Red Alert 1895

Chapter 354: Spaniards arrive

Soon, it was the end of December in 1897, and it was already very cold in most parts of China. However, Taiwan is only slightly cooler, not very cold. After all, Taiwan is located in the southern hemisphere, which is a relatively warm place. As for Nanyang, it doesn't feel like winter at all, at most it's just autumn. So although it has snowed in the north of China, the south is very stable and there is no call. At this time, a fleet came from the Strait of Malacca.

"Admiral Abel, we are going to war against Taiwan this time. That is a very dangerous move. Do we really want to do this?" asked the deputy commander of the fleet.

And this Spanish fleet is currently sailing in the Strait of Malacca. According to their previous plan, they will cross the Strait of Malacca and then launch a sneak attack on Taiwan's Java Sea fleet. According to their plan, they came here under the name of a friendly fleet visiting Japan, so Taiwan should not be on guard. Even if they are on guard, they will not have any preparations for them to suddenly start a war against themselves. So the Spaniards actually want to play the trick of sneak attack, and fight unannounced wars. However, this plan is still very risky, because once a war with Taiwan starts, the hundreds of thousands of troops behind the Spaniards will be in danger. Whether they can beat Taiwan's army is still unknown. So this plan is very risky, but if you can get half of Borneo after taking the risk, that is also good.

"The main target of our plan this time is not Taiwan. It is the natives of the Philippines. Taiwan is only part of our plan, and we are not going to really start a war against Taiwan, but to force them to withdraw from Nanyang. We only need to be able to seize control of the sea. Then We cut off the connection between Taiwan and Nanyang. At that time, there were more than 100,000 troops in Nanyang, and there was nothing we could do about it. At that time, if all countries work together to put pressure on Taiwan, then we will definitely be able to push Taiwan away. So , this plan is flawless, and there is no loophole at all. And Taiwan can't realize it at all. We, Spain, Britain, the Netherlands, and Japan will work together to count them. At that time, we can use political means to force them to withdraw from Nanyang. Don't let them More than 100,000 troops will be wiped out here, and even hundreds of thousands of Chinese will be threatened. Therefore, we don’t have to be afraid of anything at all, we just need to deal with them well!” Admiral Abel said.

But the lieutenant was a little worried. Where in this world is there any seamless plan? If the rumor leaks out, I'm afraid it will really fail. Once it fails, the consequences will be unimaginable. When Taiwan officially goes to war against Spain, the Philippines will also be shrouded in Taiwan's control. Before Taiwan did not attack the Philippines, it was because they did not go to war with Spain. But now if Taiwan is given an excuse, I am afraid that it will really face very tragic results.

The Spaniards took the opportunity to come over to suppress the natives of the Philippines this time, but on the other hand, they were also used by the British and the Dutch Japanese. They all hoped that the Spaniards would take the lead. Test Taiwan's strength. It is not easy for the British themselves to fight against Taiwan, so they sent the Spaniards out. The Dutch wanted to rely on the Spaniards to regain half of Kalimantan, and the Japanese wanted to take the opportunity to expel Taiwan. Japan knows Taiwan lacks resources. So he naturally does not hope that Taiwan will be able to occupy Nanyang, so that there will be no shortage of resources. In this situation where the three sides have a common enemy, Taiwan, they all colluded and then used the Spaniards.

And the Spaniards happened to have the idea of ​​suppressing the Philippine uprising, so they were all ready together, and accepted the use of the Three Kingdoms by the way. And they thought that the plan of the British, Japanese and Dutch was seamless. Ouch, Taiwan's Java Sea Fleet was destroyed, and Taiwan lost its dominance of the sea. At that time, Taiwan's Taiwan Strait Fleet was also held back by the Japanese. If you cannot come to Nanyang for support, you will face the situation of losing command of the sea. At that time, once the command of the sea is lost, it will inevitably have very unfavorable results for the war situation. At that time, all countries put pressure together, and it was almost inevitable for Taiwan to withdraw from Nanyang. After all, at that time, Taiwan had no hope of winning. At that time, instead of continuing to compete, it is better to actively withdraw to preserve strength. This is the idea that any smart person should have.

But the most critical part is the suddenness. Suddenness is very important. If Taiwan knows the news in advance, I am afraid that the Spaniards will really steal chickens and lose money.

