Red Alert 1895

Chapter 676: Killing a Chicken for the Monkey to Watch (Part 2)

After annihilating those U.S. troops, Li Enfu once again came to the headquarters of the eight-nation coalition that was surrounded. Well, those high-level officials of the Eight-Nation Allied Forces and their cronies and staff heard a huge roar just now. Of course they knew that this was Taiwan's heavy artillery force bombing indiscriminately, but they didn't even know what Taiwan's heavy artillery force was aiming at. Who is Taiwan bombing? But they also know that there must be a country whose troops are unlucky. Everyone is also guessing whether it is the Japanese or the American troops, because if Taiwan wants to clean up the troops of other countries, there is no need to kill chickens like this. Only Japan and the United States have the largest number of troops, so they need to use this kind of heavy artillery to attack. ,

Marshal Dashanyan of Japan and Lieutenant General Jared of the United States were also very nervous, and they didn't know whose troops were unlucky. But everyone looked at Dashanyan, because they all thought that the Japanese troops were in bad luck. After all, Japan and Taiwan had a deep hatred, so of course they thought that Taiwan was going to bombard their troops with heavy artillery. And Da Shanyan also thought so, and he was a little uneasy in his heart. Because all Japanese troops were also divided and surrounded, could they withstand such a heavy bombardment by Taiwan's heavy artillery? If so, their losses must be huge.

However, just when they were in a hurry, Li Enfu came.

"I'm sorry, our American army launched an attack just now, and we deeply admire the American soldiers. They would rather die than surrender, so we wiped out all the American troops without capturing a single prisoner!" Li Enfu said .

"What? Our American army? You wiped out our army without taking a single prisoner!" American Lieutenant General Jared exclaimed.

"Yes, not a single prisoner was caught!" Li Enfu said.

Jared immediately cursed in horror: "You butchers, you butchers! Our American army has at least 80,000 people. How could you come and not even capture a single prisoner? No matter how powerful your heavy artillery is, it's impossible It is impossible that there are no prisoners! You must have killed the prisoners. Killed the prisoners, you butchers, thugs, I want to call on the whole world to condemn you?"

And Seymour couldn't help it anymore, and said, "How dare you kill prisoners like this? This is a very inhumane act. I want to condemn you to the whole world!"

Seymour couldn't sit still this time either. Because Americans are also descendants of Europeans, when Europeans deal with Asians, they will naturally unite. If it's just a general thing, maybe you can just sit back and ignore it. But now tens of thousands of people have been "slaughtered", and none of them survived. That makes people terrified. Seymour, an Englishman, also has a feeling of grief when rabbits die and foxes hurt others.

The remaining few European and American countries also began to scold Li Enfu angrily, obviously out of resentment towards Taiwan's "inhumane" behavior. But the Japanese don't talk because they know their **** is full of shit. He knew what the Japanese did in Lushun back then, so the Japanese had **** on their buttocks, so naturally they couldn't justifiably denounce Taiwan.

However, Li Enfu said with "sentiment": "Although the Americans are our enemies, our Taiwanese army has been moved by the bravery and fearlessness of the United States from top to bottom. They really would rather die than surrender. When they were in crisis, they immediately picked up a bunch of grenades and rushed towards us. They were ready to die with our soldiers. Also, they had a company. When more than a hundred people fought to the last squad, they would rather die than submit When they ran out of bullets, they fought with us with bayonets. Then the bayonets broke, so they punched and kicked with their fists. Then their hands and feet were broken. They just bit their teeth and fought until the last soldier. It was not until the last soldier was killed that our soldiers took the position."

"Not only that, we were deeply moved by their fearlessness. When our medical soldiers were about to treat an American military officer, he fired a grenade. He died with a dozen of our soldiers. Also, Some of them took the dynamite pack and risked blowing up the traffic trench, and then made it impossible for our troops to break through. And…”

Lieutenant General Jared of the United States cursed in his heart: "Make it up, keep making it up, you really can make it up!"

