The two of them were in a mess.

"Brother, I just asked Wu Shuang about their specific gathering place."

Ao Chen sat on Ao Xin's dragon head and entered the God-given space to ask.

"Why ask them?"

Ao Xin said: "They are just a bunch of little devils. I will take you to kill them all! There is no need to gather with that group of people!"

Ao Xin did not plan to join others. It was too troublesome.

Besides, with his strength, one person was enough to kill them all.

Ao Chen said, "It would be too easy for them to kill them directly."

The little girl gritted her teeth and said, "We will torture them!"

"Huh?" Ao Xin asked, "What torture? They are just a bunch of little devils. There is no need to waste too much time on them. If you want to torture the little devils, I will take you to slaughter Fuso Island when I am stronger. You can torture them however you want."

Ao Chen shook his head and said, "No, we can feed them zombies. Maybe we can get a few more crystal people. It can be regarded as waste utilization."


This is a path he had never imagined.

The little girl's suggestion makes sense!

There are at least a thousand little devils. There should be a few crystal people, right?

"Good idea, my Chenchen has an idea!"

He praised the little girl fiercely, and the little girl was immediately happy.

Ao Xin hurried on his way and finally found the gathering place of Wu Shuang and others on the last night before the decisive battle.

Along the way, relying on Ao Chen's ability, they found another devil fruit.

This time it was quite ordinary, just the Animal Series Snake Snake Fruit Anaconda Form.

That is the fruit of Boya Sandersonia among the three Gorgon sisters.

It can transform into a snake man, with a strong strangling force.

They were all handed over to Ao Chen and put into the treasure space.

In the Magic City, a place not far from the Bund, a large group of people were gathering here.

Suddenly, a dragon roar came from the sky.

Everyone looked up and saw a huge blue dragon flying towards them on a flame cloud.

"Here he comes, the big boss Qinglong is here!"

"He is here after all! With this big boss, the little devils are dead!"

Wu Shuang looked up and looked at the mighty blue dragon, and suddenly his heart was a little nervous: "What a strong momentum, why does it feel like he is stronger than me?"

It was the first time for Wu Shuang to be intimidated by the enemy's momentum before fighting.

Even if it was a hairy corpse, he dared to go up and fight hard. Not long ago, a martial corpse also appeared in the center of the magic city. Although he did not challenge it, he was not intimidated by the martial corpse.

Qinglong swooped down, and three figures fell on the ground.

"Who is he? He is so tall, with three eyes, is he Erlang Shen?"

Xiaobai fell in human form, more than three meters tall, plus three eyes and ancient general armor, more eye-catching than Ao Xin!

Many people regarded him as an ability user in the form of Erlang Shen, and because of his beastly momentum, many people dared not approach him.

"Huh? There is also a beautiful girl? What a beautiful girl! Boss Qinglong brought her with him, is she his girlfriend?"

Because Ao Chen's combat power is not outstanding, her image is not mighty, and she does not have the control of elements like Meng Kui and Liu Xiyao, she is rarely photographed and has a very low reputation.

Ao Chen released his Azure Dragon form and stepped forward:

"I am Ao Xin, who is your leader?"

Wu Shuang was the first to stand up: "It's me!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, three more people stood up: "When did it become you? Have you asked me?"

"If it weren't for fighting the Japanese, I would have killed you long ago!"

"Speak with your fists! I am the strongest!"

They were dissatisfied with each other, but they just endured and didn't have a conflict.

Ao Xin was not surprised by this scene, or rather, this was the normal situation.

He glanced at the crowd: "I don't care who is the leader, now I am here, you listen to my command for the time being!"

His tyranny immediately caused dissatisfaction among these strong men.

They are all capable people, and they are all brave and courageous people. How could they be ordered like this?

"You? Why?"

A sturdy man spoke first: "Don't think you can act cool just because someone calls you a big boss in your small city! Fantasy beast? I am one too!"

Wu Shuang also stepped forward and stared at Ao Xin: "What? You don't dare to make the bet you promised? You want to escape in this way? Okay! I'll give you this chance! Defeat me, and I'll listen to you!"

Another woman as strong as a bear looked at him fiercely: "Listen to you? Sure! Sleep with me for one night, and I'll listen to you for the next two days!"

These strong men were all unruly and arrogant. They were all arrogant people who gathered a group of people.

Although he was famous, his reputation alone was not enough to make people afraid.

"I originally wanted to kill the Japanese directly, but that would be too easy for them, so I ended up here."

He was not moved by the momentum of the four strong men.

If it weren't for their patriotism in coming here to kill the Japanese, he would have killed them just because of their rude words.

"I'll give you a chance to challenge me. If you dare to be presumptuous again, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

"At the same time, my bet with Wu Shuang also applies to you. No matter who can defeat me, I will serve him forever!"

He stood with his hands behind his back. In his eyes, these so-called strong men were just chickens and pottery dogs.


The woman who was as strong as a bear was the first to light up. Not to mention Ao Xin's own strength and fame, his handsome face and strong body alone were enough to make her moved.

The other people were also moved when they heard this.

Qinglong, whether in reality or in anime, represents a legend!

If this strong man can be recruited, it will undoubtedly be a very beneficial thing.

Ao Xin nodded: "Although I, Ao Xin, have killed many people, I am also a man of my word and will not break my promise!"


The bear-like woman spoke first:

"In this case, I will also make the same promise as Wu Shuang. As long as you defeat me, not only will I listen to you during the battle with the Japanese, but I, Li Mingming, will follow your lead in the future!"

Although she is as strong as a bear, her name still has a little bit of petty.

Seeing the woman's promise, the other two pondered for a moment and said:

"I, Wang Jie, am the same as them!"

"Me too!"

The last fat man said it loudly, and then felt that it was inappropriate, so he added his own name:

"My name is Ye Xiao!"

Of the four people, he only remembered two of them, Wu Shuang and Ye Xiao.

In the previous life, Li Mingming and Wang Jie were most likely killed in the battle with the Japanese.

Even after rebirth, he was willing to give such a person more chances.

"Okay, let's go together. I need to rest after beating you."

His words angered everyone, and Wu Shuang was the first to step forward:

"Get out of the way! Since Ao Xin proposed this competition! Then let's just decide the leader tonight!"

"The one who can beat everyone is the leader!"

"I proposed the bet first, so I'll go first!"

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