Red dragon: in charge of natural disasters

Chapter 28 Escape into the Ether

After eating and drinking, and fully recovered, Cassius came to the heavy stone door again.

He didn't push the door open, but performed actions:

【Bear's Tenacity】

【Cat Elegance】

【Owl's Wisdom】

The toughness of the bear makes his physique tougher, the elegance of the cat makes his movements more agile, the wisdom of the owl makes his perception more sensitive, and the red dragon is improved in all aspects.

After giving himself a set of spells nicknamed the "Zoo Series", Cassius was still a little worried. After all, it was a legacy of the legendary Druid, and he didn't know what kind of back-up he would have.

[Gold-plated shell]

The gold elements accumulated in the body converge on the red dragon's body surface, turning its scales into a golden yellow with a metallic luster. If you don't look carefully, you would think it is a golden dragon.

[Protection against lightning damage]

As Cassius roared, his body surface gradually formed an invisible position, protecting it from lightning attacks.

"After all, it is a legal profession."

"How can we do it without playing monkey tricks?"

After this whole set of monkey tricks, Cassius looked down at the magical aura all over his body. Cassius felt much more at ease and finally gained some confidence.

The red dragon stared at the stone door in front of him, took a deep breath, and then took a firm step forward.

【Percussion Technique】

His claws flashed with mana and touched the stone door.


With a loud knocking sound, the heavy stone door made a muffled sound and then slowly lifted up.

Suddenly it becomes clear.

The sight shocked the red dragon.

It's a huge, open space that could almost contain a mountain.

But there is only a narrow suspended stone bridge in front, while the rest of the ground has sunk dozens of meters.

The cliff is flat and straight, as if it were cut from top to bottom by a sharp knife.

Looking down from the stone bridge, under the light of the ever-extinguishing blue flame lamp, he could see that the ground was filled with all kinds of debris, including huge broken statues, broken walls of magnificent buildings, and blurred buildings. There are unclear inscriptions; there are various old and broken weapons; there are also huge skeletons of giants.

Looking up, the high dome is covered with murals. They are not exquisite, but full of a sense of wild power.

He could see the ancient war between giants and dragons; he could see the once glorious territory of the giant empire; he could see the majestic appearance of the giant gods; and he could also see the miserable scene when the empire fell.

This is not a mural, it is clearly a history book.

"This is the legacy of the Giant Empire that he collected."

Cassius sighed while walking carefully on the stone bridge.

He opened his wings slightly and stepped lightly, always paying attention to the situation around him and preparing to deal with dangers that might come at any time.

The red dragon looked at the end of the stone bridge.

That's a throne.

It is still made of stone and is more than twenty meters high.

There is not much decoration on it, just simple and mysterious lines engraved on it.

And the body of a storm giant that had long since lost its life was sitting there, its purple-gray skin covered with a thick layer of dust. It seemed that it had been dormant here for thousands of years, silently watching the visitors. 's arrival

But for some reason it didn't decay and turned into skeletons.

"The last storm giant prophet..."

"Is this the Randetta?"

The red dragon was quite curious about this storm giant.

I don’t know how he managed to create such a magnificent mausoleum on his own, but the spectacle is enough to show how powerful he was during his lifetime.

Cassius continued walking along the stone bridge and came dozens of meters in front of the corpse.

However, in an instant, a sudden change occurred.

One of the giant's eyes suddenly opened!

There is an endless storm in that eye, as if glaring at the rude visitor!

The unknown crystals around him flickered, filled with violent and abundant elemental energy.

And those violent elemental diseases are gathering rapidly.

"not good!"

Cassius felt an extremely terrifying mana fluctuation suddenly spread.

"This power..."

The red dragon raised its head slightly.

I saw a churning dark cloud centered on the giant's body, spreading and multiplying almost crazily, like a terrifying giant beast that was about to devour everything in the cave.

It was filled with lightning, thunder and howling wind.

"Revenge Storm!"

Thunder roars!

It was a wild roar from ancient times.


Just the aftermath of the thunder caused the rocks on the top of the cave to shatter one after another and fall down with a crash.


And this roar also made Cassius feel a constant roar in his ears, as if he was being hit with a giant hammer, and he fell into a state of deafness for a while.

The black clouds also spread rapidly and were about to swallow him up.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the red dragon ignored his headache and tinnitus, and endured the thunder damage to activate the spell.

"Instant Flash Technique!"

While Cassius was running the spell with his own will, he prayed in his heart that the spell would succeed. The "destruction" brought by this druid was far beyond his imagination.

After all, the flash technique only has a half chance of breaking open the barrier of the main material world and successfully entering the etheric plane. If it is the other half, then he can only resist in this crazy storm.


Red Dragon was ecstatic in his heart, and he suddenly felt that his body broke through the boundary between reality and nothingness.

[You cast [Flash]]

[Acquire the special status "Escape into the Ether\

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