
Vol 2 Chapter 1200: Buddha is Tao

The concept of longevity is very shabby, and it looks very deserted. When entering the concept, only one or two young priests are cleaning the Taoist concept. Gu Qingfeng asked the doctor's situation, but he did not think that these young priests were Don't know the doctor.

Could the doctor change his name invisibly?

not sure.

Gu Qingfeng has never heard Mei Lao said.

Taoism is not big. Gu Qingfeng is about to sacrifice God's knowledge to investigate the trace of the Master. At this moment, another Taoist priest came out of Taoism.

"Excuse me, but you are ancient friends?"

Gu Qingfeng's brow frowned slightly, and he was a little confused, but still nodded.

"We have watched the Lord for a long time, please follow me."

This ancient breeze was a little confused, and asked, "I don't know if you see the Lord ..."



The trouble is the old Taoist who hasn't known how many years to live?

How does the other party know that they are coming?

And how long have you waited?

This is a little strange.

Gu Qingfeng followed the Taoist priest and walked in through a corridor to a garden.

There is a big tree in the garden, and there is a gazebo under the big tree. In the gazebo is an old Taoist priest with white hair.

I don't know why, when seeing this situation, Gu Qingfeng suddenly felt like he had known each other, as if he had been here before, and the old Taoist priests were sitting upright, drinking tea and watching chess.

The stumbling is the memory that broke into the concept of longevity that year?

Not sure.

The ancient breeze is really not impressed.

"Gu Daoyou, don't come here."

The voice of the old Taoist came with a weird, low-profile, and silent voice, but it made people feel like they were passing by.

The old priest stood up, looked at Gu Qingfeng, reached out and made a gesture.

"Have we met?"

Gu Qingfeng was not polite, walked over and sat down.

The old priest raised a tea cup, poured a cup of tea for the ancient Qingfeng, and smiled lightly: "When the ancient Taoist friends practiced in the Shang dynasty, the poor Tao had the honor to have a relationship with the ancient Taoist friends."

"It seems that there is such a thing, I thought it was an illusion." Gu Qingfeng lifted the tea cup, a strange smell came, he put the tea cup down again and said, "If I guess it is good, then When we met, were we here? "


"But why am I not impressed."

The old priest just shook his head with a smile and did not respond.

Gu Qingfeng continued to question, and said, "What kind of hands and feet did you move on me?"

"Why did Gu Daoyou say that?"

"Because when I went back, I obviously felt a strange change in my body. As for the change, I couldn't say clearly, but the feeling was very clear, but it is because of my view of breaking into you. Nothing happened. "

"Gu Daoyou should know the Buddha's epiphany."

Gu Qingfeng nodded and responded: "The epiphany is full of enlightenment, and then the enlightenment vanishes in a flash, and then, as soon as you see the true nature, the enlightenment Bodhi is no thought, all the mind is unaffected. No thought, but also epiphany. "

"I didn't expect Gu Dayou to have such an extraordinary insight into the Buddhist epiphany. It is really worthwhile!" The old Taoist was surprised and nodded again and said, "Presumably the ancient Daoyou came along this way, and the epiphany experience should A lot. "

There is an old monk living in Gu Qingfeng's dying bone jade. Gu Qingfeng listened to him and he heard a lot of Buddhism. If he did n’t, he would not realize a great freedom. To say epiphany, he practiced for 500 years. , I really realized a lot.

However, he did not say this, but waited for the old Taoist priest.

Sure enough, after a while, the old Taoist began to say, "The Buddhists have epiphany, and our Taoists have forgetfulness."


Regarding Taoism's ecstasy, although Gu Qingfeng has never experienced it, it has also been seen in some ancient classics. It is said that ecstasy is a supreme state pursued by Taoism. It can only be recovered if it enters the ecstasy state. The self.

Because this Taoist thing is too mysterious, Gu Qingfeng only understands it, and he doesn't know what kind of concept of the realm of forgetfulness.

"The reason why Gu Daoyou didn't remember what happened then was that when Gu Daoyou came here, he entered the realm of selflessness in our Taoism."

"Is this still happening?"

Gu Qingfeng had some doubts.

"Gudao friends, please see."

The old priest pointed at the residual chess on the chessboard and said, "The old Taoist friends looked at the ecstasy of this residual chess."

Chess is Othello, also known as Heaven and Earth.

Also called yin and yang chess, as well as tai chi, chaos and so on.

There are many names. It is said that this kind of black and white chess has been passed down from ancient times. No one knows how old this ancient is.

In rumors, Othello contains all the truth and reason between heaven and earth, but also contains the mystery of the heavens and earth, the universe, and the character of the universe. If you can play Othello thoroughly, you will understand the principle of heaven and earth.

This may sound a bit exaggerated at first glance.

But Gu Qingfeng knows that this is not an exaggeration. At least, he thinks it is not an exaggeration. Since he learned black and white, he also feels that this kind of chess is not simple. It is very complicated. It is all-encompassing. general.

With the increase of experience and the more he learned, the more he felt that the black and white chess is mysterious and wonderful.

It is not that there is no epiphany to play this reversi, and there are many more.

Gu Qingfeng himself was a personal experience. When he played the black and white chess with the Nine You Lao demons in the Great Wasteland, he had an epiphany.

But to say forget me.

He really didn't have much impression.

Looking at this piece of remnant at this moment, although he seems to have known each other, he only seems to have known each other. Apart from that, there is nothing else, and he asks, "I entered the realm of selflessness, what did I realize?"

"I'm afraid only Gu Daoyou knows this ~ ~ but I don't know."

"Everything has cause and effect."

Cause and effect again.

Gu Qingfeng looked at the old Taoist priest, feeling a little funny, and said, "Cause and effect are Buddhist things, and you Taoists also believe in this thing?"

"Buddha is the Tao."

The old Taoist priests made Gu Qingfeng's heart suddenly stunned. The feeling was like seeing a touch of light in the endless darkness, except that the light seemed to be close at hand, as far as the horizon.

After a long time, Gu Qingfeng came back to God, took the tea cup, took a sip, frowned slightly, and then drank it.

"Gu Dao, how about tea?"

Gu Qingfeng shook his head and said, "Don't hesitate."

"Haha! Gu Daoyou really is a fast-talking man, worthy of a generation of heroes."

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