Record of Chaos

Chapter 856: Life and death are in danger, the host and guest are in chaos

The latest website: (856 Life and Death in Danger, the Host and the Guest Confusion Valley)

In fact, with Lan Ruoshuang's dexterity, combined with caution, even sinister and vicious, she had no doubt that she had already noticed the abnormalities in the Valley of the Divine Corpse, and she must have long guessed that there was a trap set by the dragon race.

But she kept quiet and walked in as if she was ignorant, making Goujiu a little confused. Could it be that she has any wonderful means to ignore all success and inheritance and retreat?

This is indeed possible. He was facing Xuan Ming alone in the Xuan Shui illusion, so Lan Ruoshuang must be the same. As a true descendant of Xuan Ming, Xuan Ming shouldn't be as stingy with him. Maybe he taught some secrets?

"You wouldn't have noticed that this valley is full of dragons, have you? The so-called Dragon King who appeared first is just the leader."

Gouzhuyin reminded. He was a reminder on the surface, but it was actually a temptation. He has to probe the bottom of this poisonous woman. Don't let her get the success of the inheritance alone, but she herself was left to deal with this group of vicious aquatic people.

Lan Ruoshuang didn't look back, but the corners of her mouth were slightly bent like a crescent moon, her hands lightly stroking the hair that fell to her chest, and the sound transmission said with a smile: "Brother, isn't this you? What is there to worry about, sister?"

"Hey, how did Xuan Ming tell you? He can't let his only descendant come down and die? Did you tell you how to get out?"

Her non-urgent attitude made Gouzou a little anxious. Originally thought she had any foolproof cards.

"Well, Xuan Ming said that to obtain the inheritance this time, he will definitely die forever. But with the company of a lucky person like you, you will be able to turn a good fortune, and you will not die anyway.

In fact, there is no difference between what she heard from Xuan Ming and what Gouzhu said.

The Xuan Ming they saw was nothing but a remnant soul staying in the mysterious realm of Xuan Ming, and their memory was only scattered fragments left to him by Xuan Ming's body.

He doesn't have the power to spy on everything that is happening under the sea, let alone know the unexpected things such as Wen Shou's rebellion, dragon clan coveting, etc.

The "Nine Deaths" exercise was originally the way to life from death. With the death of thousands, one can achieve long life.

Therefore, no matter which level of advancement it is to break through, it will be a life of nine deaths, which contains a huge danger. This is Xuanming's remnant soul knows, and will definitely remind.

Naturally, Xuanming couldn't talk about god-like nonsense such as the heavenly appearance of a lucky person.

But when Lan Ruoshuang used the Qiankun Treasure Plate to try to figure out a way to gain inheritance and retreat, no matter how she calculates, the Treasure Plate has only one result: that is, as long as there is a delusion, there is no danger. , Peace is all right.

The Universe Treasure Pan is her biggest secret, and of course she will not tell Goujiu to know. So I can only excuse Xuan Ming as an explanation.

When she said this, Goujiu could only be completely speechless. He thought to himself that I was expecting this clever woman to come up with a plan and point out a way to survive, but it turned out to be good. Are you completely ruining me?

"When you get here, you should also see that this is not a life of nine deaths, but it is bound to die."

Gouzhu moved his gaze to this sunken "mud", the so-called Xuanming Tomb, to remind Lan Ruoshuang.

Lan Ruoshuang covered his mouth and smiled and said, "Don't scare your sister. My brother is so careful, if he sees this place, he will definitely die. If he didn't run away long ago, how can he stay here in a daze?"

Xuan Ming already knew the tomb under this silt. These are not all from his heart formation, but more from the memories Xuan Ming instilled in him.

Therefore, even if Lan Ruoshuang didn't have the power of heart formation, she should have seen everything. The magic is that after seeing all this, she still stood here peacefully, without the slightest disappointment and panic?

Normal people should understand all of this. In theory, whether Xuanming's inheritance, Xuanming and Baihu's corpses, it is impossible to get it alive. This is not a life of nine deaths, it is simply ten deaths without life.

Only the demeanor is different. When he entered God Corpse Valley, he had already calculated a way out. Although this road is extremely dangerous, it is still feasible until now.

Can Lan Ruoshuang even figure this out? So she doesn't have to do anything, just follow him to get things done for people?

