Record of Chaos

Chapter 877: Why did the monarch and the ministers break, the father and son will never

   (In 877, why the ruler and the ministers were broken, the father and the son have never been since then)

   "Erchen thinks the same way." Hao Zheng straightened his clothes a little, and bowed his head.

  Kun Yuandi glanced at the son who upset him, and said:

   "You are already a prince now, don't you believe that I treat you equally?

   "Since you are a prince and a prince, you naturally have the right to succeed to the throne. Why should you worry about your safety and refuse to return to the king's capital? Do you want me to make you a prince..."

   Hao had no fluctuations on his face, and simply said: "Father is too worried. My son has no intention of the throne."

   If Haozheng said that he had no intention of the throne, this would be impossible in the eyes of Emperor Kun Yuan. Now that he said that, the son clearly refused to tell the truth. Emperor Kun Yuan's face gradually turned overcast.

"Even if you don't intend for the throne, it will be your wife's fiftieth birthday in three months. At that time, I will make an order for you to enter Beijing. Do you want me to ask someone to carry a shadow wall to celebrate your mother's birthday? "

   Haozheng neither said to resist the decree nor to comply with the decree. He only said: "The child minister only wants to live."

   Emperor Kun Yuan didn't know how to explain to him, feeling depressed, couldn't help clenching his fists in his sleeves. Then he sighed again and said:

"Do you still hate the incident in the Jade Jade Palace back then? Believe it or not, I really just let the two of you experience the experience. But the kid in Haoqi did have some wrong thoughts. So after he came back, I would take him Stopped and never let him go out and do evil again."

   He is actually right. He let these two princes go to experience, absolutely did not let them kill each other. It is impossible for him to make such a will.

   The subtlety of this is that he understands Haoqi's disposition. What would happen if these two people were kept in the same cage, in fact, he should have expected it. But now, he can deny it altogether and push everything to Haoqi.

"And even if you and Haoqi have an enemy, so what? Haoqi is dead. He can no longer be against you. I have given him the opportunity to redeem his merits and let him take the nuclear jade to Xuedu to save You. But he missed it, and people died. What are you still worried about? Are you still worried that Hao Tong will kill you?"

   "My father is too worried, the eldest brother is tough on the outside and soft on the inside. He is cruel and ruthless on the outside, but on the inside is a kindhearted person. If he succeeds to the throne, he will never attempt to kill children."

   The Emperor Kun Yuan was shocked. What he didn't expect was that King Yun had been living outside, and the days spent in Houtu City were few and far between, and he could actually have such a good understanding of the eldest son Hao Tong's disposition.

   Haotong’s loyalty is beyond doubt. It's not a problem to let him do things for good or evil. But this person has a fatal weakness, that is, he is kind.

   Originally let him become a "good-for-nothing" to experience, and constantly chasing him down is to sharpen his character and wear out that line of benevolence. Unexpectedly, this guy was even more confused in the end.

   A monk who is obviously loyal to King Yun and possesses the best imaginary pill, how bad is he, because he rescued him once in that dream, he was reluctant to kill?

  Emperor Kun Yuan now believes that King Yun has a lot of eyes and ears lurking in the city of Houtu. Some people may be by his side. This made him more restless.

   "Huh, since Haoqi is dead, and Hao Tong won't kill you, what are you worried about? No matter how bad you are, you are my son. Do you really think I am going to kill you?"

   King Yun kept bowing, folded his hands in his sleeves, and said, "I will tell my father, this time when my son was building the original tower in Xuedu, the plague on the supply line suddenly spread..."

   "It is not surprising that the soldiers from the southern countries have arrived in northern Xinjiang, the sky is freezing cold, and the epidemic is prevalent." Emperor Kun Yuan guessed what he was going to say and interrupted him.

   King Yun turned around and took out a jade box and opened it. Among them were a few pills: "This is the pill that Xuan Tiewei distributed to the monks in the Xiaoyao Fighting Club."

  Kun Yuandi's face changed again. He had handed over the task of cutting off King Yun's supply line to Xuan Tiewei of Hao Tong. Of course he didn't know or need to be clear about these details.

