Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 813: What is reverse?

This may be the most bizarre revenge incident in the history of Daxi. There are many and many people in this world. As long as there are people, there will be grudges, so hatred occurs every day in this world, and revenge occurs every day. Things are happening.

Revenge is not necessarily murder. Today, if you scold me, I will scold it back tomorrow, which is also revenge. No matter how big the world is, there are not so many disagreements.

There is a lot of disagreement with An Tian, ​​because he is facing evil in this world.

Even Daxi Saint Emperor Chen Wunuo was stunned when he heard Wen En said that Chen Liuxi was carrying the corpse in the cattle to the Zhou family, and his finger wrote two words in the void ... decision.

Wen En said that revenge for others like Chen Liuxi is so unrestricted. If anyone offends him, I am afraid that his retaliation will be even more violent.

Chen Wunuo shook his head: "You don't know him."

Zhou family.

An Zheng strode out of the sky of smoke, and the broken sword in his hand was bright like a lightning bolt. The light radiating from the sword seemed to disperse all the darkness in the world.

I do n’t know why. As one of the two people with the highest status in the Zhou family, Zhou Qu feels that Anzheng ’s cultivation status is much worse than his own. He knew very well that he had stayed for a long time during that period. However, the scary thing is that the strength of the other party's Xiaotianjing Yipin's cultivation is strong enough to compete with his current.

His hands were hidden behind his back, still shaking violently.

The other party used the power of cultivation two levels lower than him to force him back, and it seemed that the other party was still so calm, but his hands still hurt. This Chen Liuxi is not easy to deal with.

It was at this moment that Zhou Qu gave up his so-called decentness without any hesitation and turned back and shouted, "Zhou Song!" Towards the backyard.

Zhou Song is not in the backyard, but in the secret room underground. The secret room was built like an underground palace, and it was extremely grand. And they have very strong defensive measures, which were created by Zhou Song and Zhou Qu with half their lives. Even so, Zhou Song still felt the violent shock and Tianyuan fluctuations outside.

Even if Zhou Qu didn't call him, Zhou Song had already rushed out.

"How many years ..."

Zhou Song walked to Zhou Qu and looked at Anzheng ’s eyes with bitter hatred and contempt: “How many years, no matter whether it is the Zhou family or other families, as long as they can stand in Jinling City, they have never encountered I have been to such a thing. Someone dared to challenge a family in such a flagrant manner, Chen Liuxi, do you really think you are invincible? "

Anzheng just calmly looked at the two little heavenly powerhouses, both of which were higher than their own realm, without any change in their faces. It seems that the word fear has nothing to do with him, no matter who the enemy he is facing, he will not flinch. There were many rounds of dealing with Chen Liuxi in Jinling City. Some people said that he was fearless, some people said he was idiot.

The highest evaluation is nothing but bravery.

"Kill you, you don't need to be invincible."

An Zheng is still moving forward step by step, the calm in his eyes is exactly what people call the world. If the eyes of an ordinary person are calm in the face of an ordinary day, then there is nothing special in nature. Ke Anzheng is facing two strong men who are almost standing on the top of the practitioner. He is still calm. This is the world.

Zhou Song glanced at Zhou Qu around him: "You can't kill a junior, you can't do it yourself? You still have to call me, aren't you afraid of being laughed by someone who knows?"

"What time is it now, and what are you still worried about when someone laughs?"

Zhou Qu raised his hand and let Zhou Song glance, Zhou Song's face changed immediately. Zhou Qu ’s hand, the palm of his hand is still bluish-purple, with three fingers twisted and shocking, apparently broken. This is just an appearance. What makes Zhou Qu feel terrible is that there is a domineering force in his hands who is eager to attack his body. The truth should have been dissipated under the suppression of his own powerful cultivation force, but the little cultivation force seemed to be a small team of ten people under siege by the army, still singing. Warsong charged forward.

It was just a little effort, but Zhou Qi's hand hardly listened. That power is too domineering and unreasonable. How can it be against the strength of the opponent's whole body with weak power in the opponent's body?

After seeing Zhou Qu ’s hand, Zhou Song knew that his judgment was wrong. The opponent ’s strength was obviously not measurable by realm. This is the first time he has encountered a practitioner who can cross such a big gap. Although he still can't believe it, he must accept it now.

"Let's go together."

Zhou Song took a deep breath, then suddenly became very big. A phantom flew out of him, and then instantly became a giant at least 20 meters high, stepping on An Zheng's head.

At the same time, Zhou Qu also shot. His body moved suddenly, and then hundreds of afterimages appeared. But these hundreds of afterimages may be his real body, and his power can be quickly transformed among these afterimages. True and false, true and false.

