Red Alert 1895

Chapter 589: Bannermen Going to School (Part 2)

After those bannermen were arranged to enter the vocational skills school, they all began to work hard to learn this vocational skill. n∈, especially under the condition that Taiwan promised to take care of meals during the study period, they are also willing to study with peace of mind and work hard in the future. At first, many people thought that Bannerman was very difficult to solve, but Wang Guorui's behavior surprised everyone. A long-standing and difficult problem was solved so easily. Seeing those "banner lords" so eagerly learning various livelihood skills, as if they were good students, this diligence surprised many people.

"Hey, it seems that changing the dynasty is not necessarily a bad thing. Originally, we were restricted by the court, and we were not allowed to work in industry, agriculture, or business. Those men above are all very rich, and we ordinary bannermen can only get money every month. We live on banner wages. We are all banner people, and the gap is so huge. Now that the dynasty has changed, we are free, and we can do what we like. In the future, I will not do work, or even do other businesses. can do both."

"Oh? You are from the red flag? I am from the blue flag. I plan to open a barber shop after I learn it. I have to cut this braid first! We had a miserable life in the past, but now I After learning this principle in the past few days, I can count as a means of earning a living, and I can open a barber shop by myself in the future. If it was in the past, then we were all restricted by the court, and we were obviously capable of doing our own things, but we didn’t It can be done. No one even wants to teach us how to make a living, so our life is miserable. Now I think life will definitely get better and better."

These two banner people have a realization, that is, changing the dynasty may not be bad, although they can't get some banner salaries, but those banner salaries are not much, and it's not too heartbreaking. And although they have changed their dynasties, they have obtained one of the most precious things, that is "freedom". In the past days, they were all restricted by the imperial court, and they had to stay in the flag city. Do not contact Han people casually. And although this ban has existed in name only, it is still oppressing them in fact. They cannot engage in agriculture, industry and commerce, but can only serve as soldiers. However, soldiers often do not have enough salary, which is not enough for them to live.

In fact, these low-level banner people are quite pathetic. To say that they are rulers is to overestimate them. In fact, they are also a group of oppressed people. They were issued various prohibitions by senior officials of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, prohibiting their various behaviors. On the surface it looks like they are rulers, but in fact they are all having a bad life. They serve as titular rulers. As the master in name, he has lost one of the most precious things, that is "freedom". Ordinary Han people in the imperial court don't care too much, they can do business, farm, and work. Even ordinary Han people can choose many occupations, choose to migrate at will, and live there as much as they want. Those who are educated can take the imperial examination, or go into business to make money. It can be said that although the Han people are not rulers in name. But they all gained what the Bannermen did not have—freedom.

These bannermen actually looked at the Han people outside, and they were all somewhat envious. They live in a place unique to the Manchus, so why don't they actually envy the freedom of the Han people outside? Their inner city is actually a prison, a big prison that locked itself up.

In fact, this is the so-called siege effect. Many ordinary Han people envy the bannermen for being able to obtain the status of "lords". But now these bannerman masters feel that even if the dynasty changes, it may not be so bad. Anyway, because it's time for a change of dynasty, I have gained the freedom that I dreamed of in the past. so. They don't have any opinion on the change of dynasty.

Of course, this is based on the fact that they have a stable income. In the past era, although they did not have much occupation. Live on the banner salary. Although the standard salary is not much, it is definitely a stable income, which makes them feel at ease. If there is no standard salary and no stable job, then they will definitely make trouble. So this is where Wang Guorui took the initiative to arrange for them to enter the vocational skills school. According to what was said in many time-traveling novels, Bannermen are inherently lazy. This is also incorrect.

The protagonists in many past novels adopted a one-size-fits-all approach, directly cutting off their salary, but there was no follow-up work at all, and they were directly asked to find a job to make a living. But they don't have any employment skills at all, so how can they make a living? This one-size-fits-all approach is not advisable, and the follow-up work must be able to keep up with it before it can be regarded as a perfect solution to this problem. If the follow-up work can't keep up, then in the end, they can only be forced to miss the Qing Dynasty, the dynasty that gave them a stable income. In fact, Wang Guorui believes that what the original banner people missed in history was not the Qing Dynasty, but a stable income, a stable life where they could not starve to death, rather than what they really missed the old dynasty. The only people who really miss the Qing Dynasty are those aristocrats who have no shortage of food and clothing but lack of power. Ordinary banner people don't care.

