Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 1166: Fight, must die

Weiran Palace.

In front of Ning Xiaolou is a table made of a large tree root, with a simple shape, like a scorched tail. The magical thing is that, without knowing where the clear spring water came from, it kept falling down on the table.

An Zheng sat opposite Ning Xiaolou, looking a little cramped.

He just made himself look a little cramped.

Ning Xiaolou personally cooks tea without being arrogant. Cooking tea is actually an enjoyable thing, but it is a bit boring to repeat every day. If you ask a tea taster, of course, you will find tea cooking very elegant. If you ask the girls who make tea, whether they like it or not, they are probably already bored.

Ning Xiaolou enjoys the process of making tea, which is a rare time for him to relax his mind.

"What tea do you like?"

"Any kind of tea will do."

"Green orange bar, it is not a famous product, and it is not valuable, just look at your leucorrhea, most of them are recently spelled a little bit of internal heat. The small green mandarin can be cleared from the fire, but the taste is slightly sour.

When the water boiled, Ning Xiaolou dropped a small green mandarin into the water and added a little bit of salt.

"Yesterday you killed someone?"

Ning Xiaolou asked with a smile, as if he didn't care. Of course, An Zheng knew that he wouldn't care. The real dean of Baisheng College would always be Bai Shengjun himself. The permanent owner of the police department can only be Ning Xiaolou himself.

"Fang Tanzhi came to see me deliberately before leaving, and talked to you about me."

Ning Xiaolou pushed a cup of tea to An Zheng, and An Zheng leaned down to thank him slightly. Take it up, smell it, the entrance is really sour. Suddenly he thought that Ning Xiaolou likes this tea, which is not very valuable, and likes its sourness. Is it related to Ning Xiaolou's own life?

"Don't speculate on me."

Ning Xiaolou's face remained unchanged, still smiling.

"Fang Tanzhi's perception theory was enlightened by him."

An Zheng was shocked!

Ning Xiaolou took a sip of tea and leaned back slightly to make him sit comfortably: "It seems that you haven't been to Yancheng for a few days, but many people have known your name in Yancheng. Fang Tanzhi said you four Entering the Tao in seconds, this is something that has never happened since Baisheng College was founded. Did you know that between killing you and leaving you, I had a few seconds of hesitation, which is about four seconds long, so ... Four seconds is actually very long. "

Four seconds, really long.

Anzheng did not answer the call, did not know how to answer it, and did not want to answer it. It is not unfamiliar to speak with such a person, and the same was true of the conversation between Chen and Wu in the era of Daxi. Chen Wunuo and Ning Xiaolou are a class of people who are always close and unassuming, but every word vaguely tells you the fact of his emperor.

Ning Xiaolou just wanted to tell An Zheng that it wouldn't make sense for you to enter the Tao even four seconds, because I spent four seconds thinking about whether you should be alive or not.

"At this time, there are not many people who can make me think about life and death in four seconds."

Ning Xiaolou's next words gave An Zheng a slight shock.

"When I was young, I was not a very decisive and brave person. My father was very hurt for this. As the only heir to Bai Shengjun, I need to learn a lot of things. There are four words that are very heavy. Making this judgment, he finds a pretty young lady or a pretty little animal in front of me every day. At that time, I was about four years old? I vaguely remember yes, I can't remember clearly. "

"Father brought a beautiful little animal, or a beautiful young lady, to me, and asked me to use one minute to find something useful and threatening to them. After a minute, he only asked me One question, kill or not? "

"I'm only four years old. How could I know if any threats to them were useful or useless, but as soon as a minute passed, my father would kill them immediately, whether it was a small animal or a young lady."

Ning Xiaolou put down the teacup, changed the water, and continued to make tea.

"Because of my hesitation, because of my fear, I dare not talk, there are many dead animals and young ladies. You may think that there is a difference between the father and the demon doing this? Yes, there is no difference, he is the demon. But … I have to thank a father like this for letting me judge and understand a person in less than a minute. "

"And when I became Bai Shengjun, I realized that one minute is still too long. A person can occupy a few seconds in my mind, then the importance of this person is to me that it must be killed or must be Do you understand the saved height? "

An Zheng nodded: "Understood."

"Just understand."

Ning Xiaolou gave An Zhengxuan tea, his hands looked white and slender, and his joints were so beautiful and perfect.

