The enemy was in a state of panic, and the enemy was in a state of panic.

Just as Lin Shi was looking for his next target,

Inside a certain military base in southern Manhattan, a meeting about him was being held.

In the dim room, the projector projected pictures of Elizabeth, Mercer and Karen Parker.

A gray-haired general with only one arm was sitting at one end of the conference table.

The light reflected from the projector shone on him, illuminating the uncertain look on his face.

"According to the investigation of the frontline combat personnel, the No. 1 experimental subject, Elizabeth Green, has successfully escaped from the Kintek Building and is currently missing. Also missing are the researchers in charge of No. 1, Alex Mercer and Karen Parker."

A soldier in military uniform, who looked like a secretary, reported while holding the documents in his hand.

As he operated, Karen Parker's face was enlarged in the picture.

"According to the surveillance inside the building yesterday, it can be concluded that Karen Parker is highly suspected. This person met with two strange men in the afternoon of the same day, and then No. 1 escaped."

Another operation, Lin Shi's photo and Mr. Li's photo were projected on the projector.

"These two people talked with Karen Parker in a cafe on Clinton Street. The content of the conversation is still unknown. The Asian man on the left disappeared after meeting with Karen Parker. His current location is uncertain."

The officer pointed at Lin Shi's photo with a laser pen, and then pointed at Mr. Li's photo.

"The white man on the right met with Karen Parker and then They checked into the Landon Hotel across the street from the Kintek Building and chose a room that could see the Kintek Building at any time. In summary, these two men are also highly suspicious. "

After saying that, he called up the photo of Mercer again and said,

"According to the on-site monitoring and eyewitnesses, the researcher was controlled by the No. 1 experimental subject and mutated that day. He fought with a suspicious person who looked like Karen Parker and was killed and devoured by the other party. It is preliminarily estimated that the combat power of both parties has far exceeded DX-1120. "

The DX-1120 mentioned here is the super soldier in the game, the big guy who can press Mercer to the ground in close combat.

Obviously, Black Watch has already equipped this type of troops.

The one-armed old man, General Randall, pondered for a moment and said,

"Order each base to start deploying virus detection drones, and distribute dx-1120 to each unit, increase the ratio of heavy firepower in each base, and..."

Before he finished speaking, the secretary next to him suddenly said,

"General, just now there was news from B-485 base that an explosion occurred at B-382 base in eastern Manhattan, affecting two surrounding blocks. According to incomplete statistics, all the soldiers inside the base died, and about 1,200 people were killed or injured in the surrounding people."


General Randall glared, and visible anger instantly spread across his old face,


The only remaining arm slammed hard on the table,

"I want to know who did this within half an hour. If you can't do it, find a corner and commit suicide."

All the senior officers present were angry, but they didn't dare to say anything.

However, half an hour later, what they waited for was not the news of the real murderer, but two more military bases exploded in succession, exactly the same as before.

"Who!!! Who is it!!! Find him for me! You, you, you, you, and you, all of you, go find him! I want to kill him myself!"

Randall, who has been in power for a long time, has not suffered such provocation for a long time.

He doesn't care how many people died, but the continuous attacks on his base are obviously a slap in his face.

After smashing a bunch of things roughly, Randall finally vented some of his anger.

In the originally full conference room, only he and the secretary were left.

"Go call Captain Cross."

Randall didn't have many talents at hand, and Cross was one of them.

Since the Hope Town incident in 1968, Randall was promoted from colonel to general because he ordered the nuclear annihilation of Hope Town. Cross has been working under him.

After a while, Cross, wearing a high-tech military uniform and equipped with a portable grenade launcher in his right hand, came to the office.

After Randall motioned the secretary to go out, he looked at Cross and said slowly,


S appears, I need you to help me catch him."

Captain Cross saluted and replied,

"Yes, General!"

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, he was stopped by Randall,

"Wait, if you go there without any preparation, can you really defeat him? "

He clapped his hands, and a secret door suddenly opened on the wall.

A figure in a blue suit and gold-rimmed glasses walked out slowly.

If Lin Shi was here at this time, he would find that the person who walked out of the secret door was McMullen, the research director of the entire Jintek company.

That is the bald guy who persecuted Mercer many times in the original plot.

At Randall's signal, McMullen opened the suitcase in his hand and put it on the table.

"This is an antibody developed for the No. 1 experimental subject dx-1118a. It can effectively inhibit the activity of dx-1118a and make it enter an inert state. In short, this is a tranquilizer for the dx-1118a experimental subject."

Although he lacked the help of Karen Parker in the original plot, McMullen still took out this antibody drug for the black light virus.

"You can find a way to inject it into ZUES's body, so that he should sleep for a while. "

McMullen showed a cunning smile.

After Cross took the injection out, Randall said with some concern,

"ZUES has appeared, which means that the No. 1 experiment subject is not far from maturity. Do you have a way to control the No. 1 experiment subject?"

Pushing the gold-rimmed glasses on his face, McMullen said confidently,

"Don't worry, I have already arranged a backup plan in her body. No matter what she becomes, she will not be out of our control. "

The only remaining arm patted McMullen's shoulder. Randall said nothing and left directly. However, he did not see that McMullen behind him had a strange light in his eyes.

After destroying the first military base, Lin Shi found two nearby secondary bases through the memory of the officers in his mind.

But this time he did not make the reckless act of using a tank to detonate the base inside the base.

Instead, he quietly found some C4 bombs where the ammunition was piled up.

After walking around the base, he just left the base and pressed the detonator in his hand from a distance.

Then, he created the second and third mushroom clouds.

The main task has also reached the basic completion degree.

[You have destroyed a military base (level 2)]

[Current mission progress]: 3/3

[The mission reward has accumulated 3,000 reincarnation points]

[Do you choose to complete the mission? ]

After thinking for a moment, Lin Shi chose to complete it immediately.

There are several main reasons. First, the spread of the black light virus in Manhattan is not widespread, even though he had previously poisoned the water plant and Elizabeth continued to secretly release the virus for infection.

Currently, the infected area is still controlled below 30%, and people in most areas still have to eat and drink, and their lives are not affected.

According to the memory of the officers who have been devoured, after he destroyed these three level 2 military bases, the Black Watch in eastern Manhattan The strength of the Black Watch was no longer able to suppress the spread of the infection.

But at the same time, he couldn't hit Black Watch too hard. If the opponent was too seriously injured,

I'm afraid the plot would soon accelerate to escape to the USS Reagan and nuke Manhattan.

Another reason is that it is the limit to destroy the three bases that are relatively close in a short period of time.

The other bases are a bit far away. At this time, the top leaders of Black Watch must have received the news that the base was attacked.

Other bases will definitely increase their vigilance, and the difficulty of the mission will definitely increase.

For example, some explosives will be withdrawn in advance, other heavy firepower will be arranged, or virus detection devices will be installed in advance.

Even Lin Shi suspected that If he continues to cause trouble elsewhere, he might encounter enemies like super soldiers that are only encountered in the later stages of the original plot.

Enemy of that level, if there are a little more of them, even he will feel very troubled.

[Completed the main task (II)]

[The current task reward has accumulated 4,000 reincarnation points. Do you want to continue accumulating to the next round? ]

[You have chosen to continue accumulating]

[Main task (III)]

[Kill Elizabeth Green or General Randall]

[Task reward]: Choose to kill Elizabeth Green and get a [Red Light Virus] (weakened version) as a reward, which can be used to strengthen the corresponding system skills.

Choose to kill General Randall and get the title [Justice Envoy]

【Prompt】: This task is the final ring, and the world of this task will be settled after completion.

The main task of this last ring is to choose one of two?

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