In the dark dungeon, the light of the torch flickered.

From time to time, there were curses and screams in the prison, and bugbear guards wandered back and forth.

Alger leaned silently against the stone wall, his figure was thin, and his gloomy face showed an unnatural pale color. It was obvious that he had not seen the sun for a long time.

There are several horizontal bars carved on the wall.

This is what he uses to record time.

But as dozens of days passed, he could no longer tell time in this dark dungeon.

After that interview, he was thrown into the dungeon and ignored.

There was no torture as imagined, nor deliberate abuse. He just ate glutinous rice paste made from unknown ingredients and stayed in a dark dungeon day after day.

And besides thinking and sleeping, there seemed to be nothing left for him to do.

The bugbear guards at the door cannot be bribed at all. These simple-minded, muscular guys only gossip with their colleagues and have no pursuit of their own.

But through the bugbear's words, he learned that the Burning Nest grew stronger, and that the terrible red dragon became more powerful.

Alger originally wanted to go on a hunger strike and run to death calmly.

But every time he thought of what the red dragon had said to him, he always felt that there was a fog shrouded in his memory. He knew too little.

And what creeped him out the most was that what the red dragon said seemed to be correct.

The Duke has never left the castle once, and he has never been bathed in the sun. From the moment he entered, this gentleman seemed to have been accompanied by shadows.

When he executed tieflings, they did not show the power of demons, but more like ordinary innocent creatures. The sight did not make him feel the pleasure of revenge, but often made him feel unbearable.

The smell of blood often comes from the castle's backyard.

Originally, Alger, as the dead man of the family, didn't care much about these things, but when these details were put together, it all seemed so coincidental.

He needs the truth before he dies.

Alger often told himself not to think about this matter, and reminded himself again and again with the old instructor's admonition: "Don't ask about right or wrong, just execute it."

But in this empty cell, he always had to think, otherwise what else could he do?

"I need the truth."

Alger murmured to himself.

He did not realize that his psychology had undergone earth-shaking changes, and that the loyal dog of the family no longer existed.

"Eager, how long do you think we will stay here."

Alger stroked his companion's feathers.

The giant eagle just stared at him and waved its wings slightly to show that it also wanted to go out.

"Maybe we can get out soon."


Alger smiled bitterly.

"That dragon slept for decades, leaving me behind and letting us turn into skeletons in this dungeon."

This thing is really possible.

There was once a white dragon that kidnapped several nobles for ransom. As a result, it slept for more than thirty years, and when it woke up, those nobles were already dead in prison.

However, the noise at the cell door broke his thoughts.

Alger looked up and saw several bugbears walking over carrying chains.

"Human, come out."

"The master wants to see you."

The bugbears said unceremoniously.

"finally coming?"

Alger said to himself.

This time he did not resist needlessly, but just allowed the bugbear guards to carry him away. He was ready to face the truth.

After a long time, the black cloth on Alger's face was removed.

It's still that familiar cave.

The red dragon in front of him was stronger and bigger.

"Long time no see, Mr. Alger Yeoman."

There was a trace of amusement in Cassius's golden eyes.

Here it comes again, this look, this feeling of being controlled and played with, made Alger feel very uncomfortable.

He took a deep breath and tried to keep his tone calm.

"How do you want to seduce me?"

"What kind of conspiracy do you want me to realize for you?"

However, Cassius was not angry. He just smiled and said, "I just want you to come and meet an old friend."

"Medrarash, come out."

Upon hearing this name, Alger's expression suddenly changed, and he even subconsciously touched his waist.

That name is famous in the Rachman Territory. He is the leader of the tiefling resistance and the target of the North Wind Eagle Guard to kill at all costs.

Also...his childhood friend.

The two grew up together in Beifeng Castle and were close until Alger's parents died and he entered Luckman Castle with hatred.

Metrorash stepped out of the shadows and stared at the humans not far away with an extremely indifferent expression, a trace of hatred revealed in the depths of his dark pupils.

The tiefling once saw with his own eyes that this former friend, as a loyal servant of the duke, swung the butcher knife towards his people. If the red dragon hadn't been here, he would have killed him directly.

"Why...why is he here?"

Alger's tone was a little stagnant, and he didn't know what to say or how to face it.


Or old friends?

Perhaps he would have regarded him as an enemy in the past. But after listening to Red Dragon's words, he could no longer tell what was truth and what was false.

Cassius blew out a breath of sulfur-smelling hot breath and simply said:

"Medrarash, where is the contract I want you to bring?"

"Bring it, my lord."

Metrorash took out a leather contract.

This contract is engraved with dense words. Although it has become invalid due to the completion of the contract, it still vaguely reveals the dark and evil magical power.

Cassius ordered:

"Let him see it."

Metrolash stepped forward, unfolded the contract neatly, and thrust it into Alger's hand.

Alger had an extremely bad premonition and struggled a bit in his heart. However, driven by his desire for the truth, he finally stared at the words above and read them silently line by line.

"On December 23, 1705 of the Fourth Era, the pointer passed one-third of the way."

"I, the Necromancer, the Mouthpiece of the Night"

".Sign the contract in the presence of Styx."

".At the cost of a thousand lives."

".And he will gain eternal life, drink blood, and bathe in eternal youth in darkness."

Suddenly, Alger felt a little dizzy, and his hand holding the scroll trembled slightly.


"How can it be……"

He couldn't help but continue to look down and saw the location of the signer.

"Duke Brad Luckman"

This was a scarlet name written in blood, which made Alger feel extremely familiar.

He had seen this signature in the administrative documents of Beifeng Fort, saw this signature in the review and approval of Eagle Guard Logistics, and saw this signature in the oath of allegiance contract.

But he never expected to see this name on the contract dedicated to his parents.

Brad Luckman

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