Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 843: Chase chase

The **** named Chen Wunuo as an old dog gave Anzheng the last thing he didn't remember his life-saving use, and gave him his sword.

Then An Zheng tried his best to smash the thing, and neither of them seemed to take it seriously. In fact, both people know the importance of that thing.

An Zheng chased desperately, he could not see Su Ruhai, so he had to go up to see where the monster was. There was a mountain of wood swaying wherever he could see, and An Zheng immediately chased over there.

An Zheng is chasing Su Ruhai, and Xiang Xiang is chasing.

In fact, Xiang Wang's heart is very irritable. In any case, he did not expect that such an old guy who was already dying was so difficult to kill. He chased from the grassland to the Central Plains, a full 30,000 miles. From this point, it is enough to see the character of Xiang Wang ... that is a stubborn person.

He is the king of the grasslands, and the Kuohai Khanate is the largest country in the grasslands, and his status is equivalent to Chen Wunu of Daxi. The reason why he entered the tomb to retreat and practice was because he was not convinced of Chen Wunuo. Relatively speaking, his cultivation base is far worse than Chen Wunuo, but he is young. He knew he would catch up with Chen Wunuo one day sooner or later, and then surpass him and kill him.

He doesn't care about everything, if Su Ruhai didn't plan his ancestral tomb, he wouldn't chase it out so far. The people on the prairie called him a prairie lion, and no one on the prairie could be stronger than him and more domineering.

Because of this, he must kill Su Ruhai. He did not allow frustration in his heart ... If Su Ruhai could not be killed, this person might become the psychological shadow of his life.

However, he didn't catch up after all, the young man who didn't know where he came from interrupted his pursuit. He was also curious why the young man was able to bear his knife without dying.

Just when he was a little disappointed, he felt a familiar breath. He has chased down 30,000 miles, and no one is more familiar with the old man's cultivation ability than he is. Xiang Wang immediately chased over, and then saw Su Ruhai kill a monster with a sword. The old guy saw Xiang Wang chasing over, turned and ran away.

"Where else can you go?"

Xiang Wang frowned, striding out with great strides. He is very fast and does not fly in the sky like other practitioners. He is a big step forward, one step away, the people are already far away. Su Ruhai's light skill is very good, often a famous swordsman his body speed is very fast. However, Su Ruhai ran 30,000 miles and failed to get rid of Xiang Wang, enough to show how fast Xiang Wang is.

Su Ruhai rushed towards the front, and Xiang Xiang chased behind him.

At this time, a monster that seemed to be seven or eighty meters out of the jungle spurted a black light towards King Xiang. Before Su Ruhai killed his companion, he thought that Xiang Wang and Su Ruhai were a gang, and Su Ruhai wanted the monster to think so.

Xiang Wang frowned: "Humble thing."

He hacked it out with a single knife. Dao Qi split the black light, and then split the monster into two. Su Ruhai had gone far because of the short delay. King Xiang accelerated to catch up, feeling Su Ruhai's breath with his concentration.

"Go to hell!"

In the jungle, something that looked like a person suddenly appeared, with both hands pressed to the ground. A very strange rune circle appeared at the foot of King Xiang, and a red light erupted on the circle, and the runes quickly circulated. With a cry, the magic circle rose to flames, swallowing King Xiang into it.

Xiang Wang stood in the blazing fire and turned to look at it. The monster monster who hated him had hatred in his eyes. He didn't understand why these cheap things in his eyes shot at him, but since the opponent shot at him, he wouldn't let it go.

The fire is very different, far more intense than the ordinary flame.

Tired of watching the enemy standing in the flames of his own fire began to chill ... The flames of the flames had clearly trapped the other party, and the blazing flame was burning around the man, but the strong man was still indifferent. Look at it indifferently. Yes, it is indifference. The meaning in those eyes was clear, and they clearly looked down upon him.

It was a contemptuous look to the extreme, a king's look overlooking the ants. Tired of fire can't stand such a look, because he used to be expensive as a god.

"You shouldn't stop me."

Xiang Wang took a step forward from the flame array, and the extremely confident array of fire-fighting could not control him completely. Before the fire-weary did not show up, it was waiting for the opportunity to ambush. As long as it was given a chance, it would be killed. It is very confident in its own flame, as long as it is burned by its flame, there is no unkillable opponent.

Now I have.

Huohuo's height is obviously higher than that of Xiang Wang, but I don't know why, Huohuo thinks that the other party is much taller than himself. It's a kind of natural king's temperament, maybe even if the other party is a dwarf in the eyes of others.

Tired of rushing, he punched Xiang Wang's head with a punch, and his fist burned a flame as he rushed forward. Its shot speed has been very fast, after all, it has a cultivation behavior comparable to the three or four grades of human small heavens. After all, it is still a monster. The physique of monsters is generally better than that of human practitioners, and has been far away from humans in terms of physical conditions.

His most confident is speed, but soon disappointed, even desperate. The brave man who seemed extremely indifferent stood there, only to see that the furious fist was about to hit his face. But the fist hadn't reached his face before his hand arrived first. Xiang Wang raised a slap fan in his hand, the palm of his hand came first, and fluttered the irritating body with a snap.

