Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 1035: Watch how they die

Song Dudi, the Shangshu of the Criminal Department, was all scared. He didn't know what this man wanted to do with the list. He had just been promoted to the punishment department, and holding the list in his hand was like holding a hot potato. Two days ago, Marshal Sima Pingfeng of the Sanctuary came over and told him that his list should not be handed over to anyone before his majesty went out of the customs, and he did not have to continue to deal with the case. This thing was in his hands. He couldn't sleep well all night. In case a big family knew that the list had been interrogated, his head would soon fall off.

"Hero, the list is for you, and my head will fall."

"The list was given to me, and the heads of the people who wanted you were all gone."

An Zheng glanced at Song Duodi: "You have just been promoted, don't you have any unfairness in your heart?"

Song Duodi sighed: "Even if I have, what is the solution. The staff of the Penal Department, I can deploy no more than twenty, and they are all brought by myself. The rest of them don't put me at all In my eyes. Even so, I still questioned the list, is it easy for me ... "

An Zheng patted his shoulder: "I was scaring you just now, I'm sorry. You copied me a list, and the original one stayed with you."

Song Duodi knew that the great **** in front of him couldn't afford it, and he simply copied a copy to Anzheng as soon as he gritted his teeth. This list was copied for almost an hour before it was copied. Thousands of names were densely packed.


An Zheng slammed on Song Duodi's neck, Song Duodi immediately fainted.

"Sorry, otherwise you can't explain."

An Zheng upsets the house, and then put the original list and confession to Song Duodi to hide it. He turned away from the criminal department and went to meet Chen Shaobai at the agreed inn. It was getting dark at this time, and An Zheng walked down the street without seeing a carriage. Obviously, the Yang family would not compromise.

Chen Shaobai was unhappy to see An Zheng coming back: "Where is the wave again."

An Zheng repeated the story about it, and Chen Shaobai suddenly became excited: "Do you want to kill these dog officials? Count me a copy. Anyway, Ye Xiaoye, they don't want to come in for the time being. Let's do what we want."

An Zheng copied another copy of the list to Chen Shaobai: "From now on, we two will wear exactly the same clothes and put on the same mask, and we will kill people according to the list in this capital. Now the Yang family must invite a lot of Practitioners come to help, most of them are the families involved on this list. Because they are already a grasshopper on the rope because of the reselling of the granary, they must be concentric. Let them wait at the Yang family, you and I will be separated Look door to door to see how long they can last. "

Chen Shaobai smiled and said, "I like your bad look."

An Zheng: "Go ..."

Chen Shaobai took the list: "By the way, I always feel that the inn is unsafe, why not go to the Ming Fa Si compound?"

An Zheng couldn't help but smile: "Well, no one in that place knows that we live in, and the place is big enough."

Chen Shaobai: "I like you to praise me."

An Zheng: "Where the **** do I boast about you ..."

Chen Shaobai: "You praise me in your heart."

"Can you get away?"

An Zheng took the list out of the inn, he and Chen Shaobai put on black brocades, wearing the same masks, one east and one west, and started the hunting plan. Anyway, I have to find the whereabouts of Longhushan Xuanyue, and playing with these people may be able to ask what else. In fact, there is another reason why Anzheng is in a hurry to return to Jinling City. He still carries the soul and power of Lao Qingniu. As long as this power is returned to Lao Qingniu, Lao Qingniu can break free.

An Zheng began to look for the door in order. The family on the list farthest from the Yang family was Niu Dazhong, the former household minister's assistant. Although the name is more rustic, but the Niu family is a real giant. It was one of the heroes of the founding of Daxi at the beginning, but later there were no great people in the family, so it was a bit depressed. However, the strength of a large family that has been going on for thousands of years cannot be underestimated.

The mask that An Zheng wears is a ghost face, not a delicate mask attached to his face. This white ghost face was paired with a black suit, like a horror like **** demon.

Pappa ...

An Zheng patted the door of Niu's house.

Perhaps it was because of the knowledge of the Yang family that the Niujia door was closed, and neither of the family members was at the door. After Anzheng took a few shots, the door opened a gap, and someone narrowed his eyes and looked out, just to see Anzheng ’s white ghost face, and screamed and fell to the ground. Anzheng pushed the door in and patted the Ding's shoulder and said thank you ... Then he closed the door smoothly, grabbed the iron door bolt with his hand, and cast the door bolt on the door panel.

"Go back and stay there, or you will die."

The Ding nodded in shock, turned around and ran away. While running and shouting to come, An Zheng shook his head and sighed, "It's really disobedient."

Soon after, a lot of practitioners rushed out from inside, holding various magical instruments in their hands, and after a moment surrounded the Anzheng regiment. An Zheng glanced at those people, and when the sky opened, the cultivation of these people had a panoramic view. The strongest among them is only the peak of Daman Realm, and has not yet reached the small heaven. These people want to stop Anzhan, but they are not enough. It seems that the strongest cultivator of the Niu family has already rushed to the Yang family to wait for the Anxiety.

