
Vol 2 Chapter 809: Disapprove

? What is Tai Chi Jindan?

Didn't the ancient breeze condense two Taiji Jindan?

The first one was destroyed by him.

The second one should disappear after he died in the Taixuan Bei.

How come there is one?

到底 How many particles did he condense?

But Taiji Jindan, who can bear the true destiny and ask the king's capital, has not appeared one since ancient times. Who is the ancient breeze, how to destroy two, and one? This is too incredible.

婳 As for the ancient breeze, there is no Taiji Jindan, and Su Shi is not clear.

She just felt that the power of Jindan revealed by the ancient Qingfeng was similar to Taiji Jindan. If not, between heaven and earth, except for Taiji Jindan, no magic Jindan could blend light and dark. Say yes, the real Taiji Jindan should be vigorous and upright, but the ancient Qingfeng Jindan was evil and violent.

I do n’t know if there is Tai Chi Jindan in ancient breeze.


Compared with Taiji Jindan, she wants to know more about the relationship between the ancient Qingfeng and the King of the Red Sky, and also wants to know whether the ancient Qingfeng really incorporates a little knowledge of the King of the Red Sky, so she can play the juvenile. Unexpected.

There are too many doubts and too many curiosities in Su Su's heart.

Anyway, these doubts and curiosities have never been answered.

Uh ...

The night sky.

Xingyao, Yingnian, Ruolan and other fairy dynasties and dozens of hundred robbers still stand in the void. Originally, they felt a strange power, so they came to see what happened, but they did n’t expect to I met Su Shi here, not to mention that Su Shi would persuade himself not to go to the trouble of Gu Qingfeng, because he and others were not Gu Qingfeng's opponent.

This made the nine princes of the imperial dynasty very unconvinced, and also made them unhappy.

If other people say this, they can be treated as a joke, and they do n’t count too much. It ’s the Su Shi fairy who admires them, which makes them feel very unhappy, and it feels like being beloved by themselves. People look down on the same, very unhappy!

"The ancient Qingfeng of Laozizi is nothing more than physical strength. This kind of person is everywhere in the land of Divine Land. How can I not be his opponent, Yingnian!"

I have always been proud and proud, and I can't tolerate the long-loved Su Shixian in front of herself, saying that she is not an opponent of others.

"That is, a small upstart, how strong can it be?"

Qi Ruolan hugged the spirit fox angrily, with a look of disdain, looking at Su Shi's direction of departure, and humming coldly: "In my opinion, Su Shi simply wanted to protect the ancient breeze, so he said it intentionally."

Ruolan is the only woman among the nine princes of the imperial dynasty. The admiration of Su Shi by others does not mean that she also admires it. Instead of admiring her, she is more jealous. She is jealous of Su Shi ’s identity and jealous of Su. His beauty and fortune, even more jealous of so many men in the world admiring Su Shi.

Naturally, Su Shi was not pleasing to the eye, but it was because of her strong background and noble status that she did not dare to show it. At this moment, watching everyone else was angry at Su Shi, she just happened to take the opportunity to vent Vent your resentment.

"Su Shi has been looking for the whereabouts of the ancient sinner Gu Tianlang, and that Gu Qingfeng is said to be the heir to the sinner Gu Tianlang. Therefore, Su Shi must want to cover him deliberately. Do n’t forget that everyone in the Quartet area At that time, when the ancient breeze wiped out the Jiuhua Alliance, Su Shi was present, but she chose to stand by and not only did not stop it. Afterwards, our fairy dynasty wanted to take action on the deficit head of the Northwest, and Su Shi stopped it! "

Qi Ruolan said angrily: "Su Shi's preference for the deficit head is not a day or two. Our Xian Dynasty's action on the northwest deficit head can stop her. Now it is not surprising that the descendants of the ancient Sirius, the sinner who shielded Xiandao!"

Saying that, Ruolan whispered in disdain: "As a Nine Angels, Gu Tianlang, the world ’s search for immortal sinner, is just fine. It is disgusting to cover the deficit head again and again!"

If at other times, if Ruo Lan dare to say Su Shi is not like this, the other cents will certainly be very unhappy, but now, no one is unhappy, not only is not unhappy, but the heart also agrees with Ruolan's words.

I think about it carefully, and I also think that Ruolan is right.

Su Shi is looking for the King of the Xiaoxiao, and everyone in the world knows it.

As the nine angels, Xun was looking for the sinners who overthrew the Xian Dynasty. This was the only stain under Su Shi ’s reputation. There has been controversy over this matter.

Su Shi's maintenance of the deficit head was not once or twice. Not only the northwest deficit head, but also the Shenzhou earth's deficit head conflicted with the Xian Dynasty. Su Shi also came forward to maintain it. It is said that Su Shi shielded the descendants of the immortal sinner, the ancient Sirius, and many people. I think she can do it, at least, Ying Nian and several other Xianjue think so.

"Huh! The man with the ancient name knew we were coming and hid quietly a few days ago. If he dared to show up, I would let him kneel in front of me now."

"How can we be our opponents.

"Yes, if he is as powerful as Su Shi Fairy said, how can he hide!"

Xingyao Xianyue has been standing with his hands on his back, standing in the void, closing his eyes. Since Su Shi left, he has never said a word, but it seems that he no longer looks calm and calm like a genius. There was no spring-like smile, and when I opened my eyes, there was a thick haze in my eyes.

"Huang Lao, what do you think."

He asked lightly, asking an old man standing beside him.

The old man, known as Huang Lao, looked kind-hearted and had white hair and a serious expression. If his eyes seemed to be vicissitudes of life, he lowered his head and thought for a moment, saying, "In the opinion of the old man, this matter should be taken seriously."

"How to say."

"Whether or not Xi Xianzi is actually sheltering the ancient surname, but one thing we have to admit is that the ancient breeze does have something special. It can wipe out the twenty-fourth elder son of Northwest Xianfu only by physical power ~ ~ I heard that the power of reincarnation also died in his hands, which is enough to prove that this person's existence is extraordinary, and besides ... "

Huang Lao twisted his beard and said slowly: "Forget about whether he is a true king or not, if not, we should be more cautious. After all, this is about our immortality and deficit. The grievances of the head, although the Xian Dynasty was already preparing to work on the deficit head, but it is definitely not now, let alone the war between the Xian Dynasty and the deficit head because I and other people killed the king.

"The purpose of this trip is only for destiny, and I also ask the son to take the big things seriously, not to mention ..."

When Xun said here, Huang Lao paused deliberately, and seemed to speculate for a moment, and then he continued to say, "Not to mention that the other princes have not yet come."

Huang Lao's meaning is very clear. Gu Qingfeng may be a minefield. If it is shot and killed, even if it is not a minefield, it will only be awarded by the Xian Dynasty at best. It is of little significance. If it is a minefield, it may cause a minefield. War, therefore, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Even if you want to do it, let the other princes go to the water first.

(To be continued.)

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