As soon as she walked into the Loulan Ruins, Hyuga Kyou felt a sense of depression.

This repression is not reflected in chakra, but in the soul, as if an ordinary person strayed into the hunting area of ​​the beast.

"White eyes, open!"

With a low drink, Hyuga Kyou rolled her eyes and walked towards the central tower of the Loulan Ruins while carefully paying attention to the surroundings.

In the sight of his eyes, everything around was full of dead silence, and the entire ruins of the ancient city of Loulan showed no signs of life activity, not to mention Chakra's reaction.

"Hey, it's a little weird."

Seeing this scene, Hyuga Kyou's heart suddenly filled with doubts.

Even if there are few creatures in the desert, there are still many creatures such as snakes, worms, mice and ants. It stands to reason that the ruins of the ancient city of Loulan have so many buildings left, it is a good place to shelter from the wind and sand, and there should be no life activities. There are no signs.

Although there are doubts in her heart, Hyuga Kyou is not at all timid.

No matter what is wrong here, for him today, the threat will not be too great. After all, even if the worst happens and the dragon vein chakra runs rampant, he has the confidence to retreat.

Before long, Hyuga Kyou came to the place where the fourth generation sealed the dragon veins.

"It really is a compound sealing technique!"

With just one glance, Hyuga Kyou recognized that the four generations of sealing techniques applied to the dragon veins were a composite type of sealing techniques that were mixed with a variety of sealing techniques.

After approaching, he squatted down and carefully identified each sealing technique.

As he analyzed, he muttered to himself: "The foundation should still be the four-image seal, which is also mixed with the sealing technique of the contract seal, and another sealing technique..."

After a rough analysis, Hyuga Kyou can conclude that the dragon vein seal of the fourth generation incorporates at least three powerful sealing techniques, and he currently only recognizes the four-image seal and the contract seal.

As for the third sealing technique, Hyuga Kyou didn't have the slightest clue, and it seemed that it was not the sealing technique of the Vortex.

"At that time, the fourth generation should not have inherited the position of Hokage, so there are only two ways for him to learn sealing techniques. One is to learn the sealing technique of the vortex line from his wife Kushina, and the other is to learn from the teacher. It is also there to learn the sealing technique of Miaomu Mountain."

Thinking of this, Hyuga Kyou had a guess.

The third type of sealing technique in this dragon vein seal, nine times out of ten, is the sealing technique of the Miaomu Mountain lineage.

After getting up and taking a few steps back, Hyuga Kyou held her cheek with one hand and pondered for a while. She felt that with her own sealing skills, she was still somewhat confident that she would break through the fourth-generation dragon vein seal.

After all, the entire dragon vein seal is based on the four-symptom seal, and the four-symptom seal is exactly the seal technique he has experienced the most, so if it is forcibly lifted, it is not without a chance.

It's just that the dragon vein seal of the fourth generation contains some of the spells of the contract seal, which proves from the side that there is some kind of contractual relationship between the bloodline of Queen Loulan and the dragon vein.

So if you want to be safe, when breaking the seal of the fourth generation of dragon veins, it is best to take the blood of Queen Loulan with you, so as not to be difficult to surrender after the dragon vein Chakra runs wild.

"But where to find the descendants of Queen Loulan's line?"

Konoha Village, root base.


A figure fell, half-knelt in front of Danzo, and reported, "Lord Danzo, we have finished examining Ding You's body."

Danzo, who was leaning on crutches, tapped the ground hard with his crutches: "Tell me the result!"

The half-kneeling members of the root group immediately replied: "There are 37 wounds on Ding You's body, and the fatal injury is on the head. Because the brain tissue is completely damaged, we cannot detect any information."

The more Danzo listened, the more gloomy his face became.

When he heard the news of Ding You's murder, his first reaction was that it must be Hyuga Kyou, but after thinking about it for a while, he was not so sure.

Because in his heart, Ding You's strength should be above Hyuga Kyou.

What's more, Ding You has also performed many assassination missions, including many of the assassination targets at the Shangnin level. Whether it is strength or experience, Ding You is ranked among the top.

So even if Ding You lost to Hyuga Kyo, he wouldn't be able to pass on any news and die inexplicably.

At this time, the root member continued: "During the autopsy, we also found a small amount of iron sand in Ding You's body."

Danzo's eyes narrowed: "Iron sand!?"

"Yes, those iron sands are very fine, uniform in size, and the chakra conductivity is very good. It seems that they have been under the warm nourishment of chakra for a long time, as if..."

The root ninja wanted to express his guess, but he felt that his guess was too absurd, and he didn't know how to report it for a while.

Danzo has been in charge of the village's external spy for a long time. He has a wide range of knowledge and is one of the best in the whole Konoha, so he didn't need the root ninja to say it, he had already guessed what the root ninja wanted to say.

"Sha Yin..." Danzo asked in a thoughtful manner, "Have you checked the Chunin who sent Ding You's body back to the village?"

The root ninja replied: "Yes, there is no problem with his resume, and it has nothing to do with the Hinata clan."

Tuanzang said sharply: "Search his brain, I want to know everything!"

The root ninja was stunned for a moment, and whispered: "Lord Danzo, let's do this, the three generations are there..."

There are many hidden dangers in forcibly searching the brain. If you are not careful, it will cause irreversible damage to the brain of the ninja. Therefore, this cruel torture method is often only used for prisoners in enemy villages and defectors.

Danzo waved his hand impatiently: "Do as I say!"


The basic ninja had to answer, and then quietly retreated.

Not long after, the root ninja returned again and reported to Danzohui: "Lord Danzo, we have tortured him, and that Chunin really has nothing to do with Hyuga Kyou."

Danzo asked: "When Hyuga Kyou handed Ding You's body to him, did he have any injuries?"

The root ninja shook his head and said: "No, in the memory picture of that chunin, there is no injury to Hyuga mirror."

Danzo then asked, "Where did Hyuga Kyou go then?"

"He doesn't know either."

Danzo thought to himself: "Is it Hyuga Kyou who killed Ding You, or the bounty ninja who was eyeing Hyuga Kyo?"

At this time, the root ninja said weakly: "Lord Danzo, during the interrogation, we temporarily missed and damaged part of the brain tissue of the chunin. He may not be able to continue to be a ninja in the future."

Danzang said indifferently: "Just deal with it."


This root ninja naturally understands the meaning of the three words 'dispose of', and he has done a lot of such things, but he used to target enemies and traitors, and this is the first time he has dealt with innocents.

Looking at the ninja who had joined the roots not long ago, Danzang said coldly, "Don't let this old man repeat it twice!"

The root ninja wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and nodded, "Yes!"

First, ask for a recommendation ticket! Thank you [E Ding and the cat] [Lonely Tianxuan] two classmates for their rewards

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