Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 881: friendly discussion

This challenge letter is strange. It was not introduced into Brave's official residence through formal channels, but was thrown into the hall of the official residence.

A thin piece of parchment with no visible folds. It is definitely not an easy task to throw it into the central hall of the official residence from the outside of the wall at least a hundred paces away. It can even be said that if this kind of thing can be done without the help of magic means, it is most likely a legendary powerhouse.

Brave's magician had checked it, and there was no significant magic residue on the parchment.

In other words, is it a legendary powerhouse who wants to fight Brave?

Brave looked at the parchment that was carefully handed to him, and fell into contemplation.

There are only a few simple lines on the paper:

I heard that General Brave has been busy with government affairs recently and lacks exercise. I want to discuss one or two with Your Excellency. Everyone will only decide whether to win or lose, and sweat a lot to cheer up their spirits. The time and place can be decided by you. If there are no comments, I will visit in person in the near future.

This is very polite, not like the speech of a legendary powerhouse. But in his politeness, he showed a strong confidence in his own safety - he broke into Braff's official residence alone, and the time and place of the competition was also decided by Braff. If Braff has malicious intentions, I am afraid that the legendary powerhouse may not Able to retreat.

The two contradictory styles are condensed in just a few sentences, making it difficult for people to understand each other's true intentions.

Brave thought for a while and asked his staff, "What do you think?"

"The other party should indeed come with good intentions." The staff replied, "It may be a master who lacks understanding of the world."

Brave pondered for a moment, and felt that the staff was right.

"Then do you think I should accept his challenge?"

"It's up to you, General," the staff replied. "If you want to ask my opinion, then I don't think it's worth taking a pointless risk. If he wants to sweat, we in the Cyrus family have beautiful people. There are strong women and strong men."

Brave laughed and patted the aide's shoulder hard: "This joke is good! I give it full marks!"

After laughing, he said solemnly: "Competing with a master is not a bad thing. My strength has almost reached a bottleneck in recent years, and I feel that I am one step away from being a legend. But how do I cross this step? Now I don't have any clear clues... We have never produced a legendary powerhouse, and we can't find it if we want to find inheritance."

"If the other party is a legendary powerhouse, even if the opponent is beaten, it will be worthwhile to gain some experience. Even if the opponent is not a legendary powerhouse, I think such a friend is worth the effort to make a fight!"

A few days later, William (Yunero), who quietly came to the door, saw Brave Sellers.

Mo Lai's contemporary No. 1 general with the name of "Thunder Knight", although his eyes are a little tired, the powerful aura permeating his body proves his strength - there is no doubt that he can already be regarded as a legend. The strongest grade, Yuneruo even suspected that he could step into the legendary realm at any time.

(Sure enough is a good opponent!)

Seeing Brave like this, Yuneruo not only was not worried, but became more and more excited and looking forward to it.

They had a meal together and chatted for a while. Yunero claims to be a resident of a small island in the South China Sea and has been isolated from the rest of the world. Not long ago, I met Ge Li, an "explorer" who was exploring everywhere. From this, I learned about the vastness of the world and decided to come out and gain insights.

According to the explorer's suggestion, he chose to land at Molai Port, and then he couldn't help but ran to challenge "the first master of Molai".

He was very simple, and his understanding of the customs of the South China Sea and the explorer's wonderful catamaran clipper could not be faked, so Brave quickly believed his statement.

The point is, during the few days he was in Brave's mansion, he had been completely unsuspecting, and he was defenseless when he ate and slept. It is no exaggeration to say that if Brave wanted to kill him, it would be fine to kill him a few times.

Faced with such a simple and simple person, Brave was instantly delighted. In the past few years, he has been very tired of fighting wits and strategies with others. It is rare to meet someone who is not willing to use his brains, so he naturally wants to make friends.

A few days later, they competed on a desert island a day's journey from Port Molai.

The process of the competition is quite simple. Although William (Yunero) has gone through a lot of tempering, his martial arts are indeed different from that of Brave. Even if they show their real bodies to fight, it is difficult to say whether they will win or lose. When he used the shape-shifting pendant to take on the appearance of a human, he lost the advantage of his huge size. In addition, he was unwilling to use the life-for-life play that he was best at, so he suffered even more.

In less than thirty moves, Brave found a flaw in the axe's moves, and a sword hit his throat.

But Yuneruo didn't give up, he thought for a while, and said that he had something to say and wanted to fight again.

Of course Brave wouldn't say no, and he didn't want it to end so soon.

So they fought again, this time Yunero supported fifty or sixty moves.

Next, another hit, then another hit, and then another hit...

The two started to fight after breakfast, and they fought until the moon rose. In the end, they were both tired and too lazy to use their weapons, so they beat each other with fists, bruising each other's nose and face.

However, Uniono was never able to defeat Brave.

The gap between them has become smaller and smaller, but it still exists. Maybe it's just a line, but it's the line that he can't cross.

After being knocked to the ground by Brave again, Yuneruo muttered unconvincingly, "I clearly felt like I was going to knock you down just now!"

"You said that before sunset." Brave sat down too, gasping for breath, and said, "Although you've made great progress, you're still a little bit closer to defeating me."

He raised his hand and gestured with his index finger and thumb for a little distance that was about the thickness of a few strands of hair.

"Damn! Why can't I catch up with this little distance!"

"Because I'm making progress too." Brave smiled, "You're not the only one making progress."

After a while, he asked, "Do you still want to fight?"


So they fought again, this time for more than an hour.

After winning again, Brave looked up at the sky, watched the moon gradually rise, watched the stars, and let out a long breath.

"I think, I finally understand where I am wrong..."

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