"Do you know why you are so fast in perception? You might think that it is a talent, but it is not because of the power of the devil ... The power of the devil is the most refined and pure power in the world, you Can be completed is the heaviest and can see the most nothingness, the enhancement of your perception is actually derived from the power of the devil. And this power was originally mine. I have prepared for this power for decades, and spent more than a dozen Years have taken countless people ’s lives to capture, but in the end you got it. You said ... Should I kill you? "

An Zheng replied: "It's true that it should be killed."

"Four seconds, I decided not to kill you."

Ning Xiaolou said with a smile: "So, please remember the importance of yourself. Who can kill you if I don't kill me?"

Suddenly understood everything.

"I give you what you want, you don't want me to give it back. You give me what you need, and I give you what you don't need. Because your life is not yours, but mine. Don't you want to participate in the martial arts conference next year? Then I will set a goal for you. Within three months, you will be promoted to the first class of Baisheng College. Within six months, you will enter the top ten of Baisheng College. Within nine months, you can enter the top three, martial arts. I personally waved my flag for you at the conference. "

He stood up and put a key on the table.

"This is the key to the library building of Baisheng College. Only the key to one of the rooms on the third floor that I can open. There is everything you need in that room. You can take whatever you want, but ... If within nine months I gave you so many you did n’t enter the top three of the first-class disciple of Baisheng College ... Just then I wasted those four seconds, I will kill you, and take the power of the devil from you Extract it. "

An Zheng glanced at the key: "Everything in it is some natural material and treasure, can it be improved to the state of realm, let me stand at a higher starting point than others from the beginning?"

"Yes, something that some people can't see for a lifetime."

An Zheng pushed the key forward: "Thank you, no. Within half a year, if I can't be the first-class disciple of Baisheng College, I won't go to the martial arts meeting."

He stood up and walked out without any hesitation. The key represents what is actually self-evident, that is a treasure placed by Bai Shengjun in Baisheng College. No matter who got those things, there may be a rapid advancement, but Anzheng actually chose to refuse.

"On my own, be more solid."

An Zheng walked out of the room.

Ning Xiaolou glanced at the key and suddenly laughed.

At the same time, there is a restaurant called Chun Sheng Nuan about fifteen miles from Weiran Palace and less than three miles from Baisheng College. This restaurant is very famous, Yancheng is so big, but not many people can enter Chunshengnuan to drink a glass of wine. The higher the place, the more fame will be spread far and loud.

In the largest private room of Chun Sheng Nuan, a few people looked at a table of wine and vegetables without any appetite.

"Lou Twelve is dead."

Sitting on the throne, a man who looked young but had a very unclely temperament sat there talking with his head hanging down, looking at his two hands on his knees and seemed to be thinking.

"Lou Xie is from the Xianshi Mansion, you all know that. Lou XII is my friend, you don't know."

The young man raised his head: "I have been in Yancheng for many years, but I have never forgotten where I came from and why I have to come here. I have not forgotten that if it was not Lou Twelve who helped me, , I may have died long ago. I went to Baisheng College a few days ago and quietly saw Lou twelve times. I told him that he was not a qualified lurker. I am. "

"So I expected that he would die, but I didn't think that it was not in the arresting department, but in the hands of a newly-introduced disciple. But fortunately, if he died in the arresting department, I might not Hoi An is sitting here like Mount Tai. "

The young man raised his head, his face pale.

"You have all come to see me for the first time. Over the years, you have been installed in every corner of Bai Shengjun. You have tried every means to break this place, but we have never succeeded. Why? Because I have been lurking for a long time, Will be afraid, more and more afraid of death. Lou twelve is an idiot, but he is a little stronger than us, that is not afraid of death. "

A middle-aged man silenced for a while and then gritted his teeth and said, "Come on, you can't expose it."

The young man raised his eyebrows slightly: "Why? Because my name is Yao Bianbian, because I am a very popular person beside Baisheng Junning Xiaolou?"


The middle-aged man answered firmly: "All of you can die, but you can't."

Yao Bianbian uttered a sigh, it didn't seem to be touched or unusual.

"Then you are good."

He looked at the middle-aged man: "Qu Xiangnuan, you have been teaching at Baisheng Academy for more than 20 years, right? It's not easy for you to get to the present. So if you don't expose yourself, you Several disciples under the door were photographed at the front. I just got the news that An Zheng played bravely in front of Ning Xiaolou and hit the first disciple of Baisheng College within six months. Since he was so ambitious, then Just complete him. "

Yao Bian stood up and clenched his fists with his hands: "I thank you all ... Anzhen, must die."

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