"Lower creatures."

Xiang Wang walked over and stepped on a fire-burning chest, his foot pressed down slightly, and with a click, his feet almost all stepped into the fire-burning chest.

"Death also pulls you, you are the inferior creature, I am the god!"

Fire-fighting hysterical shouted, and a golden flame suddenly appeared on his body. The flame wrapped around King Xiang's thigh along his arms, and then stretched out toward King Xiang's upper body at a rapid speed.

"Not self-restrained."

Xiang Wang's foot stepped down again, the sole of the foot crushed the burnt chest directly, and the sole of the foot stepped into a mud, and the golden flame also burned him.


Xiang Wang frowned slightly, and actually felt the pain. He looked down, the golden flames had scorched his fur coat, and the skin was burning. This flame seemed unusual, and could actually cause him damage.

Because of this, Xiang Wang was suddenly angry. His feet slammed down, and then his feet jumped upwards to jump up with the annoying body. He stretched out his hand and pinched the annoying neck just right. The two were near, eyes were facing.


Xiang Wang's palm exerted force, and he snapped off the tired neck with a click. The hate of the fire immediately turned to the side, but he spouted a **** spit: "I am not a demon! I am a god!"

Xiang Wang frowned: "It doesn't matter what you are."

He tossed the fire-fighting into the sky. His body turned involuntarily half a circle and fell head-to-foot and foot-up. After a while, Xiang Wang Yi reached out and grabbed his ankle, then poked down. The fire-burning head poked on the ground, the neck was broken, and the head was crooked to the side. King Xiang lifted his foot and slammed down, smashing the irritated head with a bang. Fragmented brains and blood brain plasma flew out everywhere, and the entire head could not be broken.

Xiang Wang threw the body away and strode forward.

In the distance, Su Ruhai continuously attacked the monsters and attracted more and more monsters. As long as King Xiang keeps up, it accelerates, and if he doesn't keep up, he deliberately slows down and attracts monsters to gather here.

Of course, King Xiang knows what Su Ruhai wants to do. He is the king, controlling the largest sweating country on the grassland, and ruling hundreds of millions of people. Of course, he cannot be an idiot. But even if he knew what Su Ruhai was going to do, he would not flinch, and nothing would stop him unless he died.

He still burned with flames that were disgusting, but the flames did not extinguish after a few strokes. The flame is very special, even if the fire-fighting has been killed by him, the flame is still there. Xiang Wang didn't make any sense after slapping a few times, his brow deepened. He looked at the back of Su Ruhai in the distance and hesitated for the first time. Should he continue to chase?

However, he only hesitated for one hundredth of a second, and he chose to continue to kill. In his dictionary of life, there is no defeat, no retreat, no stagnation. A monster was rushing from behind him, and King Xiang did not turn back. The huge knife chopped back casually, and the monster was split into two pieces in mid-air.

He doesn't seem to have any cumbersome and good-looking exercises at all, just a knife. Anzheng's broken army sword stabbed, and he was shocked. The monster's black light struck, and he split off. As long as he still has a knife in his hand, he has no fear.

With the wailing before the burn-out, more and more monsters gathered around. Those monsters knew that they were not opponents of the practitioner, but once they started attacking, they would not stop. From this point of view, they are very similar to Xiang Wang.

One knife, one knife, one knife ...

Xiang Wang strode forward, and the demon beast slammed. Su Ruhai was really about to run, and more and more monsters gathered around him.

"What about your sword."

Xiang Wang's sword swept across, and a large group of monsters and beasts were directly cut off. One flew over and he killed one. A group rushed, he killed a group.

In the distance, Su Ruhai was finally tired and could not move. He finally assassinated a monster with his finger as a sword, and then fell down. The old man climbed up to the cliff and sat leaning against the cliff and looked at Xiang Wang with a smile: "You guys, don't you kill me without killing yourself?"

King Xiang strode forward while killing the monster: "I'm not at ease if I don't kill you."

Su Ruhai said: "It's a pity that you can't kill me. I'd like to thank you before I die. I killed so many monsters and so many evils for me. I'll go to **** and wait for you. Then we will start again. . "

"They are not worthy of killing you, nor can they kill you."

Xiang Wang's arm was bitten by a monster, and his other hand gripped the monster's neck and twisted, and the monster's head fell down. He grabbed the monster's neck and flicked it. He grabbed his neck and stepped on the monster's chest with one foot. With one arm he pushed upward, he plucked his head straight out and threw it away.

"Your life must be taken by me. No one but me can do it."

Xiang Wang continued to move forward towards Su Ruhai. No matter he or Su Suhai was gathering more and more powerful monsters and beasts. If you look at it from a height, the scene can't be shocked.

Hundreds of thousands of monster beasts were attracted and rushed toward King Xiang. The army of monsters and beasts is like a big river one by one, rushing towards Xiang Wang.

"Damn lower creature."

Xiang Wang waved his sword while walking, and every time he shot, a strong man among the monsters was beheaded. It's impossible to predict how many monsters he killed in the end, and the more he killed, the more relieved the smile on Su Ruhai's mouth was.

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