"General Abel, I always feel a little bad! What if, what if the secret is leaked this time?" Abel's deputy said.

"Impossible. Those who know this plan are the high-level leaders of our countries. How can they leak the secret? Also, even the subordinate captains of our fleet don't know about this plan, so it is impossible to leak the secret. Could it be that the Taiwanese can Do the high-level officials of various countries have undercover agents?" Abel said bluntly.

Abel's deputy also thinks about it. There are too few people who know about this plan. Even ordinary captains don't know about this plan. They plan to notify the captains after they pass through the Strait of Malacca. And it is impossible to leak secrets during this process, so everyone feels very safe. After all, high-level officials in various countries will not leak secrets, so naturally no one will leak secrets. And those cronies around the leaders of various countries will not leak the secrets. If the secrets are leaked, the consequences will be disastrous.

"General, the destroyers from Taiwan are here. They are responsible for maintaining law and order in this sea area!" Abel's deputy said.

"Okay, don't attack yet, we accept their inquiries!" Abel replied.

And on the destroyer, no one thought that there was actually a colonel preparing for the destroyer.

"Hmph, this time, General Li is going to send these Spaniards into the sea to feed the **** again!" Said the naval colonel Bai Yu.

The plan for Taiwan has been sent to them. Of course they knew that this group of enemies was here to attack them, but as long as there was no war, they had to give them some face. Now Taiwan is waiting for them to come and attack, so that after they attack, they can fight back. After all, Taiwan does not want to give up an excuse to take the initiative to go to war against Spain, so now Colonel Bai Yu is directly preparing to act. Anyway, life is like a play, and it all depends on acting skills.

"Detachment Captain, they claim to be visiting Japan. They are a fleet visiting Japan, so they have to pass through the Strait of Malacca!" Said Bannerman.

"To visit Japan, hum, you are waiting! Tell them, let them go north, and then pass through the Riau Islands, and then we will notify our Java Sea Fleet to let it go!" Bai Yu said.

The Java Sea Fleet is also stationed on Riau Island, and this can guard the entire gate of Taiwan and Nanyang, preventing the enemy from breaking through the defense line of Riau Island. And anyone who wants to pass through the Strait of Malacca to China's territorial waters must pass through the defense line of Riau Island, so they will not be allowed to pass without the release of the Java Sea Fleet.

And on the flagship of the Spanish naval fleet, someone immediately said: "General, they are not prepared at all, and they have notified their headquarters to let us go!"

And soon the Spaniards were relieved, because all this also showed that the Taiwanese did not know their plan and were already planning according to their preparations. Next, the Spaniards can attack Taiwan's Java Sea Fleet.


The Spaniards had a battleship and three cruisers, and they all moved on. And although they seem to have only one battleship and three cruisers, they think that as long as they can sneak attack, the victory still belongs to them. After all, if Taiwan's battleships are in the military port, and the navy on the battleships is not that time, although Taiwan has battleships and cruisers, they will not be able to exert their combat effectiveness at all. Moreover, they have a large number of torpedoes, and they can take the opportunity to sneak attack them, so that the effect of elimination can be achieved. The idea of ​​the Spaniards is to sneak attack, not to fight head-on. If they fight head-on, their strength is simply not enough. However, if Taiwan is not prepared for a sneak attack, then Taiwan's battleships and cruisers can be sunk in the first round of artillery fire, and the remaining small ships will not have to be afraid.

And they think that as long as the warship stops at the military port, everything is very easy to defeat. At that time, there will be no naval sailors on the warships, and they will not have any counterattack capabilities, and they will not need to consider tactical issues such as wind direction and enemy speed. They can completely sink the enemy's warships in the first few rounds of artillery fire. , so their chances of success are enormous. At that time, they could successfully wipe out Taiwan's Java Sea Fleet at any time and take control of the sea, so the war with Taiwan will be more than half won.

"General, there are several battleships and cruisers of the Taiwanese in front. They are also parked in the naval port, and there seems to be no one on them. They are also releasing semaphores, let us pass as soon as possible, and don't stay here!"

"God help me too, prepare for me immediately, prepare for battle! This time, try to knock down all Taiwan's warships into the sea." Abel shouted. (to be continued)

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