I saw the monster slowly squirming.

The barbarian's limbs wrapped around his body were congested with blood, and his blood vessels were bulging. His face was extremely hideous and painful, but he had no life left.

"Really boring."

The hoarse voice sounded again.

It coiled its body and opened its huge mouth, ready to swallow this "delicious food" in one bite.

Seeing a living person being swallowed, the crowd was shocked and in an uproar. However, at this moment, they had no way out and their thinking was almost numb.

"Scar, rest in peace."

"But this painful death is worthy of what you have done."

Hart watched the men who had followed him for more than ten years die in humiliation, but he had no choice but to grit his teeth silently and pray that he could escape from here.

There were drops of water on his head, and he couldn't help but wipe them with his hands, but the strange thing was that it didn't seem to be cold sweat, let alone tears, but sweat caused by heat.

"It's just... why is it so hot in the cave?"

There was a trace of doubt in his heart. He was not aware of this before because he was too tired to run.

But now that I have come back to my senses, I feel that the cave is like a big steamer, with bursts of hot air coming from above my head.

Hart subconsciously looked up——

Then he opened his mouth involuntarily.

I saw a huge creature over eight meters long suddenly appearing on the top of the rock wall.

That's a dragon!

What shocked him even more was that the dragon's mouth was brewing with terrifying yellow-white flames, like a miniature sun, illuminating the entire mine as bright as day.

Both humans and the monster raised their heads in surprise——

Then came the stunned silence.

"caught you."

An unfamiliar voice sounded above the mine.

Cassius spit out the flame breath that had been brewing for a long time, and in an instant, most of the energy in his body was sucked out.

"Extremely effective flame breath!"

A pillar of blazing flames descended from the sky. Its inner flame was dazzling white, while its outer flame was bright orange.


There was only a loud bang, and the curled monster let out a painful scream.

The hot flames twisted the air, and it twisted its body in the blazing flames, trying to escape.

The hard scales that it was proud of were instantly incinerated by the scorching flames and turned into charred black.

"Despicable dragon!"

"You are a shameful sneak attacker!"

It struggled in the flames, roaring hoarsely.

This terrifying breath lasted for several breaths, until the monster snaked away into the darkness, and then gradually stopped.

"It's really scary to be able to withstand one shot." Cassius stared at the darkness of the mine and couldn't help but sigh.

"Twin Dancing Lights!"

Several rays of light shot out from the red dragon's claws in different directions, illuminating the darkness of the mine.

For a moment, everything inside the mine was lit up, and the monster had no place to hide.

And its body was fully exposed for the first time.

The huge body was actually seventeen or eight meters long, like a mixture of a centipede and a crocodile.

There are twelve pairs of densely packed legs on both sides of its body, which is intimidating.

But at this time, the monster was in a state of disarray, with large pieces of its scales burned and incinerated, and large pieces of flesh and blood burned black.

The red dragon stared at the monster, with a hint of enthusiasm for meeting a powerful enemy on his face.

[Based on your own strength, you can observe the following information]

[Green-footed Dragon Snake-Mana]

Category: Giant Monster, Neutral Evil

AC: 18 (natural armor)

Speed: 50 feet, climb 40 feet

Strength - 23

Agility - 16

Physique - 18

Intelligence - 7

Perception - 14

Charm - 12

Skill Proficiencies: Perception +6, Stealth +7, Hunting +4

Senses: Darkvision 90 ft., passive perception 16 ft.

Damage Immunity: Lightning

Language: Common, Draconic

Actions: Lightning breath, multiple attacks, twisting, biting, swallowing

Traits: Cave Predator, Dragon Enemy

Challenge Level: 11 (7, 200 XP)

Comment: "The Green-footed Dragon Snake crawls on the ground and walls, chasing prey. Its lightning breath can incinerate most creatures. Even stronger creatures will be entangled and tightened by the Green-footed Dragon Snake and eaten alive. ”

"A formidable opponent."

This is what Cassius said about it.

The monster, or rather the green-footed dragon snake, saw that its position was completely exposed and simply stopped hiding.

"A young dragon warlock?"

"It's so weird."

Those snake-like eyes stared straight at the red dragon. In their eyes was not only the annoyance of being attacked, but also the hatred coming from the depths of his blood.

In the long-forgotten ancient times, giants and dragons were engaged in an almost endless war.

Legend has it that the storm giant created the first green-footed dragon snake as a weapon against the dragons.

Therefore, the blue-footed dragon snakes still retain their natural hatred for the dragon clan, and their inheritance also retains methods of dealing with giant dragons.

Seeing that the enemy was seriously injured, the red dragon decided to pursue and fight fiercely.

"Scorching Ray"

Rays of flames erupted from the red dragon's mouth.

Although the green-footed dragon snake was injured, its twelve legs quickly climbed up, and its huge body looked particularly flexible on the rock wall.

He actually relied on his speed to move left and right, and managed to avoid two consecutive flame rays.

But it was still hit by the third flame, and the hot flame rays tore apart its skin and flesh, causing it to scream in pain.

The green-footed dragon snake was furious and raised its head, with dazzling lightning accumulating in its mouth.

"Lightning Breath!"

In an instant, the green-footed dragon snake breathed out streaks of lightning.

Each of these lightning bolts is as thick as the mouth of a bowl and can instantly incinerate most creatures. It is far more powerful than the red dragon's one-ring witchcraft arrow.

Facing the lightning breath that struck instantly, Cassius knew that he could not completely escape, so he had to jump to the side to avoid it, while using his metamagic expertise to cast spells instantly.

"Instant shield technique!"

An invisible magic shield appeared in front of the red dragon, blocking part of the lightning.

But soon, the invisible mana shield could not suppress the violent lightning and shattered, and several lightning bolts hit the red dragon directly.

Cassius felt a powerful electric current conducted through the scales, penetrating the surface of the skin and flowing through the body.

His body was suddenly in severe pain, his muscles twitched, and several of his scales were burnt black by electricity.

Fortunately, the red dragon was born with a strong physique and was able to bear it. If it were an ordinary human being, his whole body might have been internally injured or even burned to charcoal.

"It's such a terrible breath. If I take it all, I'm afraid I won't be seriously injured."

Feeling the slight twitching and pain in his muscles, Cassius couldn't help but lick his lips.

There was a hint of excitement in Cassius's tone.

"It's been a long time since I've felt hurt."

Since coming to this world, except for the panicked escape at the beginning, he has rarely encountered evenly matched enemies. After all, the starting point of the red dragon is already beyond the end point of most creatures.

Now is the first time an opponent can make him feel excited, which is rare.

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