
Vol 2 Chapter 884: fling in teeth

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"Yu Zhentian, this should not be where you come from.??≠"

At this time.

A hazy figure stood out, reprimanding Yu Zhentian, and it seemed that he was also a man of immortality.

"Oh? Who am I, it's Miss Lan Yan."

Yu Zhentian smiled and looked at the vague figure in the opposite side, and said, "Everyone is a man of immortal Taoist scriptures. Why can you come, my son can't come?"

"I can come, but it doesn't mean you can come." Said the man named the blue magpie, said: "The magpie that you serve has nothing to do with it, leave quickly."

"My son passed by here by chance." Yu Zhentian looked at the light of destiny, his eyes flashed with a fine light, and smiled: "Therefore, I just want to make fun."

"You shouldn't come here for the fun, and you can't afford it."

Yu Zhentian ignored it, still looking at the light of destiny, and said proudly: "This world has no excitement that my son can't afford."

"Hehe, Xiandao is becoming more and more shameless, and it is becoming more and more bottomless. In order to seize the opportunity and dominate the world, everyone will give him a fairy tale, really hungry."

Laughed a man in the vague avenue.

After that, another man in the vague avenue laughed and said, "This little guy is not an ordinary person, he should be a man of chance."

"Nonsense, of course, the little guy is the man of chance, otherwise how can Xiandao lower him down? Do you think Xiandao is a fool?"

"Almost all the people born in this world who received the fortune received Xianxian. We couldn't find a suitable person when we tried to lower down to a magical one."

"Oh, don't say that you can't find the right person in Magic Road. Even Tiandao can't find the right person in this world. Xiandao grabbed all the people in the first place as soon as possible. Ah, I have to be amazed! "

"Since ancient times, Xiandao has always been fast, hasn't it?"

These vague and vague people in every avenue are talking and laughing, and in their words they despise Xiandao extremely.

"The little guys born at the historic moment are all unworldly. They must be experienced and not experienced, and they must have no state of mind. Relying on a good fortune, being arrogant, and having a fairy hand in hand, they are petting and arrogant. I do n’t know. The sky is thick and the ground thick, and if things go on like this, they will cause trouble. "

"What's wrong with it? Anyway, there is Xiandao support, who dares to take them?"

"It may not be."

"Oh? Do you dare to kill this fairy?"

"How dare I? The little guy is a fairy, but ... I do n’t dare, it does n’t mean that others do n’t dare. As far as I know, this little fairy ’s physical body was in Northwest China a few years ago. People slap on a slap. "

"Oh? Anything else? Who dares to kill the immortal Taoist people?"

"you guess?"

"Well, in the northwest, people were slapped and slapped ... ha! I think I guessed who it was, but it was bad luck to meet that person, but I'm curious how this little guy provokes Go to that man. "

"I don't know if I'll do anything to that man."

"The courage of the little guy is really big enough to dare to act against that grandfather. He really doesn't dislike his own life." One of the vaguely avenue people gave thumbs up to Mu Lan. Compliment: "Blue magpie, you immortal Tao is awesome! A little scribe who dares to do it alone to admire the grandfather, admire and admire!"

far away.

Yu Zhentian's face was very bad, to be exact bad, the smile just like the spring breeze had disappeared, and only the anger appeared.

It was his shame that he was obliterated in the Northwest Territories a few years ago.

Fortunately, his master was a law enforcement man from Xiandao, who helped him reshape his body with the help of the great sunlight of the Xian Dynasty.

After that, he kept secret retreat until this destiny came to this side of the world.

After leaving the customs, he did not stop in the land of Shenzhou, but went straight to the northwest.

The reason why he was dormant in the northwest was to explore the secrets of the guardianship of the Yangyang Mountain, and to find out that the secrets of the guardianship of the Yangyang Mountain were related to the Wudao Age, although he did not know what secrets he guarded, nor did he know that there was any What is the relationship, but one thing he can be sure of, if the destiny appears in Canyang Mountain, then this destiny must be unique.

He originally intended to try his luck in the northwest. If there was no destiny here, then he would return to the land of Shenzhou. He never expected that the destiny really appeared in the northwest, and it was in Canyang Mountain.

This made Yu Zhentian very excited and excited, but after rushing down from the light of destiny, he found that there were so many people here, and that they were all people on the road. What surprised him was those people on the road. Not to mention that he has never heard of it before.

This also made Yu Zhentian a bit worried.

Worried that he won't take this unique destiny.

At the same time of worry, he was also more excited and more excited, and his heart was more certain that the destiny that appeared in Canyang Mountain was absolutely extraordinary. If not, so many people on the road would not gather here.

In the face of the ridicule of these mysterious people at the moment, although Yu Zhentian was upset, he didn't say anything, but sneered: "It was the protagonist of the old man who was only conspired by the surname Gu, but this time The son's exit will certainly cost him a heavy price! "

"Oh, secretly? Let him pay the price?" A hazy man on the boulevard ~ ~ laughed: "Little guy, you know who the grandfather killed you, you dare to say Big talk. "

"I heard that he is the descendant of the ancient sinner Gu Tianlang, what about it?" Yu Zhentian proudly said: "No matter who he is, don't say that he is only a descendant of the ancient Sirius. Even if he is the ancient Sirius himself, My son will also smash it into pieces. "

After Yu Zhentian said these words, many people on the opposite side of the boulevard shook his head and sighed, as if sighing the ignorance of Yu Zhentian, and also sighing his ignorance, and sighing his ignorance.

In addition, a few people on the road laughed like they heard funny jokes in the world.

"What are you laughing at!"

Yu Zhentian, as a person who writes books on immortals, has a high status even in the immortal dynasty, and has never been laughed at so much. If there are other people on the opposite side, he will surely wipe them out without hesitation. These people are all the same people who use the same way as him, and there are even those who are more noble than law enforcement and guardians of his identity. Regardless of this, Yu Zhentian dare not act at will.

"Yu Zhentian, aren't you ashamed enough?"

Among the crowd, the blue magpie, who is also a fairy owl, scolded: "Give me out of here!"

Yu Zhentian was also furious, and yelled, "Blue magpie! You and I are both immortal Taoist scribes, why do you yell at me!"

His angrily made others laugh more happily.

"Ahhh, you're going to die with my laughter, little guy, don't make fun of me? You really think that Lan Ye is just a fairy like you? I'm so ignorant, tell you, don't say it's you, it's you Then the master of the immortal law enforcer, Rouszi, saw Lan Yao, and then he had to bow down on the ground and shout a cry, "La Lady Lan."

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