"I'm not here at home."

An Zheng asked, and those people took a step back in fear.

"Don't be afraid, uncle is not a bad guy."

An Zheng walked and said, "I'm here to borrow something from your family."

Niu Shang, who stayed at the Niu family as the principal, stepped forward and glared at An Zheng: "Where are the younger generations, in the light of day, pretending to be a ghost. You take off the mask and let me see who you are. Or you can just catch it, Either I caught you and twisted it into the jail cell. "

"No, just come back from there."

Anzheng glanced at Niu Shangchang: "How many of your cattle's family participated in the reselling of the grain in the Beishan granary? In this way, you now take all the food from your family and send it to the outside of the city to the victims. I will not kill any of them."

"kill him!"

Niu Shang snorted even more.

The practitioners quickly rushed over, and the three dark purple stars in Anzheng's left eye turned, and all the practitioners were settled in place. They kept their original postures one by one, and some stiffness fell to the ground after a while, like a stone statue.

"I don't want to fight with you. Children are just as naive as children. I'm not too threatening. Let me try it to see if you are afraid."

An Zheng walked directly to the front of Niu Shang, stretched out his hand in his terrified eyes, grabbed his collar, and lifted it to hang on a big tree not far away. An Zheng looked at a small piece of bamboo growing in the distance. He walked over and cut a thinnest piece of his hand, probably as thick as his thumb. Cut off the bamboo for a section, sharpened one end, then poked into the upper thigh of the cow, and the blood flowed slowly along the bamboo tube, and the cow immediately wailed.

An Zheng walked back and forth in the yard: "There are women and children in the house? Close your eyes and don't look. The bleeding of this bamboo tube is estimated to last at most a dozen minutes, and your blood will be clean. It is said that it died like this It ’s not very painful, it ’s a bit of fear, I ’ll try to overcome your willpower, and you can try to overcome my means. ”

An Zheng sat down on the stone bench not far away and watched the blood slowly flow out, while Niu Shang's face became more and more white.

"Send it or not?"


Niu Shang wanted to get angry, but felt that life was passing along the bamboo tube a little, and his heart was terrified to the extreme: "I send, I send ... But you have to guarantee that as long as I send the food out, you Don't kill me. "

"Just ask you for an attitude, waiting for your delivery is too slow. I have a space implement here, called the blood culture beads bracelet, which is very large and can hold as many things as you want. The silo is open and I will just take away the grain. "

"Open to him!"

Niu Shang shouted more hoarsely.

An Zheng untied the restraint of several people, who ran to the backyard with An Zheng. The rockery was actually translatable. Below was a huge hole, and the underground granary was built very solid. An Zheng let those few people lead the way down and looked at it. Not only was the food piled up like a mountain, but also a large number of weapon armor, at least tens of thousands of people were not a problem. Moreover, these weapons are well-made, obviously not something made by small workshops.

An Zheng opened the ability of Blood Peizhu to snatch, and within seconds the entire underground warehouse was evacuated by An Zheng. Food, weapons, armor, but also other equipment and a large number of spirit stones. Ann struggled out of the underground granary and walked back to the yard. Niu Shang was almost fainted to death. The whole person was hanging on the tree. The blood flowing from the bamboo tube was far less than it was at first.

"Good attitude."

An Zheng pulled the puff of Zhu Guan from the larger leg of the cow, and when he turned around, he released the pupil technique, and all of them fell down.

An Zheng opened the list: "I came here when I read the name, but it doesn't matter if I come, I will catch it myself."

He began to read, but none came. An Zheng sighed, grabbed a person, and inserted a bamboo tube into this person's thigh: "Now you come to identify, tell me, who I just called. The one you specified quickly, **** Less. "

The man was almost scared to death, and there was no resistance. With a thunderbolt, the dozen or so people who have just announcing the name just now find out seven or eight. The rest are not in the Niujia family, but the Yangs are waiting for the ambush.

Anzheng pulled out the bamboo tube and glanced at the seven or eight people: "Sell food, right? Drink human blood, right? Then I will let you release all the human blood that has been drunk."

He found some big nails and nailed these people to the wall one by one. Everyone inserted a bamboo tube in the thigh artery. The neat row looked a little scary. Blood was flowing down the bamboo tube, and a large piece of red soon became stained on the ground.

"Whoever puts them down, I will put them on the bench."

An Zheng walked to Niu Shangjin and took the first bamboo tube before it: "I promised you just now. When you open the granary, I will pull the bamboo tube out of your leg. I will speak."

"Thanks ... Thanks ..."

The cow said a pale expression, and his voice was extremely weak and tiny.

"You're welcome."

With a pop, Anzheng inserted the bamboo tube into the other thigh of the cow: "But you still have to die."

He turned around and glanced at the others: "Living people, just be alive. I hope you will always think of me in the future, and think of these people today. Those who do bad things, think about this bamboo tube inserted in yourself. What is it like? "

Anzheng opened the door and went out, glanced back, and those people were locked up again.

"Look, watch how they die."

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