This is really an incredible woman. She even doubted whether she had any magic weapon that could predict everything. Is it also because of this method that she can unify the dust and start a war?

"Okay," Gou Zhu sighed, and instead of moving on, he sat down cross-legged, "If you want to live, then just do what I say, and don't make a mistake!"

"Don't worry, can I not believe my brother?" Lan Ruoshuang also sat down beside him.

Gouzhu took out a few traction stones and drove them into the nearby silt, laying a simple defensive formation to protect him and Lan Ruoshuang.

This defensive formation is not very strong, but it always takes a little time and effort to break it. In this way, when he negotiates with the other party, he can avoid that the other party thinks that the strength is higher than them, and tries to directly control them instantly.

"They are all guests. What are you doing in hiding? Are you dragons so sneaky? Why don't you come out and talk about what you want? If you don't tell me, how do you know if I will give it?"

The mana surged from the body, spreading divine thoughts. His voice suddenly echoed in the hearts of everyone in the Valley of God Corpses. Of course, it also includes the dragons hiding in the hidden formation.

Ao Su sneered at Ao Yu: "Brother Eel, your so-called concealment formation has been exposed." Ao Yu's expression changed, and he defended: "It is absolutely impossible. Even if someone has the eye, it is impossible to see through!"

His formation is not only very strong, but also set in the gap between the two rocky mountains outside the Xuanming Tomb, and there is no trace at all from the outside.

Another elder named Ao Tu, who was calmer than the two, reminded Ao Su: "The two killed Ao Shen on the road. You can guess that there was an ambush in the valley, but they may not necessarily see us. It's just a temptation."

Ao Su nodded, and his heart was almost fooled. He is actually not afraid of showing up, no matter whether he shows up or not, the other party will obediently open the restrictions on Xuan Ming's grave.

However, before they played against each other, he still had to determine what kind of bottom method the two Xuanming descendants had in their hands.

"Ao Shan," he pointed at the princess Du Xihai, "you go to test them, don't do it lightly."

At the same time that she heard the sound transmission, she had already flushed and bit her red lips in anger. Even if Ao Su didn't say anything, she almost rushed out to reason with these two humans.

These two people broke into her home valley and wanted to take her things as their own. They also killed his brother. This was killing people and gaining money. They said that the dragons were the guests?

Not far from Xuanming's grave, Wen Shou, who lowered his eyebrows and bowed his head, stood quietly. Hearing the sound of the shame, his eyes were cold, and he slowly raised his eyes, looking at the two descendants of the ancestors.

It turned out that the other party had already noticed what he did! When he noticed it, he deliberately screamed, is this to die?

Maybe they didn't know that the mark in his spiritual consciousness had been lifted. And the restrictions inside are no longer useful to him, he can enter and exit this ancestor's sleeping place like the other party at any time.

Two Zifu consummate cultivators, he didn't take it seriously. It is not that two and a half steps of Jin Dan can play a Jin Dan monk together. As long as he hits one person quickly, the other person is waiting to die.

But he neither spoke nor did it. He was always waiting for the dragon people to appear first.

The strange thing is that the time has come, how many golden core elders of the Dragon Clan are still silent? What's the point of this? Now that the two of them knew that the Dragon Clan was hiding here, it was naturally impossible to open the restriction at this He couldn't help looking towards the hiding place of the Dragon Clan group, suddenly a red light flashed in front of him. Ao Shan, dressed in a bright red silk robe, stood in front of him.

Ao Shan was about to speak, when she saw Lan Ruoshuang at first sight, she was startled, but a strong sense of disgust immediately appeared on her face, and she screamed:

"Dog men and women, don't look at whose house this is? This is obviously the Valley of the Divine Corpse of my house. When is it your turn to give alms?"

She originally disliked this strange-looking shark who was warmly guarded. But the marriage certificate has already arrived at this shark, and she is also the mistress of this valley of corpses. Seeing that these two people regard themselves as their masters, how can they not become angry?

"Don't think that if you hide in this broken formation, this princess is afraid of you!"

Seeing that these two people were nothing more than Xu Dan’s cultivation base, her heart was stunned, and there were two long, straight and sharp golden needles that were one foot long, as thin as a beard, but long and sharp. .

These two things suddenly turned into two golden lights, and shot at the two of Gouzhu and Lan Ruoshuang!

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