Red Alert 1895

Chapter 515: Blocking Dongjiaomin Lane (Part 1)

In Dongjiaomin Lane, Beijing, many foreigners are also talking about the mob in Beijing. This really shocked everyone. These foreigners never thought that this country is so corrupt and backward, and they actually believe in the magic of practicing invulnerability. This is simply too scary. If it is really invulnerable, then what is the use of their technology. What is even more absurd is that the rulers of China actually believed in this invulnerable magic skill and allowed them to find a way to practice it. What eat bully meal, what **** women, even murder also appeared. This scene made these foreigners feel astonished, it was simply terrible.

"These Chinese people are so ignorant and ignorant that they believe in such invulnerable things. They are crazy in the whole capital, killing people, arson, **** and robbery everywhere, and the whole capital is falling into hell!" Yes! The capital of the Chinese people is completely in chaos. Not only will those who murder, set fire, and rob the police will not be punished, but those who complain will be punished." I wanted to arrest him, but the old queen just turned me around." "In this era, criminals are not punished, but those who uphold justice are punished. What's wrong with this China?" "Maybe this That’s the characteristic of China!” “Fortunately, I don’t live in China!”

"By the way, I heard that they robbed many foreigners in Shandong. Will they continue to rob?" Someone asked.

"No way, this is Dongjiaomin Lane. How dare they rob us after eating leopards?"

"It's not good, it's not good, a large group of mobs are coming outside. They came to our place, shouting that they want to loot our embassies!" "What? They want to loot our embassies?"

The entire Dongjiaomin Lane also became a panic. Because those mobs came to loot the legation on their own initiative, this is simply terrible. If this is the case, I am afraid that the people in their legation will not know where to hide immediately. This makes it impossible for everyone to escape.

"Everyone calm down. Everyone calm down. This is our legation area, we don't have to be afraid of anything. They don't dare to act on us." British Minister to China Zhu Erdian shouted.

Everyone just remembered. Then here is the legation area, the Chinese should not dare to do anything to them, and then they immediately ordered the troops to protect the legation to be dispatched one after another, and then they were responsible for resisting the Chinese Boxer mob.

"Stop, if you don't stop we will shoot!" A British soldier immediately shouted.

But those Boxer mobs came over immediately, and when they saw the British soldiers, they immediately shouted: "Swords and guns, bullets and guns!"

"Invulnerability!" "Invulnerability!" "Invulnerability!"...

Those Boxer mobs also started shouting that they were invulnerable. Obviously, he didn't know if he was really invulnerable, or if he was just trying to embolden himself.

"Help the Qing to destroy the foreign, help the Qing to destroy the foreign, help the Qing to destroy the foreign..."

These guys immediately began to shout neatly and forcefully, and then expressed their determination to help the Qing Dynasty eliminate foreigners. But those people in Dongjiaomin Lane were also very nervous and didn't know what to do. Because these boxer mobs are outside, if they are a little careless, they will immediately attack, and then how can these civilian officials resist?

"Immediately send a telegram to the people in China, asking them to send troops to protect us! Tell them that if something goes wrong with us, they will bear a very serious price, and they will regret it at that time." Zhu Erdian said calmly.

Soon, a telegram was also sent to the Summer Palace of Empress Dowager Cixi. Then Empress Dowager Cixi received the report.

"Queen Mother, those Boxer rioters... Well, the righteous people of the Boxers went to surround Dongjiaomin Lane. They said they wanted to destroy the foreigners for the imperial court. But the foreigners sent a telegram asking us to send troops to protect them, otherwise we will die I will bear the price." Li Lianying said next to Empress Dowager Cixi.

Cixi snorted immediately: "There are also times when these foreigners beg us? It seems that they are afraid of us! It's okay to leave him alone, let them be frightened, but we don't care about it for the time being. Let them bear the fear first. "

Li Lianying groaned secretly in her heart, this Empress Dowager Cixi was too "petty". The Empress Dowager Cixi actually regarded international exchanges as the same thing as the palace fights back then. This is really troublesome. Even Li Lianying knows that international exchanges and personal court struggles are not the same thing at all. The court struggle is only confined to a very narrow place. What's more, it pays attention to all kinds of calculations, all kinds of conspiracy rules, and "close-fitting bunt". However, international battles are upright and upright, open and close, and there is no room for falsehood. The two are not at the same level, and the level of international struggle is obviously much stronger than the struggle within the palace.

