In the not-too-distant future, those adventurers who thought they had escaped will spread the reputation of the red dragon to all parts of the North, building momentum for the next actions of the Ember Nest and attracting the attention of all races in Anzeta. , and also triggered extensive discussions in human cities such as Beifeng Castle.

The bard will also write popular poems boasting the power of the red dragon day and night under the instruction of Cassius, and spread them throughout the north.

——Anyway, this is the request made by the bard himself, so Cassius will satisfy him ruthlessly.

Cassius is not afraid of others coming to his door. Now he has strong confidence in his own strength, at least in the barren Anzeta wilderness in the north, he can be almost unscrupulous.

In this group of twenty, half of the senior professionals have become Cassius' experience package.

Cassius lay lazily in the cave, playing with the many magical equipment that he took off Bennett's body with great interest.

The [Dimension Gate Necklace] can only be used as a small ring in the red dragon's huge claws, barely fitting on its thick knuckles. The [Shield Cloak] is like a handkerchief, and the hollow [Wood Staff] is even more like a toothpick.

In the box on the side, there are hundreds of pieces of equipment that are shining with magical aura.

There are swords, shields, staffs, talismans, all kinds of categories, and many of them are stained with blood.

From Cassius's point of view, there was no precious equipment in it. Most of it was the lifeblood of ordinary adventurers, and the evaluation on the panel was at most a "rare" level.

For example, the [Whispering Great Sword] can be regarded as an early magic weapon in the hands of players, but it is just useless here in Red Dragon.

These are the benefits that Rumple has gained from adventurers over the years. Except for a few magical weapons for his own research, the rest were sent to Cassius.

This smart ogre even deliberately sent people to spread the story of the "Treasure of the Ember Nest", and also drew several wrong maps and put them in the caravan, just to lure adventurers to come and die. No wonder he was able to build A mage tower has been built.

"Tsk, tsk, the human heart is not enough for a snake to swallow an elephant."

Cassius put down the equipment in his claws and stared at his panel.

[You get 1100xp by killing [Human Bow Warrior]]

[You get 2900xp by killing [Church Paladin]]

[You get 2900xp by killing [Shadow Guild Thief]]

[伱kills [Hemolytic Chapter Warrior] and gets 3900xp]

[Your career level is increased to level 7]

[Choose to increase the level of [True Dragon Warlock]]

Cassius held his breath and stared at the panel.

Different from the free choice of ordinary warlock professions, the dragon spells obtained by true dragon warlocks are randomly obtained from their own bloodline, which involves a large part of luck.

And Cassius believes that from his previous life until now, he has never been the so-called European Emperor.

[You trace your bloodline, search for the secrets from the ancient dragon clan, and obtain additional dragon spells [Trembling with Fear]]

"The zero-ring trick makes your enemies tremble in fear, making it harder to save from dragon power."

Cassius couldn't help but sigh. Although it was better than nothing, at least it was a useful spell.

Fortunately, due to the advantages of his professional characteristics, he can also choose a 4th level spell from his warlock spell table.

[You get the 4th level spell [Transformation]]

Needless to say, this famous spell can transform all creatures it can see into a new form, but this form cannot be beyond one's own control, nor can it exceed one's own strength.

Cassius felt the conjuration spell in his mind and cast it.

His spellcasting ability can now reach the fifth level of the magic network, and he can quickly master the fourth-level spells.


The magic net was gently stirred by his words and curled by his will. The fine magical light flashed on his body. His huge and ferocious body shrank sharply, and finally turned into an ordinary human form.

However, the transformation spell will automatically change according to the condition of the caster, and Cassius, as a teenage dragon, naturally became a half-year-old child.

Cassius looked at his new form with a gloomy expression.

The human in the mirror is about twelve or thirteen years old, with delicate features, golden pupils, flaming red hair, and extremely sharp fangs in his mouth. He looks like a trouble-making naughty child.

But his eyes are arrogant, giving people an inexplicable sense of oppression.

"If I really go out in this state, I will be disgraced."

"You must not let players see this form, otherwise they will become frequent visitors to some strange websites."

Cassius secretly made up his mind and made up his mind never to let the players see this form.

He re-operated the spell and gradually adjusted his appearance. The fine mana aura flickered on his body. Every flicker caused the body to change, or change the color, or elongate the body, or change the facial features. It can be called Korea in the previous life. Plastic surgery magic.

Finally, a handsome young man with black hair, golden eyes, and a calm temperament appeared in the mirror.

He looked to be in his twenties, wearing a dark red ornate dress trimmed with gold. His tall nose and golden eyes seemed to tell of his aristocratic status. Although he looked a bit arrogant, he exuded an aura of elegance and poise that was hard to resist.

"This is so true."

Cassius nodded with satisfaction.

He stared at his panel.

[Warlock Cassius (human form)]

Challenge level: 8 (3900xp)

"In this form, the physical strength and spell-casting ability are limited, and it is almost equivalent to a high-level human warlock."

The human form of Cassius frowned slightly and lifted the spell.

Suddenly, his body expanded rapidly, and the huge red dragon appeared in the cave again.

"The main body is still comfortable. The feeling of being restrained is too uncomfortable."

Cassius let out a breath of hot breath.

He stared at the panel in front of him. Compared with before sleeping, it had undergone earth-shaking changes.

[Dragon of Flying Flame-Casius]

Name: Cassius Claudius Noricius

Template: NPC (there are still four years, two hundred and seventy-one days and five hours until the open beta)

Category: Huge Dragon, Lawful Evil

Race: Teen red dragon

Ac: 24 (natural armor, gilded scales)

Basic attributes:

Strength - 26

Agility - 12


Intelligence - 14

Perception - 13

Charm - 24

Skill Proficiencies: Persuasion +12, Deception +8, Dominance +8, Stealth +6, Perception +8, Hunt +4, Arcana +4, Escape +4, Knowledge (future) +4

Damage Immunity: Fire, Lightning

Senses: Blindsight 10 ft., darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 16 ft.

Language: Common, Draconic

Abilities: Storm Reverberation Body, Ultimate Breath (Fire), Targeted Breath (Fire), Gilded Shell, Bloodline Gift

Feats: Gilded Scales, Major Breath Weapon, Targeted Breath Weapon, Combat Casting, Boss Aura, Fugitive, Blarney Talker

Combat Equipment: Eye of the Storm King, Amulet of Magic Nullification, Dimension Gate Necklace, Ring of Delicate Mage Action, Staff of the Scorcher, Amulet of Speak with the Dead, Lava Spitter, Ring of Blade Immunity, Amulet of Silent Steps.

Equip spells:

Charged Release: Storm of Vengeance

Weekly: Manipulate the Weather

Once per day: Spellward, dimensional door, speak with the dead, burning hands, searing ray, blade protection, soles of feet.

Occupation Level: True Dragon Warlock 7

Caster Level: 10


Level 4: Through fire and water, transfiguration

Level 3: Energy Scales, Blink, Protection from Energy Damage, Fireball

Level 2: Egg of Sanctuary, Enhanced Attributes, Lost Step, Phantom Power, Invisibility

Level 1: Cloud, Charm Human, Magic Missile, Shield, Thunder Wave

Cantrips: Trembling with Fear, Mage's Hand, Lesser Apparition, Preemption, Prestidigitation, Messaging

Spell-like abilities:

Once per day: suggestion

Challenge level: 15 (13000xp)

Evaluation: When flames streak across the sky, you have to be careful about his arrival.

There are very few plots where people become human, so please don’t worry

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