Jared would never believe that the American army under him would be so brave and fearless. Don't he know what kind of virtue their American army is? If the army of the country that is most afraid of death in the world is that country, it must be the United States in the end. Americans are a country made up of immigrants. Except for the "American" people who lived in this country for generations at the beginning, most of them came here later. Many of them came to the United States no more than For three generations, the sense of belonging to the United States is very poor. So expecting them to be brave enough to die for this country, and then sacrifice for the interests of this country, is simply a fantasy. People of different nationalities are twisted together for no reason. It is conceivable how powerful and loyal they can be. Therefore, Americans have a relatively poor sense of cohesion and belonging. In addition, they have not had a large-scale war for a long time, so naturally their will to fight will not be very high.

So once the battle starts, the first to surrender may be the American army. But at this time, the people in Taiwan actually "praise" the bravery of their Americans so much that Jared couldn't help but smile bitterly. Nima, this is flattery!

"Our squadron will build monuments to these brave and fearless Americans who would rather die than surrender, and then carry out extensive publicity in our army's internal newspapers and media, and then let our soldiers learn the loyalty and dedication of the Americans. Bravery, fearlessness, spirit of sacrifice, we will respect our opponents, and then learn from our opponents."

The generals of various countries saw Li Enfu talking nonsense here, and their eyes showed a look of horror. Nima, this is definitely an out-and-out flattery, this kind of method is really ruthless. One side killed all your troops and refused to accept surrender, but the other side was boasting that your soldiers were brave and fearless. But what can you say at this time, this is completely cheating you, blocking you at both ends!

If the Americans cry internationally about Taiwan's brutal massacre of their captives, it is denying the bravery and fearlessness of their own country's military. You must know that the people who tout the bravery of your country's military are people from Taiwan. Taiwan brags at all costs that your U.S. Army is not afraid of death, so can you deny it? If the Americans denounce Taiwan's brutality at that time, it means denying the bravery of their own country's military and the heroic deeds that Taiwan touts. In this way, how can their army set a model? Taiwan, an opponent, has helped them set a model. Can they still slap their faces? If he denies those typical examples, Ann also denies the spirit of sacrifice for the country. It is impossible for any country to deny the spirit of sacrifice for the country, so if the Americans want to continue to pursue the soldiers who slaughtered them in Taiwan, they will naturally deny the spirit of sacrifice for the country, and naturally deny that their soldiers are brave and fearless. How do you let the Americans tell the people in their country? Do you want them to tell the people in the country that their soldiers are all greedy for life and afraid of death, and they all surrender when they see the enemy? Of course we can't say that.

But if they acquiesce in the propaganda model that Taiwan helped them create, it means that their troops are brave and fearless, they are determined not to surrender, they are all patriots, and they would rather die than surrender. Although doing so seems to have a propaganda effect and boost domestic morale, it means that their more than 80,000 soldiers died in vain, and there is no excuse to criticize Taiwan. In this way, they are all very aggrieved, which is unacceptable!

So no matter how you choose, it is also a pit, a pit that kills people without paying for their lives. Taiwan is shameless enough. While killing the opponent, it also sings praises for the opponent, and then calls on the soldiers to "learn" from them. This is really shameless, since people have decided to kill your, they have naturally made preparations long ago. So you're not sure, and you're not sure. It is impossible for them to slap themselves, but if they choose to acquiesce, they will inevitably have to bear the consequences of more than 80,000 soldiers being wiped out by Taiwan.

Jared thought that he came out with more than 80,000 soldiers, but he went back alone. How could he explain to the families of the soldiers who died in battle? Could it be that they all heroically sacrificed for the country? Will those family members understand? You must know that what those family members want is not that their family members become "heroes", but that their family members can go back and reunite. But now they all sacrificed for the country. Although it looks very honorable, I am afraid that no family members want this "glory".

At that time, even if the government doesn't deal with him, the angry people can shoot him black at any time! You must know that Americans allow private individuals to legally hold guns. The relatives and friends of the more than 80,000 Americans who died in China may have guns, and everyone may shoot their black guns. I will face the huge anger of hundreds of thousands or even millions of relatives and friends of those soldiers and officers who died in battle. At that time, countless black guns may be aimed at me at any time.

When he thought of this, Lieutenant General Jared from the United States fainted very honorably. (to be continued.) u

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