But this Empress Dowager Cixi has been in the court all her life, and then first competed with the concubine for favor, and then stepped to the pinnacle of power step by step. It can be said that he got all of this by relying on the so-called "Gong Dou". But Xiao He was successful and Xiao He was defeated. The Empress Dowager Cixi started from the harem, and their vision and structure were all limited to this small area. Empress Dowager Cixi is a woman with a smaller vision. Of course, this is not discriminating against women, but it just shows that female politicians in this era have no choice but to go into politics, that is, take the road of harem. If it is a future generation, there will be no problem, and Dou E can also be a woman in politics.

However, this kind of woman who was born as a concubine ruled the country inevitably felt petty. He cares about many things, and he weighs many international diplomatic matters with that kind of thinking of palace fighting. It is absolutely absurd to use petty things like palace fights as a yardstick to measure international battles.

In Cixi's heart, international exchanges and battles are nothing more than that today I will show you face, tomorrow I will find the place, and the day after tomorrow, the two sides will quarrel. And now Cixi hopes that through these Boxer Regiment people, she can show some empathy to the ministers of various countries, and tell them that this is Jingcheng, the capital of China, and the lives of these ministers are actually in their own hands.

But this kind of thinking is really terrible. If you want to warn the envoy, that's not the way to do it! Since ancient times, it has never been heard that if you want to warn the ministers of various countries, you have to besiege and rob the embassy to achieve it. The ministers of various countries are strictly protected in the country where they are located. Even if the country is in war, the first thing to do is to protect the legation, and neither side of the civil war dares to move the legation easily. But this guy Cixi started from court struggles, although he knew this rule, but in fact he didn't take this rule seriously at all in his heart. She always uses the method of court struggles to deal with international struggles. International struggles are open and closed, and they pay attention to absolute strength. But this court struggle is a conspiracy, not a grand opening. It is still okay to use conspiracy and tricks on one's political opponents. But if you want to apply this method of calculating people internationally, and it is still such a naive calculation, you will definitely laugh out loud.

Li Lianying, an **** who has been in contact with the outside world for a long time, also understands this truth, but Cixi, an old woman, doesn't understand it at all. Cixi's outlook on life, world outlook and values ​​have long been finalized, and she has always lived in the palace, and rarely really comes out for a walk. If they can walk outside, it may be able to gain something. However, the corrupt and backward rules of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties have already doomed this result. Their rulers cannot leave the palace to see the outside world, so Cixi has no idea what the world has become. And Cixi was able to maintain the survival of the Manchu Qing Dynasty only by relying on her tactics. But tricks are at least useful internally, and almost useless externally.

"Hey, I'm an eunuch, what can I say?" Li Lianying Lianying knows that she is an **** and eunuch, so naturally she can't do more. Intervening in politics. Although Cixi is the harem who is involved in politics, Cixi does not allow eunuchs to continue to interfere in politics, so Li Lianying knows that if she dares to interfere in politics, then she is afraid that the next thing waiting for her is certain death. So Li Lianying didn't dare to correct Cixi's words, but Li Lianying also knew in her heart that the time of the Qing Dynasty was running out. Not only is the country difficult, but even the rulers do not have the ability and mentality to turn the tide.

Li Lianying couldn't help looking to the south. He knew that the only person in China who might be able to save China in the future was Wang Guorui from Taiwan. However, Wang Guorui wanted to overthrow the Manchu Qing Dynasty and become emperor himself, which the Manchu nobles would never allow. The lowest that the Manchus could back down was the establishment of a constitutional monarchy, and they also had to guarantee a certain amount of kingly power, as well as the vested interests of the banner people. This was the minimum condition for the Manchus. However, the two sides are destined to be unable to reach an agreement, and Li Lianying knows that the days of the Manchu Qing Dynasty are numbered.

Although it can still maintain its orthodox status for a while now, once ordinary Chinese people know the weakness of Manchu, they will definitely give up Manqing and find a more suitable boss. Since they are all common people, it is not the same whoever becomes the emperor, so why should they be hanged on the tree of Manqing? One emperor can bring him glory, another can only bring humiliation, and anyone knows what to do. (to be continued)

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