
Vol 2 Chapter 847: Fairy Compensation

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There was a lot of discussion on the court, all discussing the identity of Gu Qingfeng.

Some people say that he may have truly blended the spirit of the king and was the true heir to the king.

Others say that he may have accidentally acquired something from the king, pretending to be a heir to the king.

True or false, there are divergent opinions.

No one can really distinguish between true and false. It is for this reason that the Chixiao talents of the three black flags have not acted lightly. Since the trial of Chixiao King 300 years ago, they do not know how many crooks have experienced. Today, Until there is no hard evidence, they will not easily believe in anyone who claims to be a king or heir.


Su Shi couldn't tell the truth.

She couldn't even determine whether Gu Qingfeng had blended with the king's spiritual will, nor did she know whether Gu Qingfeng was truly or falsely passed on.

Although the ancient Qingfeng can awe the spirit of the dragon elephant of the Qixiao people, it will condense the red seal, even the ability to resurrect from death, and the mysterious and strange existence.

But Su Shi still doubted.

Because the people in the South China Sea who are posing as the King of the Red Sky are equally mysterious, weird, and possess an incredible ability. They will also condense the red seal and play the king's music. What is more terrible is, When the Qixiao people's dragon elephant spirit sees them, they are as excited as they see their loved ones. They will be excited, excited, and docile.

Who is true.

Who is fake.

Su Shi really didn't know.

It was just that she did not expect to have another one now. The only difference was that this person did not claim to be the King of Xiaoxiao, only that he could represent the King of Xiaoxiao.


What exactly is going on!

Su Shi really couldn't understand.

Do not know why!

The sunny weather just now suddenly became overcast, blocking the sky and the sun. The gloom of the blink of an eye covered the northwest.

The gale screamed.

Gu Qingfeng still stood there quietly. After sending away the spirits of seven dragons, Jun Xiu's face became indifferent again. A pair of dark eyes were like the abyss of infinite darkness, terrifying.


It was found that Gu Qingfeng's eyes swept through all the immortal officials. Su Shi was worried about what happened, and felt that for the time being, he should not entangle Gu Qingfeng's identity. He resolved the matter here and said, "I just said what you said I have reported it to Xianchao, and here I assure you that Xianchao will not hold you accountable before, and I hope you will no longer oppose Xianchao. "

Gu Qingfeng didn't respond. What's confusing is that he went to the gazebo again and sat down.

Su Shi was worried, and remembered what Huo De said before, saying: "The matter of Jin He and others, I'm sorry. As for today's matter, it is a total misunderstanding. [Love ↑ Go △ 小 ↓ 说 △ 网 WwW.AiQu 】 "

Gu Qingfeng said nothing, but just sat on the stone bench and drank again.

Looking at the silent Gu Qingfeng, Su Shi continued: "The Xian Dynasty did not act on the deficit head, and never had this intention. This time, they settled in the northwest Xianfu, not to deal with the deficit head, only for destiny."

Su Shi doesn't know what kind of existence of the ancient Qingfeng, but one thing she knows is that the strength of the ancient Qingfeng is unfathomable, and now she obviously wants to represent the Chixiao King for the Chixiao people. She doesn't know why the ancient Qingfeng did this However, no matter what, she didn't want Gu Qingfeng and Xian Chao to be too rigid, which was not good for both sides.

After thinking about it, he persuaded: "Today's affairs are entirely the self-assertion of these princes of the Xian Dynasty. They are very young and have nothing to do with the world. Majestic, I also hope you do n’t want to have general knowledge with them. Offending today is not the meaning of the immortal dynasty. Here, on behalf of all the immortal officials on the court, I apologize to you and hope you can forgive me! "

The voice fell.

The audience was uproar.

Who is Su Shi?

That is the messenger representing the nine days. The noble status is the best in the world, and it is impossible to say that the lords of the major gates, even the immortals of the immortal dynasty, must bow and salute.

Now, facing a criminal who killed the immortal official, instead of punishing him, he also tolerated him everywhere. Now, even more, he went to great lengths to apologize to this criminal for compensating him?


is this real?

Su Shi Fairy is crazy or stupid? How can such a thing be done.

Is it true that Su Shixian is covering him?

Do not!

If it's just sheltering, Su Shixian a word, who dare to say anything? No one in the field is more than a thousand nine-star immortal official immortal officials, nebula immortal officials, or even dozens of immortal lords.

Su Shixian didn't need such a recompense for reparations.

Why is that?

Or that the strength of this ancient Qingfeng is really strong, so strong that even Su Shixian is not an opponent.

Is this just possible?

Although no one has ever seen Su Shi take action, no one dare to doubt her strength. No one in the world knows that Su Shi's fairy, the Taoist Art, is omnipotent, omnipotent, and possesses superb magical skills. It can also make nature bloom with a rainbow of life, and it can also bring a rain of nine days, not to mention rumors that the fairy fairy is a person who is a master of scripture.

Who dares to do something with him?

Who will be her opponent?

But ... Why did Su Shixian apologize for such a sinner's injustice?

The stump Su Shixian was also deceived by Gu Qingfeng, and treated him as the King of Chixiao?

If you think about it, it seems that it is only for this reason that Su Shixian's actions can be explained.

Not far away, the countenances of dozens of princes of the imperial dynasty are so ugly and ugly. If others dare to say that they can't show their might, they will wipe it out without hesitation, but facing Su Shi, No one of them has the courage ~ ~ Ming Xingyao, Liuguang Hornhawk, even Liuguang Qinghong just dared to be angry and dare not speak.

But what made them unbearable was that Su Shi ignored his identity and apologized to a criminal.

In the eyes of the Countess of the Xian Dynasty, this is not only the shame of the Xian Dynasty, but also the shame of the nine heavens!

The streamer Qinghong was really angry, and sang, "You Xianxian, you are the nine angels. Words and deeds not only represent my fairy dynasty, but also nine days. I also hope that you can take care of yourself. Please also open your eyes and see clearly. Sirius, do you want to ... "

Before he finished speaking, Su Shi turned around, glaring at him, and said politely, "Did I say that he was an ancient Sirius?"

"But you ... why ..."

"Shut me up if you don't want to die!"

Feeling Su Shi's wrath, even though Qingguang Honghong refused to accept it, he did not dare to say anything, even he did. The other Xianjue was even more afraid, not far away, what the adult wanted to say, but only touched Su Shi When those cold eyes opened, they opened their mouths and swallowed back stiffly. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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