In my impression, the Otsutsuki Torui on the moon seemed to have a long period of adaptation when he changed his eyes and evolved Tenseigan.

Because of this, Hyuga Kyou didn't start the Tenseigan project for a long time.

But the current situation is different. Although Hyuga Kyou can't guess what the village is going to do, one thing he can be sure of is that danger is approaching.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of a solo patrol, Hyuga Kyou came to a remote desert that he had chosen a long time ago.

After observing for a while with his white eyes, and after confirming that there was no one around, he immediately formed a seal and summoned the one-eyed pit viper who had left Orochimaru to monitor him.


With a puff of smoke dissipating, the one-eyed pit viper wandered lazily in front of Hyuga Kyou and spit out a scroll from its mouth.

Yes, the scroll containing the gene fluid has been kept by this one-eyed pit viper.

This is also a helpless move, because only in the belly of the one-eyed pit viper, Hyuga Kyou can retrieve the precious gene fluid anytime and anywhere through psychics.

As for whether it will be intercepted by Orochimaru, there is no need to worry too much.

Because a long time ago, Hyuga Kyou started to store some messy test materials in the belly of the one-eyed pit viper, and Orochimaru also secretly checked several times and found that they were all worthless things, and gradually they became less and less. Managed.

In addition, Orochimaru has just defected not long ago, I am afraid that he is still entangled with Jiraiya, and he will definitely not care about Hyuga Kyou in a short time.

After taking out the gene fluid sealed in the scroll, Hyuga Kyou's face became solemn.

There are too many uncertain factors in the evolution at the genetic level. The gene fluid in front of you may be the key to changing fate, or it may be the poison that kills life.

If there is no living test, there will be no data, so Hyuga Kyou can't even estimate the probability of success, but he has no time, so he can only bet on this, whether he can control his own destiny in the future, whether he can live with dignity, and get rid of it. Abandoning the helplessness of being called and drinking, everything depends on this bottle of gene fluid.

Without hesitating for too long, Hyuga Kyo's heart sank and injected the gene fluid into her body.


Almost at the same time, Hyuga Kyou yelled in pain.


Biting pain!

Heartbreaking pain!

After being a ninja for so long, Hyuga Kyou thought that her tolerance was already very strong, and it was impossible to shake him with pain, but it was not until this moment that he knew that the pain could reach this level.

Slowly, he felt that the chakra in his body was collapsing.

"not good!"

The situation was out of his control, and he hurriedly used only Chakra to forcibly remove the psychic, and sent the one-eyed pit viper away.

Almost at the same time as the one-eyed pit viper was sent away, all his chakras collapsed, and then, his body seemed to begin to collapse, and he felt that his flesh and blood seemed to show signs of melting.

"Why is this!?"

In the strong unwillingness, Hyuga Kyou's eyes darkened and fainted in the desert.

After an unknown amount of time, Hyuga Kyou slowly opened her eyes and found that she was already in the post.

The captain on the side, Mitsui Naka, stared at Hyuga Kyou, and asked grimly, "What happened? Why did you faint in the desert?"

Hyuga Kyou was still a little dazed at the moment, so she casually said: "I...I don't know why..."

Mitsui Nakaichi frowned: "Did you encounter an attack? Who? Is it Sand Shinobu?"

Hyuga Kyou shook her head: "No one attacked me, it was my own body that had a problem, I... I seem to be sick!"

Ninjas also get sick, which is a normal phenomenon in the ninja world, and the blood ninjas even suffer from all kinds of strange blood diseases. Junmalu and Itachi are typical of them, so Mitsui Although Zhongyi still had some doubts in his heart, he saw that Hyuga Kyou's face was weak, so he did not continue to interrogate.

After Mitsui Chuichi left, Hyuga Kyou carefully checked her body.

After the injection of the gene fluid, his body reacted violently, far beyond his previous expectations, which also gave him a new understanding of the danger of activating special gene sequences in the body.

"Finally survived!"

While heaving a sigh of relief, Hyuga Kyou couldn't help but be afraid.

Although the specific data is not clear, according to personal experience, Hyuga Kyou feels that it is definitely a small probability event that can survive the activation and reorganization of special gene sequences, because he clearly felt the feeling that the body was on the verge of collapse during activation and reorganization, that kind of feeling It's as if the body has been disassembled into countless pieces and then put back together again, which is desperate!

At the same time, this also made Hyuga Kyou deeply realize that she is still a layman in terms of genes.

After calming down, Hyuga Kyou analyzed the effect of the gene fluid based on her own personal experience.

Hyuga Kyo's body nearly collapsed before, which is undoubtedly a reaction to the activation of special gene sequences in the body. In other words, the number of special gene sequences in the activated state is missing, the body will undergo many activations and reorganizations, and Hyuga Kyo lacks 16 groups, so he is in The desert has undergone a full 16 activation reorganizations.

Every time the reorganization is activated, it is a wandering before the gate of hell, and Hyuga Kyou visited 16 times in a row before the gate of hell.

It was a fluke to survive!

With the activation of all 33 special gene sequences in the body, Hyuga Kyou can feel that her body is completely different from before, and this change is still going on. The most intuitive manifestation is that he can feel himself. The chakra is constantly growing, as if there is no end to the growth.

Getting up and getting out of bed, Hyuga Kyou walked slowly to the vanity mirror.

Lifting the goggles, he found that the originally pale pupils looked a little transparent, as if they contained stars, shining with a strange light.

"so beautiful!"

Even Hyuga Kyo herself couldn't help being attracted.

Just as he leaned forward and wanted to see more clearly and more carefully, suddenly, a strong sense of dizziness enveloped him, and at the same time, there was a sharp tingling in his pupils!

After a while, the dizziness and stinging pain gradually subsided.

Hyuga Kyo, who had regained his strength, stood up slowly against the wall. He understood that during the adaptation period, he could not use his eyes, not even for the simplest observation, so he closed his eyes and put on his goggles again.

Lying back on the bed again, Hyuga Kyou thought for a while.

Now Tenseisen is evolving, not to mention the future, as far as the current situation is concerned, he is weaker than before, so now is not the time to be happy, he needs to find a way to get through this difficult period of adaptation...

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