   But King Yun can do this, and even these pills have become evidence in his hands?

   "What do you want to say? I meant that I ordered them to distribute the poisonous pills to interrupt your supply line and trap you to death in northern Xinjiang?"

   Although this is true, Emperor Kun Yuan feels filled with righteous indignation. What kind of son is this who went to search for evidence because he suspected his father?

  Is the evidence useful? It's useless. This matter was under the command of Hao Tong, and Hao Tong was done through Song Ruqing. And Song Ruqing is dead! Not to mention that the clue will be interrupted when Song Ruqing reaches it, even if it goes up, it will involve Hao Tong at most.

   King Yun accepted the things, but neither affirmed nor denied it. But he went on to say:

   "The third brother Haoqi and Guanghan goddess Nanwanci took Heyu to Xuedu. They somehow disappeared on the ice field, and there was no news since then. Erchen ordered someone to search the ice field and found the body of the third brother..."

   "Have you found Haoqi's body?"

   This is not very surprising to Emperor Kun Yuan. Nan Wanci is loyal to him. If he fails, Nan Wanci will certainly wipe out all traces. So it is not difficult to find Haoqi, but it is really difficult to find Nanwan's resignation.

   "Erchen found a nuclear jade on Haoqi. The heart of the formation seems to have been manipulated... If the erchen uses it rashly, he will surely die in the ice field..."


   Emperor Kun Yuan couldn't help but become angry. He didn't expect Nan Wanci to die because he faced an opponent who was exactly the same as himself, Han Beizi decided to fight hard, so he gave both nuclear jade to Haoqi!

   The questionable nuclear jade is almost ironclad evidence that he tried to bury tens of thousands of soldiers and horses on the ruins of Xuedu.

But Haozheng completely ignored the changes in his mood, and continued to say indifferently: "The formation masters who can modify the core of the nuclear jade are one of the few in the entire thick soil city. The sons and ministers sent people to find this formation master, and got it. A memo provided by this person..."

   He knows the purpose of King Yun saying this. This is not to accuse him. He is the emperor, and accusing the emperor is a rebellion. He has not yet reached the time to turn back.

   because they are sharing images with each other. There is a difference between passing shadows and meeting directly.

   Meet and chat, if you don’t carry any magical artifacts that can take pictures, then there will be no records to save, and it’s okay to deny the account.

   If Chuanying, Chuanyinwall itself has the function of recording so everything that King Yun talks with him here will be recorded.

   If he showed his sincerity here and asked King Yun to return to Beijing to celebrate his mother's birthday, but King Yun refused, it would be a typical non-compliance. Not only anti-decree, but also filial piety.

   If he wants to defeat King Yun in the future, he can get at least part of the opportunity in name by posting this photo to the world. After all, it was King Yun's unfaithfulness and unfilial piety before he attacked it.

   But now it has become King Yun’s accusation of his persecution of Zhongliang. Not only is this picture meaningless, it has become a weapon for King Yun to gain sympathy and support.

   Facing his statement, whether Emperor Kun Yuan tried his best to argue for himself, or acted as if dead pigs were not afraid of boiling water, the effect of this photo was to make himself further unpopular.

   A good general like King Yun, or his own son, can't tolerate him. People are fighting to death on the front line, and he cut off the way in the back. Who else would sell his life that day?

   King Yun, this kid is about to pit himself to death if he grabs the handle!

   He suppressed the urge to forcibly interrupt the transmission of the shadow. After all, the incident of forcibly hanging the line can also reflect his guilty conscience. The only thing he can do now is to stop taking pictures this time, he can't be tossed anymore.

   "Whether it is the epidemic or nuclear jade, I will thoroughly investigate it and give you an explanation to the world. As for your mother's birthday, I will make my decrees as usual. Come or not, you can decide by yourself!"

   King Yun bowed his head and bowed again, his figure gradually disappeared, and the crystal dimmed. In the empty study room, only Emperor Kun Yuan's agitated face was left, reflecting on the crystal surface like a mirror.


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