Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 888: private conversation

Steel and steel collided, making a loud noise, and the sparks flashed away.

Panda felt an amazing force coming from the sword, and had to take two steps back to stabilize his body. But Katarina had already followed him like a shadow, and the long sword stabbed him in the chest, giving him no space to breathe at all.

So he had no choice but to use his left-handed sword to get rid of it, and he was even more disadvantaged by the hasty exertion, and the left-handed sword was almost unable to be caught. If it wasn't for an arc under his feet that turned to the side, I'm afraid even the sword would have to fly away.

Fortunately, although this stab was powerful, the direction was very positive. After all, it was still dodged by him. He even took the opportunity to use his right sword to draw out, the blade dragged across Katarina's armor, flashing a few sparks.

Before he could take another breath, Katerina's attack came again.

After about four or five minutes, the panda sighed and stepped back.

"Yuguo, your wife is indeed strong!" He sighed, "Unless you are playing a rogue with your immortality, otherwise, I really can't win the competition."

"Of course my wife is amazing!" Liu Daoqing said with a smile, "but it's also the brothers who give face - although I'm not good at kung fu, it's not that I have no eyesight. You are all serious about discussing with her, so of course she can take advantage of it. It's cheap. But why can she bully people with her soaring physical fitness, and you can't bully people with your immortality? After all, you are still polite."

Panda smiled and said nothing.

In the competition arena, Katarina's opponent has been replaced by the guardian Loma holding a small axe and a large shield. As a dwarf, his size is short and strong, and his entire body is almost within the defense range of the big shield. Katarina's swordsmanship is almost impossible to perform in front of this big shield. She wants to use her strength to force him back, and for a while. But it is also difficult to do, and the scene seems to be that Loma has a slight advantage.

But Praet next to him shook his head and said, "Loma's idea is wrong. If this goes on, he will fight his physical strength. No matter how strong his physical strength is, he can't be stronger than the legendary knight of the true dragon blood, and he can only suffer in the end."

"Not necessarily, Katerina has played five or six games after all." Liu Daoqing said.

The second Prett, who was defeated by her, still shook his head, and he was very confident in his judgment.

Sure enough, after more than ten minutes of fighting this time, Loma suddenly shouted: "Stop fighting!"

He hurriedly backed up, threw away his shield, swung his right hand, and sighed: "I can't hold it anymore! My right hand is numb from fingers to shoulders. Where is this sword! Every time it hits my shield, it feels like a It's like a big wooden stake hit me..."

He returned to the rest area, took off his helmet, and his blond hair was wet and stuck together, as if he had been fished out of the water: "Fish pot, your wife is so fierce, I think you are in trouble!"

"What difficulty can I have?" Liu Daoqing asked in surprise.

Loma looked left and right, lowered his voice, and said with a thief: "Be careful of being pinned down on the bed..."

Liu Daoqing's face suddenly flushed red, and he didn't know if it was a little pure, or if he was poked into the worry in his heart, he stammered: "Nah...Nonsense!"

"Haha." Luo Ma laughed twice, but did not continue the topic. Instead, Liu Daoqing, who was trying to brew his feelings and prepare to speak, felt a fist in the air and was very depressed.

He couldn't help turning his head to look left and right, but found that everyone was smiling ambiguous, and even the always serious panda seemed to be laughing secretly, and his face suddenly turned even redder.

He wanted to explain a few words, but he felt that this matter seemed to be the kind of black and white, and he couldn't help but open his mouth and couldn't say anything.

At this moment, Su Qianrou came over with a frown and said carelessly, "You people! You just want to make big news all day long! What kind of tricks the husband and wife want to do, what's your business?"

"Yeah!" Yang Ziliu, who has always put his wife first, immediately chimed in, "Loma, I remember when you told me about 'Hai Tian Sheng Ban', not when you said, 'At that time, I would lie on the bed and let the side The little girl feeds me wine and vegetables, and there is another one on her body that moves by herself. It's so cool"... How can you do it like this, why can't people do it like this?"

Loma was at a loss for words, so everyone burst into laughter. More than one person said things like "Yeah!", "Super cool!", "When's the next round!"

Inside the lounge area, there is a cheerful atmosphere.

"By the way, Panda, you haven't participated in the activity, right?" He Yin, the librarian who was originally here to collect research materials, came to the side of Panda and asked, "Looking at this situation, it won't be long before we have the next activity. Are you coming this time?"

Panda shook his head: "You guys are too corrupt!"

"I admit that this is a bit corrupt, but it's really cool." Heyin advised, "You don't practice Boygong, and you don't need to abide by any 'chastity precepts'. Let's play together. It's also thanks to us that we crossed paths. , if we are still on the earth, we are not qualified to work for others because of our status..."

Panda still shook his head.

He's really easy for people to learn badly!

Look at this group of people. Before the time of crossing, many of them were senior magicians, and many were single for 30 years. As a result, after the time-travel, it has only been ten years, and everyone is in high spirits when they mention the "Sea and Sky Feast"...

It's no wonder that everyone is willing to put a lot of effort into the construction of the Tarakhan collar. With the "guild activities" several times a year, Anthony and Eric have already attracted enough people.

After all... who can't get along with their lower body?

Thinking of this, he suddenly thought about it, leaned over to Liu Daoqing, and asked, "Yuguo, I remember reading a saying before crossing the road, saying that all major religions have such gatherings... Do you have Taipingdao?"

Liu Daoqing blushed again, and shook his head again and again: "This is really not true!"

"Really? You're not lying to me, are you? Everyone does this, but you are the only one who doesn't?" Panda looked suspicious. "In Taoism, it seems that only the Quanzhen sect obeys the precepts. You Taiping Dao don't need to obey the precepts, right?"

"This is not a question of discipline!" Liu Daoqing replied in a low voice, "Do you think I dare to do this?"

Panda looked at Katarina, who was wielding a long sword and defeated another companion, who was fighting against the spear-wielding Aviin Nicholas, and couldn't help shaking his head.

"I understand."

"Long live the understanding!"

"I'm not 'long live understanding' with you! Be careful not to be known by her! Otherwise, the fish pot will become a fish pot sauce!"

"That's not true, but... It's better if you don't cause this kind of trouble." Liu Daoqing laughed dryly, "Besides, it's really not that easy to feed a legend..."

Panda patted him on the shoulder and nodded.

"Only dead cows, no plowed fields. I understand."

He thought for a while and said, "Actually, you can go to Yunero to learn from the scriptures, he must be very experienced in this issue!"

Yuneruo, who was waving his fists and fighting back and forth with a cloud giant at least twice his height, suddenly had an itchy nose, sneezed, lost his hand, and was knocked out more than ten meters away...

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