Anzheng is not impulsive. He has never been as calm and sober as he is now. He knows what he has to face. Maybe some people think he is looking for death. Some people think he is crazy, but he can argue for himself to understand himself. He is a struggle, a unique struggle in the world.

"Look at how he died!"

A young man from the Zhou family said angrily: "It's too rampant, and actually hit the door of my Zhou family. Our Zhou family has been bullying others in Jinling City for so many years, when have they been bullied!"

"That is, the two ancestors have already shot. They are both strong in the small heaven. The reason why my Zhou family can have an unshakable position in Jinling City is because we have a small heaven like the ancestor. By!"

"The ancestor beat him up for a while, and we have to go up to make up for it, let this **** know that the young people of our Zhou family can't afford it!"

"You're right, wait for the ancestor to teach him a lesson, and we have to go out to exhale. He thought he was great, let the ancestor teach him how to be a man now."

A group of people filled with indignation, hoping that they rushed up and kicked An Zheng. However, it was just filled with righteous indignation on the mouth. Especially the one who said that we also went up to make up for a knife, when he said that the young people of the Zhou family can not afford to provoke, apparently forget that Anzheng is younger than them.

"I live in this world, and the world changes with me."

At this moment, An Zheng suddenly closed his eyes and muttered to himself.

"I stand in the world, and the world is clear because of me."

"What is Heavenly Dao ... but it is the heart of the people."

An Zhengmeng opened his eyes: "I will go to heaven on behalf of others, and destroy the door of your Zhou family!"

A purple-gold ray of light rose from his body, followed by the phantom of the gods coming out from behind his body. The appearance of the **** ghost image this time is completely different from the previous appearance. The previous ghost image is just a shadow that looks very clear, and then it is also a shadow. However, this time, after returning to Xiaotian Realm, the phantom of the gods is no longer a phantom.

It was a real giant, wearing a simple armor that exuded ancient flavor. There is a shallow trace on the armor, which seems to declare that he is invincible after a hundred battles. The golden dragon stepping on his feet also turned into a golden purple dragon with scales, coiled behind him, the dragon head was on the shoulder of the god, and looked at the giant Zhou Zhousong with a look that looked like the world in peace .


An Zheng raised his hand, and the Sword of Heavenly Sword obtained from the Zuo family flew out of the Blood Peizhu bracelet, and became very large in the air, and then grasped by God. The moment the **** held the sword, the armor suddenly turned on. A blood-red word appeared on the left chest of his armor. It was a blood-red word "war"!

He is the God of War!

An Zheng held the army, the God of War held the sky.

"My God, what is that thing!"

The people of the Zhou family had fried the pan as soon as they saw that God appeared that day, and those who had been cultivated as low-spirited people had been suppressed by the terrifying breath of the gods. Before, I was still clamoring that the guy who knew Chen Liuxi knew how horrible the Zhou young people were was directly fell to the ground by coercion and spitting blood.

He also wanted to compete with An for the heights, only the coercion of An An was enough to kill him.

The contention of a broken army is a broken army, because what he wants to break is all the sins in this world. Sinful people Sinful things are like an army from hell, and Anzheng breaks the army. The God of War represents Heavenly Dao, and it is Heavenly Kill that he holds. Maybe this is a coincidence, or ... this is a long-term destiny.


An Zheng burst out the word, his body suddenly moved forward.


God of War also shouted this word, and then rushed towards the giant Zhou Song.

Among the countless afterimages, An Zheng's body is like a flat boat above the stormy river. Zhou Ying's ghost image is no more fierce, and An Zheng can't move like a mountain. It seems that he just moved forward step by step without any impact, but in fact, every step of An Zheng's step must be resolved Zhou Zhou's offensive of at least three thousand. One step of three thousand prestige, this is the horror of the small sky realm.

"I don't believe you can stop it."

Zhou Qu screamed, and suddenly a lot of debris burst out of his body, like the stray butterfly flying around the sky. It was his own crumbling skin, and each piece of skin turned into a nearly physical Zhou Qu, rushing towards An An frantically. He turned out a large army by himself, and one person was enough to contend with a large army. Nowadays, such a violent and overbearing offensive is directed against only one person.

Who did An Zheng fear?

He is afraid of overbearing, who is it? !

There are many others, he is more, others are faster, he is faster!

On the body of An Zheng, phantoms are separated from each other, and each phantom will kill an avatar of Zhou Qu. In terms of realm, phantom is certainly not comparable to the almost substantive half avatar, but Anzheng is so unreasonable. He took the cultivation as inferior to the other as the realm, and broke the higher level with the lower level in the eyes of others.

Cultivation as the realm has high and low, and low destruction as the countermeasure.

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