Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 828: Great sea battle (below)

When the sun crossed the zenith, a message from Raisha appeared in the chat channel.

[Flying Eggplant Arrives: I saw the ship of the Southern Allied Forces! They are gathering towards Longyi Island. 】

[The very tired Prime Minister: How many ships are there? 】

[Feitian Eggplant arrives: There are eleven boats in total, three large boats, and the rest are small boats, nothing to be afraid of. 】

At this time, Atlas also added a sentence.

[Air Overlord will never crash: In several islands further south, there are also ships hurried out, heading towards Longyi Island. 】

[The prime minister with a very tired heart: It seems that they are going to gather at Longyi Island and then fight us to the death... Boss, what do you think? 】

[Actually, I'm really not ready to be a king: fight now! 】

After receiving the order, Raisha, who was hovering in the air, smiled.

She took out some chunky metal tubes and assembled them in the air.

"It's rare for me to shoot the first shot, I have to play it beautifully. This is a 'train gun aerial combat' knocked from the three pigeons (Gugu Saburo, a goblin master, good at designing and manufacturing all kinds of weird things). Type' can be considered useful today!"

She moved quickly, and in a short while, she assembled a super large gun with a barrel thicker than her waist. I saw that the gun was rough, covered with various colors of paint, and stuck with many feathers and bones. , no matter how you look at it, the style of painting is very strange, and it has nothing to do with "science".

The weight of this thing is not light, and Gugu Saburo is not the kind of craftsman who will consider the customer's feelings and make comfortable transformation of his products, so even if she tries to flap her wings and provide herself with as much buoyancy as possible, her body will still be affected. Little by little it fell down.

Fortunately, she didn't need a lot of time to prepare.

Just before the warships on the sea below noticed the enemy overhead, she took aim and pulled the trigger.

"Eat me!"

A thick green beam of light shot out from the gun barrel and shot towards the sea. The seemingly solid cannon quickly disintegrated, and countless metal fragments flew backwards, all hitting Laisha. She only had time to shout "Huh?" in confusion, and she turned into a light, was bombed to death, and returned to the city to be resurrected.

And after the green beam of light hit the sea, a loud thunder-like noise suddenly erupted, and then a huge wave at least six meters high suddenly rose up on the calm sea, surging towards the surroundings.

In the nautical manual, the waves of six to nine meters are called "mad waves". The waves of this level are quite dangerous. Fishing boats and the like have to stay in the port to avoid them. Even large sea ships will encounter certain dangers, such as aircraft carriers. , Ocean giants such as giants can not buy its account. But for the sake of safety, in fact, even if it is an aircraft carrier, it is also necessary to avoid the stormy waves of this level.

Because of the magic reinforcement, the ships in the Western World are much stronger than the small and medium-sized fishing boats on the earth, but it is too late to prepare for such a wave suddenly.

With the roar of the waves, several small boats were directly shot into the sea by the waves. Fortunately, they were only on one side of the hull, and they could float again. , will be suffocated alive in the cabin.

"what happened?"

"Where did the big waves come from?"

These messy and improvised "navy" suddenly panicked, some escaped, some wanted to save people, and there was no formation at all.

Just as they were busy, time passed little by little.

I don't know when, suddenly a lookout shouted: "Someone is coming!"


The captains of the temporary navy looked around and saw the vast sea, where is there a half-person figure?

"On... on the sea!"

Startled, the captains hurried up the mast and looked into the distance. Sure enough, many tiny black spots were approaching rapidly from the sea. They are all veterans of boating for many years, and they can estimate the speed of each other at a glance.

Amazingly fast! About half faster than the fastest Clippers.

"Who is that?"

"Maybe it's some sea creature..."

The sailors talked a lot, and they were all curious about the people who came from the sea.

But after a while, they stopped being curious and panicked.

Those who were galloping here turned out to be huge sea turtles, and on the turtles' backs, there were all fully armed lizardmen!

Although the sailors are not as well informed as the captain, they also know that the situation in the Sea Dragon Islands has become more and more tense recently. The Lizardmen forces on Longtou Island have been unified, and they have more than once expressed their intention to unify the entire Sea Dragon Islands and establish the Lizardmen Kingdom. . Therefore, the southern islands have also conducted more than one military exercise to run in the combined fleet and strengthen their combat capabilities.

They thought that this operation was just a military exercise, and they had been complaining that "No one will have a good rest during the New Year", but they never thought that the lizardmen really came over!

These scaly guys actually came over during the Chinese New Year!

"Damn it!"

"Also let no people New Year's Eve!"

"Fight them!"

Full of horror and anger, the sailors roared, vowing to fight the odious Lizardmen to the death.

However, they did not find a chance to fight to the death.

Yuneruo commanded the giant turtle cavalry, and he didn't really get close, just a stone's throw away from the combined fleet.

With the help of the wind, the arrows of the lizardmen archers could reach the combined fleet, but the arrows of the sailors of the combined fleet could not reach them. As for the ballista of the Combined Fleet...that thing is fine for shooting ships, but for shooting people? I am afraid that it takes the luck of drawing three gold cards in ten consecutive rounds!

The captains hurriedly changed course, trying to gain the upper wind. But how could a ship have the agility of turtles? No matter how hard they tried, the giant turtle cavalry always held the upper hand firmly, and shot arrows into the wind without rushing.

Among these arrows, occasionally there are one or two that are particularly powerful, which were shot by the sharpshooter Skye.

After about half an hour of fighting, the morale of the combined fleet gradually declined. To make matters worse, it was getting dark.

In the dark night, human vision will be greatly reduced, but the lizardmen with thermal vision can accurately find any flesh-and-blood body based on the difference in temperature.

Seeing that the sun was gradually falling near the horizon, the captains' faces turned pale, and more than one captain was thinking of running away.

However, at this moment, a whistling sound came down from the sky.

"Haha! It's finally my turn!"

Atlas laughed loudly, as if a meteorite fell directly, crashing into a boat, and the broad sword in his hand waved into a white light, but any sailor who got closer, either stumbled and retreated, or fell down with blood spurting.

He charged back and forth on the boat, and no one could resist him even a single move.

On the sea not far away, the First Fleet of the Sea Dragon Kingdom was fighting with the remaining ships of the Southern Islands United Fleet, which had arrived in a hurry. Commander Sinbad, who was transferred from a pirate to the navy a few years ago, shouted and commanded the fleet to firmly gain the upper hand.

The advantages of numbers and training are displayed vividly here, and even if the combined fleet is desperately resisting, it will soon collapse. One ship after another was roaring with flames, and the sailors screamed and jumped into the sea, giving up the fight.

They were even defeated earlier than the fleets that fought the giant turtle cavalry.

When the moon rose, the naval battle had come to an end.

The combined navy of the southern islands of the Hailong Islands was wiped out, either surrendered or turned into a big torch burning in the vast sea.

"We are victorious!" Yunero asked Atlas to drag himself into the air and declared victory. "Now, let's go to each island separately and accept their surrender."

"O! O! Victory!"

"Long live the king!"

"Also, don't waste too much time, go early and return early." Yuneruo shouted with a smile, "Be careful coming back late, you won't be able to catch up with our founding ceremony!"

The navy of the Sea Dragon Kingdom cheered even more enthusiastically and danced with excitement. More than one lizardman took off his armor and slammed his belly with his tail, the scales colliding and making a thud.

It's their unique way of celebrating victory, and they only do it when they're at their happiest.

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