Reincarnation Spider: The Mysterious Queen

Chapter 569 S-03 Blood Moon Ruins (Part 1)

Just when Ekaterina, Su Ming and others were trapped in the "Mirror of Sealed Spirits" space and cut off from the outside world,

In the real world, in a vast snow forest, a beautiful female body with a halo, her purple-browed eyes closed, continued to move north.

The drone in the sky has turned into a pile of debris and fell into the snow.

At the same time,

the headquarters of the Secret Guard Bureau, which learned of the whereabouts of the two countries' task forces, raised the danger level of the "Halo Angel" to the quasi-evil level, but withdrew the action mission to track and observe the "Halo Angel".

And what happened here, Bai Zhi, who was in the "Filthy Palace" underground in the far north, didn't know.

Even if he knew, he wouldn't care too much.

Because tonight, the full moon is coming.

In the ninth palace of the underground palace, behind the layers of snow-white spider webs, in the deep and rich darkness, the outline of a magnificent and evil throne loomed.

The graceful figure, with one hand on the armrest and the chin supported, seemed to be taking a nap, without any breath and motionless.

At this time, she was in the hidden state of the "Night Veil".

She could not be detected or affected by the outside world.

But in this state,

A scarlet light suddenly flashed above the steep peaks of the mountain, breathing like a heart, flickering, outlining the shape of an imperfect crescent moon.

This scarlet light covered the insect-shaped pendant that was deeply trapped in the tight and suffocating gully, making it unresponsive.

Behind the dark throne, thick and slimy evil tentacles stretched out, swaying randomly like seaweed, and slapped on the high platform made of corpses.

Snap! Snap! Snap!

The corpse high platform was slapped with cracks and stained with sticky water stains.

Some dark tentacles wanted to get close to the beautiful body with closed eyes, but they were burned by the scarlet light, twitching and unable to get close.

The sound of knocking on the platform became more and more frequent.


I don’t know if she was awakened by the noisy sound,

the stunning beauty who seemed to be in a dream slowly opened her beautiful eyes.

The pupils that seemed to be able to absorb all people’s reason and exude suffocating beauty, transmitted scarlet and strange colors, without the calmness and rationality of the past.

“Blood Moon… Ruins…”

The moist and shiny cherry lips opened and closed slightly, and whispered:

“I want to go… there… She… He is waiting for me…”

While whispering, she slowly stood up from the throne.

Then she walked down the steps made of corpses step by step, walked through the layers of spider silk curtains, and walked towards the gate of the dark palace gracefully.

Ignoring the dark tentacles behind her.

Hiss, hiss.

On the top and corners of the palace, the dirty spider silk condensed automatically, extending and converging at the entrance of the palace.

A thick layer of dirty spider web blocked her and prevented her from leaving here.

But as the spider silk shining with scarlet light shot out from the mark below her collarbone, the dirty spider web immediately dissolved rapidly as if it encountered strong acid.

The dirty spider web wanted to connect, but an exit was already in front of her.

When her footsteps came to the ninth palace, the crescent mark on her chest shone more brightly, as if it was coming alive.

This change seemed to make her a little uncomfortable, and she unconsciously frowned her beautiful eyebrows. A trace of struggle flashed in her scarlet eyes, as if she was resisting something.

But she still raised one arm and waved it gently. A virtual portal woven by spider silk appeared in front of her. Under the guidance of some mysterious power, she walked in with lotus steps.

As she disappeared, the portal closed, the underground space returned to darkness, the spider webs no longer condensed, and the throne returned to peace.

After leaving the underground palace in the far north, Bai Zhi came to an uninhabited island.

A high protective net was set up around the island. It is located in the East China Sea of ​​the Federation and is also an area where ordinary humans are strictly prohibited from entering.

Because there is a secret relic space set up by an evil god here.

It is numbered "S-03" in the database of the "New World", that is, "Blood Moon Relics".

The entrance to the relic space will only appear on the night of the full moon.

Under the crimson moonlight, the sea was dead and calm. Due to the strange fluctuations of "S-03" some time ago, the creatures on the island and nearby waters were drained of blood and all died.

This place has become a dead sea.

Bai Zhi walked on this strange island, with bloodshot pupils and hair that had turned snow-white. He slowly walked through the dry and twisted trees and stopped in an open space in the center of the island.

In addition to Bai Zhi, there was also a seemingly ordinary boulder in the open space.

But under the crimson moonlight, the boulder vaguely revealed some mysterious blood-colored characters and signs on its surface.

Dense and disorderly, as if bleeding.

Bai Zhi's pair of soulless and strange blood eyes just stared at the bleeding boulder.


Suddenly, the boulder split open a vertical crack in the middle, revealing the scarlet flesh inside.

Seeing this, Bai Zhi squeezed her body into the flesh crack like a puppet of a soul under the guidance of the soul.

The scarlet flesh wrapped her up and swallowed her completely, and the crack slowly closed, and no more blood seeped out.

After a feeling of suffocation and closure, the scene in front of Bai Zhi suddenly changed, and she appeared in a strange and colorful dense forest world.

At this time, the blood-red light in Bai Zhi's eyes gradually disappeared and turned back to blue-purple. A trace of rationality emerged, and the crescent mark on her chest no longer shone.

She woke up.

But the insect-shaped pendant hanging on her snowy neck was still covered with a layer of red light, and she couldn't wake up.

"Where is this..."

A trace of doubt flashed across her face. She only felt that she had a blood-red dream. When she woke up, she was in this strange place she had never been to.

The mental power spread out.

In the mysterious and quiet rainforest covered with moss, the ground was paved with pink skeletons, and ghosts were everywhere among the dense pine forests.

In the depths of the dense forest, there was a pink mist floating, and under the mist was a blood lake several meters wide, as if the blood of countless creatures had gathered here.

On the other side of the blood lake, there is a straight stone road, with various naked beautiful female statues standing on both sides of the road...

Bai Zhi instantly realized where she was, and a chill ran up her spine from her feet.

But the question is, how did she get here?

She remembered that she was clearly in the "Filthy Palace" and sitting on the "Dark Throne".

After thinking about it, it can only be the "Immortal Blood" who did it...

But she still couldn't believe that on a full moon night, the "Immortal Blood" could bring her to the "Blood Moon Ruins" without her noticing or alerting.

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