
Vol 2 Chapter 1440: Fire Cloud Red Flame Tiger

Benhuo Yunzhuang is regarded as the largest spirit beast manor in Dayiyi City. The main one is the favorite fire cloud beast.

There are many customers in the manor house. It looks very lively, but there are more people watching and fewer people buying.

Although Day Sun City is the favorite city of local tyrants.

But this does not mean that everyone who comes to Yicheng is a local tyrant, and there are also many fans who come to Dayiyi City to hang out, have long-sightedness, open their eyes, and ca n’t afford it.

Can't stand it.

Even if it is a wealthy immortal family, or even a wealthy upstart family tyrant who came to buy Huoyunlings, it doesn't mean that they buy them. After all, a Huoyunshou has several millions of cubs. It is a frightening individual. Before anyone buys, they have to weigh whether they have the financial resources.

Laogu Qingfeng and Ma Wangye were chatting in Huoyunzhuang while chatting.

Lord Maoma has never raised any spirit beast before. He said that Huoyun Spirit Beast is a white crane with a price that is relatively close to the people. He has not raised any knowledge of the spirit beast. He has nothing to know about his bloodline.

He is so.

The ancient breeze is no exception.

I do n’t think he was also asked about the Dingxian Demon Warriors Throne and the Ding Jiuyou Emperor, who was involved in the heavens, heavens and clouds, and the Three Thousand Avenues. What immortal arts and avenues are all mastered.

He said that he really didn't understand the spirit beast.

Lord Pony has not been raised, nor has he been raised.

He hasn't even tempered the magic weapon of the immortals, let alone any immortal beast.

In the past, there was a mount of a large Tibetan dragon elephant, but the thing was not a spirit beast, nor was it a fairy beast. As for what a large Tibetan dragon elephant is, the ancient Qingfeng did not know it until now.

I strolled around Huoyunzhuang for a while, and Gu Qingfeng let Ma Wangye just pick one.

This can scare Lord Ma very seriously. Just now Gu Qingfeng said to send him a fire cloud beast. He thought it was just a joke, but he didn't expect it to be true.

"Master, this can make it impossible. Huoyun Spirit Beast is too expensive, we can't afford it."

"What can't bear it, isn't it just a spirit beast, let alone if you don't lend a thousand chips to Grandpa, Grandpa can't win so many immortals."

Although Lord Ma wants to own a Fire Cloud Spirit Beast, he plans to buy another Fire Cloud Spirit Beast after he has the strength. If it is given by others, he ca n’t afford it, and most importantly, keep it Children need a lot of immortal stones, even if they buy them, they can't afford them.

"You can afford it if you can afford it. Grandpa will go to the bank to open an account for you and give you some fairy stones!"

When he heard that Lord Ma had to allocate some immortal stones, Lord Ma almost scared not to slump on the ground. He quickly said, "Master, don't do this. I can get to know you, we are very happy, Huoyunling Even if the beast is, really, your old man just gave us some immortal stones, and we dare not raise it. We have never raised a spirit beast before. We know nothing about this stuff. What if we raise it? It takes a lot of effort, and we do n’t have that energy. "


Lord Maoma shook his head fiercely, and said, "I really don't want to. We are still used to using magical magic weapons. The spirit beast is not suitable for us."

行 "Okay, we'll buy the magic weapon of magic soldiers later."

Qinggu Qingfeng has not always been a host who likes politeness, but he doesn't like to push around. Seeing that Ma Ma refused, he didn't continue. He raised his hand to recruit the fireman of Huoyunzhuang and was ready to buy one.

It should be said that Huoyunzhuang is indeed the largest spirit beast manor in Dayiyi City, and the quality of its handymanship is not bad. There is no neglect in Xian Er, instead of no neglect, he is also very enthusiastic to explain to the two.

I do n’t know.

After listening to it, Gu Qingfeng knew that the doorway of the spirit beast is really not small. There are many varieties of Huoyun Beast alone. What Huoyun meets the golden horse, Huoyun blast leopard, Huoyun Jinjing wolf, what Huoyun Ziyan Lion, what Huoyun Red Flame Tiger, different breeds, different prices, like Huoyun Jinma the cheapest, but also three or four million, Huoyun Jinjing Wolf five or six million, and the most expensive is Huo The cloud red flame tiger is as high as eight million, which is still impure. A pure fire line fire cloud red flame tiger is as large as tens of millions.

"I don't know which one you like? I'd like to explain it to you in detail."

"If Grandpa wants it, of course it is the most expensive."

"The most expensive?" Zongyi stunned and laughed: "Our most expensive breed of Huoyunzhuang is Huoyun Chiyanhu, who is the fiercest temperament, the strongest body, the strongest power, and the tiger howls Even if it is Luo Tianxian Xian, it has to shake three times. An adult Red Flame Tiger's body can reach more than ten meters. He is angry and the combat effectiveness is especially amazing. Even Jinxian dare not carry it hard. Therefore, Huoyun Red Flame The tiger has always been known as the king and spirit beast among the fire beasts! "

"It sounds pretty good."

The ancient breeze nodded, and the next Ma Wangye asked, "What's the price of Huoyun Chiyanhu?"

"A fire cloud red flame tiger cub is priced at eight million yuan, and an adult fire cloud red flame tiger is priced at 12 million yuan."

He heard that Lord Ma could not help taking a sip of air-conditioning. The price was a bit scary, and he asked, "Is this price a hybrid price or a pure blood price?"

"Of course the price of a cross."

"Pure Fire Red Flame Tiger of pure blood is too rare, so the price is relatively high, a pure pedigree of 20 million, adult 30 million."

When he heard that a fiery cloud red flame tiger with a pure adult bloodline was as high as more than 30 million, Ma Ma only turned around in a whirlwind ~ ~ resisting the feeling of scalp numbness and asked again: "Pure bloodlines How many immortal stones does the Huoyun Red Flame Tiger raise in a year? "

"Not much, five or six hundred thousand."

Prince Ma secretly stunned his tongue and said horribly: "Oh my god, it would cost five or six hundred thousand a year just to feed a pure-fire Huoyun Chiyanhu? Isn't that expensive? Five or six hundred for ten or eight years Man, this can buy an imported magic weapon. "

"Sir, you ca n’t count it like this. A pure-fire Huoyun Chiyanhu, if it grows up, deterring Jinxian is not a problem. Its strength is comparable to that of Da Luo Jinxian, and Huoyun Chiyanhu is famous again. Children's faithful protection of the Lord can save lives in times of crisis. "

Wu Zayi laughed: "Are there anything more precious than your own life between heaven and earth? Is it more than five or six hundred thousand a year compared to your own life?"

Listening to the miscellaneous story, Ma Ma thought it over and thought it seemed reasonable.

"What's more, are there fierce spirit beasts such as Huoyun Chiyanhu, guarding you and charging you out to **** heaven and earth treasures? Is it more likely? At least, if other people are fighting with you, I have to wonder if I have the strength to carry the terrible power of Huoyun Chiyanhu, one penny and one cent. This is the same truth forever. Everyone knows that Huoyun Chiyanhu is the most expensive, but who is There is no denying the strength of Huoyun Chiyanhu! "

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