In the palace, there were still quite a few people reporting the news to Cixi. Although Cixi was intercepted by Tan Ya since her last escape, Cixi was still not very honest. People often go outside to inquire about news for various reasons, hoping to inquire about the news. In particular, matters concerning Taiwan's policies are the focus of Empress Dowager Cixi's attention. She really wants to know what kind of policy Taiwan implements, which is related to whether Taiwan can gain people's hearts. However, Wang Guorui knew that Cixi was also inquiring, and he did not restrict Cixi from inquiring. Anyway, he hoped that Cixi would know how powerful Wang Guorui is and let him know the strength of Taiwan. Let him really accept his fate, admit that they have lost.

"What? The traitor Wang Guorui exempted the banner pay, but arranged for those banner people to learn how to make a living?" Cixi said in horror.

Of course Cixi knew that by doing this, Wang Guorui was giving those banner people another way. Originally, Cixi heard that Wang Guorui was exempted from the flag salary, so she thought that the opportunity had come. Once the banner salary is exempted, the banner people will have no stable income, and they will definitely fight against Wang Guorui to the end. But now, even though Wang Guorui exempted them from their banner pay, he also gave them another way to make a living, which was enough to make the bannermen feel grateful to them. Originally, Cixihai hoped that Wang Guorui, a young man, would be overwhelmed by the so-called ethnic hatred, directly and completely cut off the bannermen's wages, and let those bannermen be slaves. But now Wang Guorui is not only not dazzled by the so-called vain ethnic hatred, even though the banner salary is exempted, he also takes the initiative to arrange vocational skills training for the bannermen, so that these bannermen can learn the skills to make a living, and then they They will not be dissatisfied with the new government because of unemployment.

"Wang Guorui, this traitor is actually so cunning. The Ai family sees that he is only in his twenties, but he is so meticulous in doing things. It is simply evil. He can think of such a thing as arranging training for the bannerman's ability to earn a living, even He also took the initiative to make the so-called arrangement work, which is simply digging the last foundation of my Qing Dynasty! Aijia originally hoped that if Wang Guorui, a traitor, did not act impulsively, he might stumble in the placement of bannermen. At that time, the Ai family came out again to win people's hearts, and these hundreds of thousands of banner people are our new force for the restoration of the country. But he actually arranged the future path of our banner people so carefully, which completely disintegrated our foundation! "Cixi said.

Cixi thought that Wang Guorui was young and energetic, coupled with the so-called national hatred thoughts, he would directly exempt these bannermen from their banner salaries across the board. If the banner salary is exempted, and these banner people are even further reduced to slaves, I am afraid that these banner people will miss the Qing Dynasty in the past and unite around the Aixinjueluo family. At that time, this good bannerman will have a population of millions, enough to be a force and become a new force. Even if Wang Guorui directly exempted these bannermen from their banner salaries, and then did not do any follow-up work, then these bannermen would suddenly have no source of stable income, and they would all hate the new bannermen It is not enough for people to find a job, and they cannot have someone who needs them. But Wang Guorui is willing to give them training opportunities. The so-called teaching people how to fish is worse than giving them fish. Although this Wang Guorui canceled the standard salary, but let them master new livelihood skills, so that they are also willing to follow Wang Guorui mixed up.

With a stable income and even a higher standard of living, would they be willing to go back to the past?

"The dynasty has changed, and these banner people have benefited from it? They could only be circled by the court, and they could not do other things freely. The reason why the court refused to let go of the ban on the banner people was that it was true at the beginning. It is hoped to maintain the bravery of the banner people, but later refused to let go of the ban on the banner people. Why is it that they hope to control the banner people and prevent them from merging with the Han people, so that the court will not be able to control them? However, in this way, the banner people How could people be happy to support it? Now that Wang Guorui has given them the opportunity to choose, to change their lives, to have a higher income and a better life, will they be willing to go with the Qing Dynasty in the past? They have A job, or even a much higher income than before, then they will not be with me in Daqing. Maybe they will become die-hard supporters of Wang Guorui. The past few decades, the life of the bannermen has not been very good Ah!" Cixi said with a wry smile, obviously, as a person who was born in the lower class of the banner people, he still has a good understanding of the living conditions of the lower class banner people. (To be continued.)

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