Bai Zhi knew that he had only a temporary cooperative relationship with the "Goddess of Radiance" Violet.

In addition, the latter had just suffered some losses from the two true gods, and his attitude towards the "Blood Moon Witch" must be even worse.

Therefore, if you take the initiative to throw yourself into the arms of the "Blood Moon Witch" and seek a way to resist the original pollution, this righteous god will inevitably break with you.

"Let's advance to the level of a true god as soon as possible." Violet's temporal projection suddenly said to Bai Zhi.

This was not the first time Bai Zhi had heard this. "Guanghui" had given similar advice when she had just been promoted to demigod.

But she didn't take it seriously at the time. She didn't think it was necessarily the true attitude of "Glory". Was the birth of a true god in charge of the "Throne of Deep Darkness" really what she wanted to see?

As if knowing Bai Zhi's inner doubts, Violet's projection continued:

"Compared with how to resist the original pollution, becoming a true god is a more realistic choice for you."

"As long as you reach that level, the so-called original pollution becomes unimportant, because the biggest threat to you at the moment is the 'Blood Moon Witch'."

"You must first stand on your own feet and protect yourself from the 'Blood Moon Witch', and then consider how to resist higher-level threats."

"I understand." Bai Zhi said directly:

"But is it in your interest?"

"At least not to harm my interests." Violet's projection said calmly:

"The 'Throne of Deep Darkness' has appeared in the sight of the gods, and there are countless gods who are interested in it. This means that this original relic will always fall into the possession of a certain god... And you, maybe a good one choice.”

So that's it... Bai Zhi understood instantly.

This is the reason why "Glory" really supports me to advance to the status of true God...

Just like when he helped me from the Atlac clone,

A god who is lawful, rational, abides by contracts, and even has clear grudges is obviously more suitable to control the original relics that threaten the existence of "Glory".

But He insists, and it is not His decision whether I want to be promoted to the true God or not.

The benefits of being promoted to a true god are imaginable and even beyond imagination. For example, having more power to protect yourself may also reduce the cost of using the power of "Dark Darkness Throne".

But the disadvantages have to be considered.

Once you become a true god, it means leaving reality and having to face many terrifying existences. The situation then may be even worse than now!

——Now due to the "blockage" of reality, many true gods can't do anything to me.

In addition, it means that I may never be able to return to the peaceful life before...

In that it worth it?

It was only one level away from the life status of a mythical creature, but Bai Zhi hesitated.

After thinking for a moment, Bai Zhi stared at Violet's projection seriously and said:

"I want to think about it again. After all, becoming a true god is not something that can be achieved overnight."

"If I can't ensure my safety on this planet right now, I will try to get promoted."

There was a slight ripple at the bottom of the blue eyes, and Violet's projection nodded and said:

"You still don't want to give up the real world... but this is actually a good thing. It shows that you still maintain your own sobriety and have not lost anything important."

"It's just a pity that if you are unwilling to give up anything, you will end up with nothing."

"Thank you for the reminder." Bai Zhi said seriously.

"I have to remind you one more thing." Violet's projection said frankly:

"In a short period of time, I won't be able to help you anymore. You can probably guess the reason. The trip to the God Realm caused some problems in my body."

One is the evil god who is in charge of the original relics and is a descendant of the old gods, and the other is the righteous god who is good at attacking and killing...

This is not a problem, but it’s strange... Even if I become a true god, I probably won’t be a match between the two true gods combined...

Thinking about it this way, it seems that it is really possible to consider not being promoted to a true god... Bai Zhi thought to himself.

"Although it's a transaction, I still have to thank you for your help in the God Realm... By the way, there is a curse called 'Fellow Eater' spreading underground in the extreme northern Adres Mountains. Can you... "

Before Bai Zhi finished speaking, he was interrupted by another pleasant voice:

"...You still owe me two rewards that have not been cashed, and now you are asking me for new demands."

The blonde woman looked deeply at Bai Zhi with a pair of emotionless eyes, stating the latter's greed.


Bai Zhi's face turned red.

It doesn't seem very authentic to do this.

The 그 family had just lived and died for themselves, beaten to death, and suffered "serious injuries." Before their wages were settled, they were being squeezed by themselves again...

But... the "Rel-Eater" curse is really difficult, and the "Brilliant Talisman" cannot be purified, so what can I do?

Just as Bai Zhi was silently confessing and defending himself in embarrassment, Violet's projection spoke again:

"That curse involves the secret of fate. It is not my own body, and it is impossible to purify it from the source, so I can't help you."

"Speaking of curses, don't forget to be careful of Atrak. He must be planning something secretly."

"Okay, I understand..." Bai Zhi pursed his lips and said helplessly:

"In any case, I have been promoted to a high level now and can fulfill my previous promise. You may wish to tell me what you want me to do, provided of course that it cannot be detrimental to me."

Bai Zhi always pays attention to the spirit of contract. Even if the other party is not a god, but just an ordinary person, she will not break her promise.

"Go to my kingdom of God and fix a loophole." The blonde woman said, "This requires a strong enough space domain authority to complete it."

Bai Zhi did not expect that the reward required by the "Glorious Golden Goddess" was this. She wanted to repair her house by herself. This was treating herself as a builder...

"Okay, how can I get to your kingdom of God?" Bai Zhi asked.

Although she can travel through space with the "World Network", she must know the specific coordinates.

"Leave the solar system first." The blonde holy woman said: "Without that barrier, I can personally take you into my kingdom of God."

After speaking, He looked at Bai Zhi quietly, waiting for a reply.

Hearing this, the latter realized that the former could not directly open the door to the kingdom of God in reality like the "King of Virtual Reality".

Once he left the solar system, it would be like entering the forbidden "starry sky" where mythical creatures could move freely, which was extremely risky, even no less than the realm of gods.

Because unlike the randomness of the location where Bai Zhi descended into the realm of gods;

The starry sky near the solar system, on the other hand, was a fixed coordinate.

This meant that there might be some evil gods lurking there, waiting for the appearance of interested prey.

For example, a group of scarlet mist containing countless teeth.

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