the world dominated by immortality. He will not tolerate the existence of a demon. Once he is found to be a demon, he will Eradicate him, and if you still have anything to do with him at that time, you will suffer it. "

After a pause, before waiting for Qian Ling to speak, Xuan Yun continued: "Take back 10,000 steps, even if he is not a demon, if the Jinwu Li family insists that he is a demon, is he really a demon? It ’s important. This kind of thing is not only the first time for Jinwu Li ’s family, but it ’s not the first time. Do n’t forget that many powerful people in Fengyue Small World have a good personal relationship with Jinwu Li ’s family. ”

When I heard this, Qian Ling couldn't help falling into thought.

Looking at her, Xuan Yun's mouth finally showed a long-lost confident smile, and said, "I don't want to say any more than that. You think about it yourself. We are in Lanyun Garden. If you can figure it out, you can come at any time Find me, I'm waiting for you. "

He said, Xuan Yun left slowly with Liuli.

I left Qian Ling alone and stood there ~ ~ frowning, very sad.

to be frank.

She does not believe that Gu Qingfeng is a demon.

I never thought about this.

However, the harsh environment of the quicksand little secret world, the weird flesh of the ancient Qingfeng, and the mysterious means used on the floating island have to make Qian Ling wonder.

Because she knew that if Gu Qingfeng was really a demon, not only would he not be able to live on his own, but the person in Xiao Luo ’s secret place would not be able to live,

The great waste is the great waste of Xiandao. The small world of Fengyue is also the world dominated by Xiandao. The existence of demons is definitely not allowed. If she wants to come, if the ancient Qingfeng is really a demons, then not only the Jinwu Li family, but also not only the small world of Fengyue, bipolar Celestial immortals will not give up, and their little Luo mystery will be razed to the ground because of collusion with demons.

More importantly, even if Gu Qingfeng is not a demon, the situation is not very optimistic.

As Xuan Yun said, if Jinwu Li's family insists that the ancient Qingfeng is a demon, it will not matter whether he is a real demon or not. This kind of slandering others is for the demon. Jinwu Li The family is not untouched. A giant of Fengyue Small World was only suspected of being a demon, and was jointly eliminated by the major mysteries and the Xian family.

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