
Vol 2 Chapter 1280: The beginning of the disaster

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"What do you two kings and eight lambs want to do, stop me!"

Seeing Lei Ze and Furong wanting to kill Xiao Jiner, Zhenyang Jiuxian stood up for the first time and yelled: "Xiao Jiner is just a little girl!"

"Senior Zhenyang, I don't know if she is a little girl, I only know that she is a disaster star now!"

"Predecessor Zhenyang, I would like to ask what you want to do, stumped because she is just a little girl, and we treat it as a blind eye? She is the disaster star, I believe it ’s unnecessary for me to say that your old people also know the disaster star What does it mean to be born? Are you stumped and you want to protect a disaster star? If disaster strikes and causes life to be ruined, can you afford this responsibility? "

The words of Lei Ze and Furong made Zhenyang Jiuxian unable to refute.


If disaster comes, and the world ’s living creatures are covered with charcoal, he really cannot afford this responsibility.

Although the other elders of the Shang Qingzong did not speak, the eyes staring at Xiao Jin'er were more murderous than one.

Xiao Jin'er is very cute. They also like little girl, and they can't bear to do it.

But I just can't bear it.

Not being patient doesn't mean you won't do it.

After all, Xiao Jin'er is a disaster star, which will bring a terrible disaster. If the killing of Xiao Jin'er will not come, they will surely kill Xiao Jin'er without hesitation.

The elders of Shang Qingzong began to move, Zhen Yang glanced at the poor little Jiner, and he couldn't bear it. Immediately, he looked at the Master of the Imperial Court again, hoping that the Master of the Imperial Court had an idea.

Facing the situation, Master Zhenting did not have any idea. To be honest, he could not bear to kill Xiao Jin'er, but the problem now is not patience, but Xiao Jin'er is the disaster star, even if he does not bear it anymore It must also be wiped out. In the presence of the so-called big ego, the only thing to sacrifice the ego is to sacrifice Xiao Jiner to save the people from disaster, and the true master of the court will not hesitate to shoot.

Zhenyang and Zhenting are brothers. He also knows how his brother is. Looking at Zhenting's silence, he also knows the inner thoughts of Zhenting.

Seeing that the elders of Qingzong were about to take action on Xiao Jin'er, the real turbulence turned around, suddenly anxious, and he shouted: "Rabbits, don't blame Lao Tzu for not reminding you, Xiao Jin'er is the youngest sister of Gu Xiaozi. If you kill him, he will certainly not spare you. "

I heard the name of Gu Qingfeng.

The elders of Shang Qingzong, who were about to start working, suddenly froze.


The so-called name of the person, the shadow of the tree.

If the existence of the ancient breeze is unknown, perhaps no one knows.

However, if how horrible Gu Qingfeng is going crazy, a lot of people at the scene would appreciate it.

"Tell you, Xiao Jin'er is not a disaster star now, we can't tell anyone, but I know a little bit about it. If you kill Xiao Jin'er today, once Gu Xiao's knows about it, At that time, I'm sure that even if Cang wouldn't bring disaster, the ancient boy will definitely make you a disaster! "

Zhen Yang shouted with a mighty voice, and everyone in the audience listened clearly and dared not to act rashly.

Because they all know that Zhenyang Jiuxian is not scaring them, but a fact that they don't want but have to face.

If you think about it, you also think that Zhenyang Jiuxian is right.

Is n’t Xiaojiner coming into the world now? No one can be 100% sure. If you take a step back 10,000 steps, even if Xiaojiner is really a disaster star, it wo n’t necessarily bring disaster. Even if disaster strikes, everyone may not be able to resist it.


If the killing of Xiao Jin'er angers the King of Qixiao, the consequences are not necessarily, but there must be a disaster. This disaster belongs to the judgment of King of Qixiao, and the judgment of King of Qixiao, also Absolutely more terrible than any disaster!


The brothers of the Emperor Chixiao dared to be the enemy of the world.

Dare to kill the Quartet for women.

To promise to go against the sky.

Who would dare to guarantee that he would not bleed into the river for the sake of Xiao Jin'er in this ancient age?

No one can guarantee it.

No one knows if the disaster will come down.

But the prince of Chixiao was annoyed, and everyone knew that disaster would come.

What to do this time?

Everyone was there, you look at me, I look at you, no one dares.

When everyone was at a loss, a voice came from the air.

"Zhenyang is right, if Xiao Jin'er is a disaster star, and whether a disaster will come down, this palace may not dare to guarantee it, but if you kill Xiao Jin'er and anger him today, this palace can give you 100% You promise that disaster will come. "

The words fell, and a woman fell from the sky.

The woman is dressed in a ray of red gauze and has a beautiful and charming appearance. Her beauty is neither enchanting, nor charming, nor even publicity. It is a kind of sinking fish and wild geese. Just like a magnificent, magnificent, unparalleled painting.

When they saw the woman, everyone was shocked, and then they did not dare to neglect, and they saluted.

The woman is not someone else, it is the incumbent lord of the Qing dynasty, and is also the world's most famous female ancestor, Ye Tianlan.

Along with Ye Tianlan was her personal disciple, who was also an uncle who had a life-threatening cloud in the inner door of the Shang Qingzong.

In addition, there is an old man who looks quite old.

"Sovereign, stumped just because she is the younger sister of King Xiaoxiao, shall I just wait and see?"

Reze and others went hand in hand.

"When did the palace say sit and wait?"

Ye Tianlan didn't look, but just said an understatement, and never spoke again, but stared at Xiao Jin'er, who was enveloped in a blood-colored beam of light.

Ye Tianlan knows that in this ancient world, there will inevitably be disaster stars.


She knows ~ ~ When destiny came more than twenty years ago, when real destiny appeared, and when those who should be robbed were born one after another, she knew that disaster stars would come soon.

Cause and effect are conserved, and heavenly fortune is no exception. If there is a person who should, there will be a person who should be robbed, and if there is a person who should be robbed, there will be a disaster and a star.

It was just that she did not expect that the disaster star would come so soon, nor did she expect that the disaster star would be an innocent little girl.

Although she has been retreating in Shangqing Tower in these years, it does not mean that she does not know about the Qing Dynasty. On the contrary, she knows everything in the Qing Dynasty clearly, and naturally knows Su more than 20 years ago. I sent Xiao Jin'er to the Shang Qingzong, and she kept secretly paying attention to the little girl, not others, only because the little girl said that Gu Qingfeng was her elder brother, but after paying attention, Ye Tianlan knew that things were not like this simple.

Ye Xiaolan's existence is not just Gu Qingfeng's sister. Ye Tianlan is not clear until now.

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